/gg/ guitarheterosexual & bassheterosexual general

*NOT* cl_ _ _o edition thats 4 dang sure

>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

boop boop

Attached: hee hee hee.jpg (603x636, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw only a Gibson™is good enough

Attached: LPMCJASCH1-Finish-Shot.jpg (990x400, 161K)

>tfw you know this and still play a Peavey our of spite

the last thread had 140 replies.

Nobody plays guitar.

is an average score of 75% on that musictheory ear test, good enough to stagnate at?

rate my song pleeesss

What is this? Two tones one volume? Two volumes one tone? What a retarded DIY youtube guitar build garbage design in general

what makes you think it's two tones one volume and not the opposite? fuckin retard

Fuck you, asswipe. Henry was a misunderstood genius.

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What do you expect from a general mostly occupied by one shill, one shitposter and a tripfag that keeps changing his name when the other two filter him?

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why does my new bass sound like a toy in comparision to this vid?
pls help i'm in tears

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What makes someone go for three knobs in the first place? Go for 4, 2 or 1 on hair metal machines. 3 is just stupid (goes for strats too)

to each his own
thinkin about it, i wish my tele had 3 volumes and think 4 knobs (to have equivalent tone knobs) would be too much

Is it just me or these strings shit/inconsistent? Some packs I open are great but other times the strings come like crap and feel almost like they're slightly worn. Should I try D'Addario next?

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plot twist: these three people are all the same person

Too loud compared too drums
no compression
maybe a bit bright, but outside a full band mix it's hard to tell

I never got on with Slinkys and only use Daddarios on my electrics.

I did like GHS boomers ages ago, but for a while they were coming pre-rusted and I stopped using them

is it bad to open tuning with new strings? or there is something wrong with my acoustic guitar? every time i changed my 1st its always break, i tune it to e/d/c#

you went completely out of the question, why does it sound like a toy in comparision to the reference. do you want me to upload it without the drums for a farer comparision?

of course it does idiot you're tuning it super high

I'm embarrassed to say it, but I fell for the meme.

I squenched a smelly log of ass-butter out of my kakabutt. I had read that kaka was the secret to playing great guitar, so I smushed up the kaka and rubbed it into my frets, all over my strings, under my pickup covers... everywhere. I even took one of the last kaka pebbles out of my butt and smushed it into the output (it's not called an input, guys) jack of my guitar.

Now I have a guitar with my own shit on it and my scales sound terrible.

Does it take some time for the kaka to "bake in" or is there something I'm missing?

high? it's e string/1st string it's standard and the highest possible, how is it super high?

does it look like samuel's guitar now?

right, what strings did you tune to d and c#

1st, i tuned my 1st to e/d/c# and after some plays and tuning it just breaks i guess i need something checked the bridge or something later


you mean you kept changing the tuning? yeah maybe it's the bridge




I dont see a downside to having no soul

yeah just except that youre desperate for someone to tell you have soul in your playing

Nigga just listen to it and give me feedback

not worthy of my time

do people really call it an input

Is this a good guitar /gg/?
I'm only starting out learning chords and basic songs but having a lot of fun

Attached: IMG_20190407_162421 - Copy.jpg (1728x2304, 1.16M)

For starting out that's pretty good user. Have fun!

Why are the F and F#m chord shapes so magical

You can play like 15 different chords with it depending what fret you’re on

I made up a new tuning system. There is DADGBE, which lets you play power chords on the bottom 3 strings, so I dropped the G to E. This way I can use all the notes in the instrument, rather than just the ones on the bottom 3 strings.

Them P90s will make a lot of noise when you plug that thing in but looks like fun and you should probably learn to control that hum eventually anyway.

You’re guessing what notes to play. You’re not listening to the backtrack. You have no build, no tension or release. You’re just guessing, which is extremely obvious because literally every 4 notes you hit are out of key. It’s the equivalent to mindlessly scribbling on a piece of paper and calling it art.
No wonder you’re so fucking lonely all the time, you’re a fraud.

This makes me mad

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crazy isnt it


good free ampsim that works with bass?

