It all sounds so
What do?
Swallowed the classical pill, can't enjoy normie music anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
do nothing
enjoy your refined tastes
But I can't bond with other normies over music.
Normies ostracize you if don't appreciate normie music.
Classical - play the same melody with 3 variations in pitch for an hour and a half. So complex. Much sophistication.
You haven't listened to much classical have you?
There's only a few dozen compositions in the canon, it's not particularly difficult.
Man this is so fucking wrong
Literally, never happened. Get yourself some taste.
Ah, so you haven't listened to much classical after all.
time to ditch the normies then
Most people are tasteless and stupid as shit, why would you want to bond with normies?
You're just being a pleb. Even the most spergy classical nerds still listen to a few other genres.
>Even the most spergy classical nerds still listen to a few other genres
Who said so? Classical is superior than popular music in every single aspect. When you start listening for classical for real you realize how obsolete pop music is.
Classical is usually superior in purely music structures, forms and emotional/philosophical depth, but it's not superior as simple, entertainment or dance music. The real redpill is accepting the fact that there are several different types of music in the world that serve different functions and that you can't compare them between each other. Traditional/folk and religious/sacred music or very old music in general is very simple as well most of the time, but that doesn't make it any worse than classical; they just serve different purposes.
>Traditional/folk and religious/sacred music or very old music
Often incorporated into Classical.
>religious/sacred music or very old music
Most of it can be considered Classical.
>Classical is superior than popular music in every single aspect
Not really. Although it is indeed superior to pop music most of the time when it comes to musical structures and general playing skills, emotional contender of classical music can be less complex than of some pop albums. And what people who listen to classical exclusively really overlook is the fact that music's quality, just like any other art form's, isn't defined by the quality of means of artistic expression solely, but rather by authenticity of them and the subject that they are used to reflect
>Often incorporated into Classical.
Yeah, after the 17th century, slowly but surely. That doesn't negate or kill actual traditional music though.
>Most of it can be considered Classical.
Maybe but definitely not all and it's not limited to just Western art music.
>emotional contender of classical music can be less complex than of some pop albums
Lmao, would love to know those pop albums.
>500+ years of music
>only a few dozen pieces in the canon
There isn't much point posting if you have no idea what you're talking about.
>Not really
Yes really. Classical annihilates popular music in all aspects.
>emotional contender of classical music can be less complex than of some pop albums
Just these 2 examples outdo 99% of emotion in popular music.
Not to mention instrumental music such as:
pls link a classical piece that's as rhythmically complex in the percussion department as this
Just keep listening until you realize that complexity is just as fucking boring and unoriginal as simplicity sometimes
you can't be fucking serious
Most of punk for anger
Deceit for the terror of war
Funk for groove
Psychedelic rock for psychedelic experiences of course
The Modern Dance, Y, No Record for nihilism
Ambient Techno for futurism
Shitloads of albums that deal with purely modern problems like future shock, urbanisation, globalisation, etc.
The list obviously goes on
There's an entire genre of classical called "New Complexity" (pic related - an actual score):
Xenakis has some fairly complex rhythmic stuff:
Nancarrow uses irrational time signatures:
Then there's more "traditional" weird time signatures such as Stravinsky:
The track you posted is pretty simple in comparison. Metal tends to use about 0.05% of what is possible in music. If you don't know what an irrational time signature is, you can't use it, and are therefor limited by your knowledge.
>mgla fans everyone
Good thing there is both simple and complex classical music, and all shades in between.
If all you care about is structure then I could understand having such an opinion, but personally I like music because of the way it actually sounds, and there are vast arrays of sounds that are not utilized by classical music at all. Which isn't meant as an insult, it's just an observable fact for any kind of music you care to name.
lol metalheads are so fucking retarded
>If all you care about is structure
Nobody does this.
>personally I like music because of the way it actually sounds
Just like all of us, buddy.
>there are vast arrays of sounds that are not utilized by classical music at all
Such as? Genuinely interested.
Of course, classical has great variety. But OP specifically mentioned simplicity, repetition and melodrama.
Classical makes use of all the instruments present in popular music. There is no limit to the sounds a composer can make use of.
Classical composers pioneered electronic music in the late 1950s:
If you want drone / soundscape stuff, classical has that too:
If anything popular music is the one with the limited timbral palette - pop artists don't fully understand all the extended techniques that instruments are capable of, while classical composers learn these as a matter of course.
