
antistreamingfags btfo

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Very nice (y)

poorfags on suicidewatch

Now we just need This Heat & Cardiacs

>BREAKING NEWS: streamingfags finally have access to water and electricity

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I'm glad. It will be nice to listen to ITCOTCK on Tidal and while using my Bluetooth speaker.

Sell outs

It was just a matter of time. Give in, musicians!

Y’all Niggers Don’t Even Smoke Thrak

fucking finally, I'm sick of trying to show them to people who only stream music only to be cockblocked by fripp.

NO, FUCK Fripp how could you do this?
I thought you were above the plebs
this CANNOT be happening

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Cardiacs are on Apple Music

Cardiacs wont happen til he dies die user :(

april fools came late i guess

>just bought their entire catalog on friday for 160$ to reupload when Fripp dies

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>Fripp posting is dead

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Yes, can't wait for
King Crimson - Starless - 2019 Remastered from Red - 50th Edition
Thank you Fripp ?

the remasters are good, I have replaced my entire KC library with them

>"No!" Fripp thought. "This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!"

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guys im literally shaking and crying rn Fripp would never do this oh god oh fuck

no THRAK Box, no fucks given

Only care if they put their bootlegs on there. But I already have them all on my hardrive so still don’t care

Is this a jojo reference?

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>a "This is King Crimson" playlist will be instantly pushed by Spotify, amassing hundreds of thousands of followers
>Epitaph will be inevitably used in JoJo
>both will lead to the last bastion of the prog rock aut club being mass invaded by zoomers

I'm expecting a massive backlash
their whole discog will be labelled pleb by ass-blasted "patricians" by the end of the year

have sex.

>bought I Talk to the Wind the other week
>this’s happens

I want my fucking 99 cent back

Zoomers didn’t ruin Ween when Ocean Man became a meme, KC is safe too

based cant wait for this
ween was already a meme only listened to by autists
there was nothing left to ruin

The 50th anniversary isn't until October, which is probably when they'll start moving albums over. You're fine.

Hey! still doesn’t take away from the fact that I spent 99 cent. King Crimson owes me for this

It's not fair, I'm stull in jail for listening to it on Spotify.
Fripp you cunt you'll pay for this.

hey want some of those stream dollars

t. ass-blasted "patrician" who's afraid of having his special club invaded

How can you listen to these bands yet have such a hard time using torrents/soulseek?

Read the article. It's June 10th

buyfags btfo yet again, based fripp

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can we make larks tongues in aspic pt 2 rise to the top of the Spotify trending charts for our boys in red?

Fripp's handlers are abusing him. He would never stand for this himself.

Has Fripp had a stroke?
I mean that in a good way

>Epitaph will be inevitably used in JoJo
no. I refuse. Fripp wouldn't let them.

>not a meme for autists
wew lad

you sure about that?

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they are but not as much as ween


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dear god no. this can't happen

>tfw this will disappear

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King who? Another no name rym tranny artist?

They probably just use spotify on mobile. Not everyone has a 160gb ipod classic anymore I've come to realize

Maybe one day they'll invent some kind of tiny card to put inside your phone to give it more storage.

Sell out to what, you stupid nigger? An artist has the right to earn money for his work. Don't blame society if nobody wants to give you money for your oogaa boogaa rap.


Normies won't have the patience to listen to the whole of starless.

>he doesn't know how to add custom photos in musicbee

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fucking based

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>tfw Fripp is a weeb
I wonder if he knows about the hentai stuff named after his work

I don't listen to your gay British music. I listen to Billie Eilish, not this Fripp-Fag
Go get fucked by the Queen of England you fairy

If your experience with KC music is not only by shows you went to, then you must shut up.

>implying one of the most well-known prog bands in history isn't already popular with normies
I got into KC at 14, dude.

>extremely erect

I'm just waiting for Spacemen 3 to finally go on spotify but i don't think anyone knows who owns the rights

who cares about this virgin rock nerd shit

Lol suck it antistreamites

fucking finally
i refuse to listen to music that isn't on spotify

antistreamers gtfo have fun hoarding all your music on your hdd while i have access to the nearly entire world of streaming on my iPHONE

so what you’re saying is its on a spectrum

>paying for music


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Reminder that you can't stream mixtapes, obscure music, etc., that you don't own the music, and that you have to keep paying for it.
You should just pirate music, that's the best way to go.

>and that you have to keep paying for it.
you dont have to keep paying, you dont loose anything if you stop

inb4 the madman says it's all a lie right before tour

Did hell freeze over? Does that mean Mount and Blade Bannerlord will be released soon?


This. Talk about overdosing on bluepills

you do if you want to listen

paying the artist directly > paying a "service"

you can always switch to buying or pirating music

>Not just going on Spotify Web Player with an adblock

Pornhub and redtube will lose half of its users

>Spacemen 3
>calls King Crimson virgin rock nerd shit

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LOL Kanye informed the normalfags of KC around the time POWER dropped


This, and I fucking love Spaceman 3

Joanna on spotify when?

>GLUG GLUG GLUG! Bring me the bottle and leave it!

Can't wait and this is coming from someone who uses soulseek

Discipline is their best album

U should go and cuck someo-

Don't worry



I no longer wish for Robert Fripp's death.

Welcome to tthe 21st century, schizoid man

it literally takes 2 minutes to add local files to spotify and then sync with your phone

Okay, when?

Daily reminder Christgau considered King Crimson the worst band in history

>8TB external hard drive less than $150
why does anybody stream?

Does this mean i dont have to go to pornhub to escape the ever present eyes of Robert Fripp anymore

some people go outside, user

mods pls sticky

>An artist has the right to earn money for his work.

Yeah but Spotify doesn't give the artist jack shit for their work. They'd make more money selling one physical album a week then they would off Spotify which prevents people from buying their albums.

>go outside
>to web surf

Someone put it up on jewtube

Yeah because only alpha chads who spend all day outside playing sports listen to Spotify all day instead of just downloading an album to listen to offline somewhere that doesn't have wifi (like outdoors)

I'm gonna miss Frippposting

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the saddest part, he's been cucked



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>not paying to download any flac you want

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wow you sure showed us


i's on bandcamp

ooh, what software is that?


i dont even know what king crimson is outside of jojo
i listen to dnb

stream fags on suicide watch

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