Pirated guitar rig

guys i'll be the one to ask a dumb question here, how does one practice playing guitar? i """know""" how to play because i can make a song out of chords and not break my fingers while doing that, but how do you improve? like, my friends can improvise on the spot and they can play pretty much anything, and there's me. sometimes i pick up my guitar and go "alright what the fuck do i do now"
any advice how to ACTUALLY learn to play?

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get fuckin lessons

im gonna guess your friends can improvise well because they spent hours practicing over backing tracks.

before that you gotta practice your scales and know the fretboard better

look up pebber brown on youtube

Thanks for the feedback

Sorry if it was harsh but sometimes people need to be pushed. Everything I said was true.

I've got a quick question about replacement parts. My bass uses 2x 2MB0007LBK and 2x 2MB0007RBK tuners from Ibanez originally. Those tuners here look identical from what I can tell, but I'm not sure if they are a match. Does anyone know if they are the same or if I'll end up having to drill new holes or something if I get these?

Attached: tuners.png (1014x390, 134K)

Thanks for the feedback

bass is way too busy, otherwise its ok. with this style of song you need to have really good lyrics too

omg based

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Anyone here play classical guitar?

Rumba flamenco and general fingerstyle

and how are my lyrics

You're the faggot that bought that piece of shit pieced together Ibanez bass that was "hand made by a luthier". aren't you?

most tuners use the same hole dimensions

Lmfao yup thats spammy

Saved this from /prod/

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Imagine being so amateurish that you don't even own a Gibson. Never gonna make it.

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Timestamp of yours?

>own a Gibson
the greatest riff ever wasn't made for Gibsons

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not him my bass sounds great thanks

guys my les paul is sounding great with the new bridge and tailpiece, will deliver a clip in a minute

Gibsons are outdated. The headstock isn't even optimized for tuning stability. And it has a headstock.

You'll never be taken seriously in this new era of guitar as a niche instrument if you use something that says "i came here to play crazy train and fuck bitches, and i'm afraid to talk to girls". Hard rock stars are dead and dismissed. The only classics people still respect are single coil guitars. Gibsons have their place in history and they need to stay there. What you need now son, is a .Strandberg*.

More like Les Paulished turd lmao

Attached: Strandberg-Blog-Edited.jpg (1600x1067, 298K)


>Hard rock stars are dead and dismissed.

just started and the links in the op are ded, what do
I have a question, I can read a tab, I know some chords, but how do I play that ? I don't understand
is it one chord over and over then another one ?

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this general is circlejerking, they don't really care about playing the guitar, they are just posers

none of the websites are working, wtf


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So, you own a broken-off headstock and a case?

get it. I hoped to learn something

Look, it's the guys that get outsold by racially ambiguous kids mumbling about their fortnite skills on soundcloud.

>spent all his money on a grandpa guitar
>didn't have enough money left over for clippers

they're not a pop group, genius. And still, they're fucking big.

I can’t really post here much because I got a super hot girl friend. I played her some John Mayer and TTNG and she gave me an over the pants HJ

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listen to the song if you want to imitate it. these are just where the chord changes are in relation to the vocal melody. learn some strum patterns or just do what the original does

Also, learn songs that aren't written by eurotrash

>les paul $1000
>fender american strat $1000
>strandberg $2500

/gg/ is too poor to shill those and too untalented to justify even wanting to buy one

>he clips his strings

Never gonna make it lmfao

Attached: Buckethead.jpg (1600x1068, 1.04M)

you all suck

t. roman

ah I see
and no thank, I prefer the songs of my people, amerimuttan music is trash

I cant stand that shit

does anyone play their electric in the classical position. regular makes my shoulder sore.

>plays a non-european instrument

haha poser

it's the only way i can play or my left wrist hurts like hell

all music instruments originate from europe
(except for the didjeridoo or whatever it's called)

This guitar has two too many strings.

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Multiscale: Meme or based?

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That crooked pickup is an aesthetic abomination.

Pickup and bridge is usually angled on multiscale

Sammy seems like cool dude, other than fucking trannies and missaligning tele bridges

real guitars have at least 7

6 strings have been dumbed down so they may be usable by anime reaction image users

Attached: Raines_7-String_Classical.jpg (699x612, 329K)

Has it uses in some genres but mostly a meme overall

for me yes I don't like how it feels the other way

a meme if you play in a standard or near-standard tuning

not a meme for downtuning because you're a closeted bass player who sometimes does a guitar solo

I believe this argument because the number one qualification for being an expert on guitars is complaining about anime on an anime website.

