Isn't it sad that the only good music that western videogame composers create are from indie games?
Isn't it sad that the only good music that western videogame composers create are from indie games?
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videogames are for children
ever heard wow soundtracks?
not really
triple-A games can just afford to buy pop music for their soundtracks.
music is also for children you fucking boomers
t. out of touch millenial
so is /mu
Do you think books are for children too?
Video Games rarely teach you anything, but music and books and anime and movies do.
Videogames make you more skilled at math and improves your reflexes
t. Expert videogamer pro
What did you learn from music?
I learned that if you are jewish and do pathetic attempts at country music the media will call you a legend.
Putting myself from someone else's point of view
Appreciating poetry
Improving imagination
Go back to r*ddit
me gusta
epic, epic for the win
le derp fap fap fap nailed it potato true story
AAA western music sucks just like film scores
youre right
>videogames are for children
then why do gaming companies research the 35 year old male demographic before making triple AAA titles?
>35 year old male demographic
>not children
this game any good? discussions on off boards seem better so may as well ask here
clown world
>men are women and adults are children
It's alright. Bosses get a little tedious, the visuals and music are fantastic. A decent spin on Contra-esque games, despite feeling kind of short. There's DLC coming out later this year that's adding a lot more content.
Fuck you, OP
eat a dick
jeremy soule - american composer
>needs more Kong
>le epin mde reference
neck yourself dumb redditor
>references reddit
chop your fingers off
at least i dont actually visit reddit unlike you
u should go there instead of shilling it on here
does this count
so you've never played DOOM, Nier Automata, or any nintendo title ever
if you know where it’s from doesn’t that also make you a dumb redditor
This. Music is a notable and established art form, it has produced decades worth of significant recordings that are full of value, insight, and depth like all classic works of art. Video Games are also "art" to an extent, but they are horrifically commercialized, and while there are a handful of wonderful video games with artistic merit to them, 90% of the medium boils down to lowest common denominator "le epic" bullshit. Furthermore video gamers themselves are and video gaming culture is filled with insufferable pseuds who themselves have little if any appreciation or understanding of art and culture
nice trips though
because these autists have been shitting up this place with their garbage memes for a while
The only games AAA developers make now are sandbox titles, and the more obtrusive the soundtrack is, the more you'll start to hate it after 40 hours.
GTA V OST was great
when i played cuphead i just muted the in game audio and listened to duke ellington
>not Diablo 2
>not AOE
I do this on every single game I play lol. Vidya ost's are fucking garbage 99% of the time
Depends on the studio, for 90% of them the music direction is an afterthought, it's just there for background and maybe a bit more effort is thrown in for certain scenes. Bungie is one of the major exceptions and since the Halo days they've always put effort into their music.
Darren Korb is still my personal favorite composer in the industry, because Supergaint's overall design work goes hand in hand with the music creation.
max payne 3 soundtrack. just saying.
what the fuck is MDE?
a shitty failed "comedy" show made by a neonazi hack
This one?
>inb4 Hyde is a neonazi hack
Sounds a very reddit thing to say desu
>mde fag
>calling others reddit
desu reddit lives rent free in /chan's head
>say Sam Hyde isn't a neonazi
>suddently I must like him or his show
Your reddit feels real hard
>not knowing Clown World as a meme is widely used in 4chinz
>reddit constantly raiding Yea Forums be it with yang gang or with the tranny influx in /r9k/
>suffer from reddit migration in 2016
>current year+3 and it still happens
>never been to reddit
>accused of being reddit daily on chan
>accused of being /pol on the next thread
chan is unironically a reddit commercial and all of chan is a pol commercial
I love video games but go out of my way to avoid the "culture" which is pretty hard since they wall to wall shit it up. Also fandom in general sucks, it's like if all the indie bands were forced to cover songs by major label artists until they bagged a record contract and daring to actually write your own material made you a pretentious interloper / reformer with no love or enthusiasm for the culture
You just proved OP point