Your average band musician has no idea what sul ponticello bowing is, or what sound a bassoon makes when you take the reed out and make percussive sounds with your tongue on the empty mouthpiece, or how to use microtones.
Its an observable fact that popular musicians just don't have the knowledge to evoke the depth of timbre as classical composers, especially contemporary ones.
Of all the music in the world, you think classical music is the one that is missing vast arrays of sound. This board never ceases to amaze me with its stupidity.
Keep listening to classical music. Eventually you’ll see it’s flaws as well (way too much adherence to a tradition based in form and cadence, general long windedness in musical expression which leads to even more overt melodrama especially romantic era, formalization of orchestration which long term limited the textural possibilities overall, general formulaic approaches that can be seen on the individual composer/era level, etc.) Or at least that’s what happened to me.
None of these are percussion-based pieces.
Varese's Ionisations.
>tradition based in form and cadence
Classical era =/= classical music in general.
>general formulaic approaches
lol anything but, but okay.
>Keep listening to classical music
Thanks, I will. I have about 600 years of music to go.
Why does it have to be for percussion? Anything, literally the first piece written solely for percussion instruments ever is more interesting.
Listen to prog. It's the best of both worlds.
If you're sick of perfect cadences and common practice-era sensibilities, just listen to 20th century classical, or renaissance music where they love modes and half cadences.
In any period where you have generally accepted norms, you have a bunch of guys breaking those rules. Gesualdo in the renaissance, Beethoven and Mozart in the Classical era, Debussy in the romantic era, etc.
It kinda is though. It’s always either the same old orchestrated sounds or some kinda abstract electro acoustic/concrete sounds. You don’t even need to mention how popular music uses a variety of effects to vary up even the most basic sounds, something as simple as the disturbing lack of saxophones (which was due to shallow reasons not practical ones) in classical is a good example of this.
It applies to all types of music, by necessity. People who have tied their identity too closely to classical music always fail to understand this argument, such as who is so stupid they think that "classical uses all the instruments" and "academically trained musicians know techniques that untrained musicians don't" is some kind of refutation of the point
It really isn't though. It seems you haven't heard that much classical music apart from a few early pioneers and le big lush orchestra sound.
I think my usage of the term era made it pretty obvious. I don’t know what that has to do with cadence resolutions being ubiquitous across eras (same with movement structuring, overuse of sonata/rondo forms past classical, etc.). If you think that gallant style classical or Bach using the BACH progression all the time or annoying trill cadences aren’t formulaic, you haven’t picked up on them. Seems like you’re still too new to understand what I am talking about.
You didn't specify percussion, but one of them was fully percussion based (the Ferneyhough bone alphabet video). There are quite a few complex percussion only pieces if you really want to get into it...
I fucking hate these dumb threads. If you like classical music you listen to classical music, end of the question. You don't need to tell everyone you like classical music.
t. I only listen to classical music, but I don't need to ask dumb shit questions about how my life will be. Kill yourself if you don't have the strenght and indipendence to listen to classical music without letting everyone know or without caring about normies. Fuck normies, fuck you. Nobody cares.
You’re unable to list any real examples and just say “lel you don’t know.” Meanwhile I gave one of the sax and the virtual unlimited possibilities of DAWs. Not very convincing from you. Hell, you didn’t even notice that my example even included electronic composers as well. You’re being careless here.
I'd argue if you want a trip, late Liszt and late Sibelius take the rules to breaking point.
>Most of punk for anger
Beethoven, Mahler, Shostakovich etc symphonies.
>Deceit for the terror of war
Shostakovich and other USSR composers.
>Funk for groove
Not about emotions, but rhythm, which classical does better.
>Psychedelic rock for psychedelic experiences of course
There's a shitton of works based on psychedelic feelings in classical.
>The Modern Dance, Y, No Record for nihilism
>Ambient Techno for futurism
Eletronic music and Futurism were made by classical composers.
>classical uses all the instruments
Contemporary composer can make use of any instrument they like. Electric guitar, drumkit, synthesiser, they can even make tracks in the DAW and add live musicians.