You must be pretty new. Reaction images are a neo-Yea Forums meme. In better days you would be banned on good boards for overusing them.

Who is your favorite anime guitarist, /gg/?

Mine is Yui Hirasawa because she plays the most adequate guitar ever made, the Gibson Les Paul Standard.

Attached: 1535458546497.jpg (1920x1080, 453K)

check it out bros. guitar fetish all brass locking bridge and gotoh aluminum tailpiece.


>tfw after you finally got the nice guitars bass and recording gear, your hands are seriously ill and you dont have the time or drive to play anymore and you lost the creative flow and your head has gone fuckin slow

Return of the king

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>Rumba flamenco
Not classical

No chance. Give up when you can transcribe as fast as someone can play.

You can really hear the brass

Yea sorry, I play it on a classical though cuz no money for a proper flamenco guitar

I wanan fuck this lil tart!

Wish he'd pursue the black metal project again. Demarcus from /prod/ should drop his trap shit and focus on dungeon synth. That would be a sick split release.

Beautiful. Just so you know, two of the replies are 900fag with his trip removed.

it sounds a lot better than the old bridge. the 2khz harshness is lesser and the tone is more round and lively

The official verified list of memes of the decade: headless guitars, fanned frets, 8+ string guitars, "djent is metal", "fusion is prog", "tubes are irreplaceable".

How to play barre chords on that shit

>playing rhythm guitar
What a leadlet.

i'm barring the a chord and the asus4 with the ring and middle fingers because my index still hurts,,, am i the next django?

multiscale? what does that even mean

Needs compression. Roll back your tone knob and the treble on the amp somewhat. If you're using fuzz, add more dry signal (if your pedal allows) to recover some of the lost low end.

>he fell for the meme

How come the timestamps are never of the full body with headstock ?

Lmfao @ musiciansfriend stupid deal of the day today

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I love how retards will buy anything these days

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I don't, but I've been meaning to get into it. Is there any advantage in learning on a < 50$ shitty classical guitar to figure out the proper technique?

Better. Tad less treble still though.

the treble is necessary for cutting trough instaud.io/3wuj


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Based and Gibson-pilled

Attached: japan-gibson.png (848x372, 35K)

Okay that sounds pretty good in the mix like that. If it sounds too muddy when you roll off the treble a bit, try boosting mids a little and see how that sounds to you. I think you're well inside territory of good enough here though. Getting stuff to sound like professionally recorded tracks is difficult.

how to improve the mixing, you seem to know stuff

Oh I dunno that much. My whole approach to audio mixing is a lot of 'that sounds... off somehow, maybe move this knob or add this effect or twiddle with this other thing' etc. A lot of trial and error. Just trust your ears. Ask bandmates for input.

Reposting because you niggas hate me.

So I inherited my dad's Washburn and I want to actually put it to use, unlike his 2 years of occasional playing followed by 5 years of dust collection. So, how should I go about this? I've never played in my life, but would like to. It would improve my dexterity and hand-eye coordination some.

Thoughts? I have zero idea what I tuned it to, I used my ears.

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You can learn anything on youtube

thats what i do too but i cant seem to get the mix better than this current state.
i'm doing this by myself on my bedroom, playing everything and programming the drums.
ironically enough, i didnt show up for my actual band recording session today morning because i forgot about it and went to sleep too late on the internet.

wtf this conversation? neither posts make sense

Hokie dokie. First, let's get that guitar back in to playing shape. You will need:

>digital tuner
>fretboard cleaner (you can use naphtha if you like)
>pure mineral oil from pharmacy or amazon
>new set of strings

Remove old strings, clean fretboard by dabbing a bit of fretboard cleaner on a cotton piece of cloth. Paper towel tends to shred when you do this so cloth is better. Old t-shirt works fine. Give it a good once over. Allow a few minutes to dry. With clean cloth, rub a bit of mineral oil in to the wood. Allow 10 minutes to soak in, then wipe off the excess. Put on new strings, consult youtube tutorials for how to adjust truss rod, intonation, and tuning. Always do it in this order: bring to standard tuning, adjust truss rod, adjust intonation, then tune again.