>academically trained musicians know techniques that untrained musicians don't
that's part of what academic training gives you: knowledge of all the unusual techniques to get interesting timbres out of regular instruments. Popular musicians never really learn this. They can experiment and try to reinvent the wheel, but classical composers start with all the knowledge they need, then are free to innovate without needing to waste time inventing the overtone series from scratch.
listen to music that isn't classical or normie
you're not looking hard enough
Here you go
Also it's silly to think classical music and DAWs are mutually exclusive.
Bach travelling through the circle of fifths, Schumann and Brahms spamming hemiolas, Beethoven's I-V-I obsession... Every composer had their repeated ticks, it's actually quite interesting.
>Funk for groove
ok, retard
Classical music certainly has less trash than a lot of other genres but listening just to classical music doesn’t make your music tastes superior. Even pop albums can achieve the level of expression and elegance that classical music gets to. So hop off your high horse
Renaissance music feels more ubiquitous in the textures/dynamics realm for me personally considering music back then didn’t have instruments as fancy as what came later. If I was younger I would probably still be listening to more 20th century stuff, but I’ll be honest when I say I don’t have the time/patience to understand the more fancy and wild custom composition systems of certain ppl. Like, I guess it’s really cool how some of Ferneyhough’s rhythms sound human because they are nested tuplets so it’s like uneven beats inside even beats. But his note choices make no sense to me. I got sick of Beethoven one time when I was listening to OP 133 and realized how overlong his development sections are in his sonata forms.
I like some classical pieces but the rest is just too fucking long.
>irony of the shortness of the list and the relative newness of sax integration doesn’t hit him
>he doesn't know WHY the sax wasn't included sooner
It's okay, I already know you don't have a clue about classical.
>Even pop albums can achieve the level of expression and elegance that classical music gets to
It really cannot. There's so many traits in classical that isn't or are very rare in pop music that it's not even fun. Just take a look at some:
Weird time signatures.
>partial repertoire list
b-b-b-but my favourite pop star said he wants to die over a 6/8 beat :'( so emoshonull!!!!111
>Beethoven, Mahler, Shostakovich etc symphonies.
Anger itself is a very primitive emotion, so it doesn't really require to be reflected as complex as in these symphonies, so it's actually a case of means of artistic expression and the subject of reflection being not authentic
>Shostakovich and other USSR composers
More accurate counterexample, but still, even their pieces that sound least militaristic rather try to describe the terror of war, whereas Deceit strucks it
>Not about emotions, but rhythm
Not exactly. Groove is avery special kind of rhythm that, on the one hand, is cathy and rocking, and on the other is consistent and volumentric, so though classical does have more complicated rhythms, their lack of simlicity is the exact reason why they are less groovy, even in examples like >There's a shitton of works based on psychedelic feelings in classical
Would actually like to get some reccs on them since the only thing that comes to my mind is Poem Of Ecstasy
>Eletronic music and Futurism were made by classical composers
I'm absolutely aware of that fact but it doesn't mean that non-classical musicians couldn't take what these composers had founded to another level which is even unnecesarily better but just is in its own league
>There's a shitton of works based on psychedelic feelings in classical
Interestingly enough, Symphonie Fantastique is an opium trip.
>primitive emotion doesn't really require to be reflected as complex
>it's actually a case of means of artistic expression and the subject of reflection being not authentic
The average mindset of a pop music clown.
Shortness is a talent's sister. If some composition evokes particular emotions in you after 2 minutes and another one evokes the very same emotions in 10 minutes, than it's worse than the first one. There's no need to present 2 + 2 as ((8 + (2 : 6) - (7 : (3 * 4 - 9)) : 3 * 2)^(i^2) to figure out it equals 4
>measuring the worthiness of an art by numbers or length
None of those things are required for a song to be good. Carole Kings music moves me as much as Bach’s.
you can bond over literally anything else you fucking autist. nobody wants to be your friend, anyway
>classical isn't normie music
Newsflash: some classical is great
Newsflash: some classical is shit
Newsflash: some pop is great
Newsflash: some pop is shit
Not measuring but representing, not worthiness but worthlessness, not by numbers or length but by amount of unnecessary operations, it got all over your head
Consider listening to jazz. Also, simple and repetitive doesn't mean bad, and you'd know that if you really understood classical.
Jazz is just nigger gibberish.
Your post is just fat fuck gibberish