>ironically enough, i didnt show up for my actual band recording session today morning because i forgot about it and went to sleep too late on the internet.

you rack a disciprine

Impressions my dude, I could basic noise if you want desu

Thanks user, now might I ask what strings would go well for a low-end ion tuning? (I'm thinking for the sake of how long it's been strung without use.)

>anime website
this is a /pol/ website and has been since 2012.
it's the jews' world, you're just living in it.

>buzzes bridge and breaks headstock

gibson is absolute shit

a harp has a multiscale.
a piano has a multiscale.
it's only proper that all string instruments have a multiscale.
>multiscale banjos, bois.


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please lessen the feedback on the vocal effect slightly so it's lower volume than the actual vocal.
and that open hi-hat is just static.

You are like a little baby.

Watch this.

Attached: 281538224.jpg (600x313, 25K)

>bend note
>get that "bent off the edge of the fretboard" sound

>you are poorer than me because i can afford a $2000 guitar, while you have a $5000 guitar

nice logic, gibson brainlet

I love that sound. I use it as a trumpet imitation.

if you do it at the 8th fret high e you can get a seagull sound.


Sounds like you're not muting the low string

Le washburn tuning

Attached: 1554608060164.jpg (250x181, 6K)

is that intolerable

yes, muting is even more important on the bass than on the guitar. if you don't mean to play a chord, then mute all the other strings.

if you want to be an actual bass player, good muting should become second nature to you

Oh no it already happened

Attached: IMG_20180101_115959.jpg (1920x2592, 621K)


it's too hard

post moar

this desu

what i do about the hihat?

what are you using for the open hi-hat track?
you could eq it by scooping 2k-4k and adding a low pass filter above 12k if it's live drums.
if it's a drum sample program like ez drummer you could just choose a better sample or turn the volume down on that specific track, or lower the midi note velocities for the open hi-hat.

So... I have a space on my pedal board.

Starting at top left, in chain order
Power pack
Darkglass A/O

What do I get?

Attached: pedalybo.jpg (1920x1440, 310K)

>what do I get?
a better camera, Jesus Christ

Attached: 1554507424540.gif (200x200, 788K)

drunk and don't like turning lights on when drunk

What's up with all those 60s /70s guitar players who would rather use their thumb on the low E string instead playing a barre cord with their index?

>Darkglass A/O
why is your overdrive after everything else?


medication to treat your parkinson's disease

because they're more advanced.

Wut? Just tune to standard.

maybe they just had big hands back then

I rarely use it in combination with anything (other than compressor), but in that order I can get some pretty gnarly sounds if band are doing heavy/crescendo type stuff... I've tried it both ways - started off with it the other way round, but it sounds "better" for what I want.

MBV type sound

thumb on E is the natural endgame for any good blues guitarist, it just suits that playing style really well


When I learned to play classical style my speed increased greatly and I haven't had
any pain even playing Barre chord songs for several minutes at a time

ezd as the rest of the kit
ok ill find a smoother sample. i picked that one because on the original song it's very trebly.

just lower the velocity on the open hat hits in the piano roll.
open hats are sometimes fucky with sampled drums.

cute a-user~

>and now, let's change its tuning

Buncha dumbfucks

YESSS... oh my.... pumting the headstock of my DEEN up my buthole feel GOOOOOD

Attached: 55680203_2164493910296560_3370992858512228352_n.jpg (480x650, 29K)

haha yes jab a two headstock pointys directly into my prostate gland

>not sounding with it

Attached: gay.gif (245x245, 528K)

>imagine pretending to be gay on the internet
Imagine if hes really not pretending

>rent free

But Schecter is by far the best of these brands

If were talking about the korean made ones schecter and dean are from the same factory. So schecter should be next to dean.

imagine pretending to be straight during your day to day life

no u


fuck self.

but the lady doesn't do a big cumb until it's a Dean tho...?

Except Schecter does it's QC and setup in the US

i have a taylor from 1997, an i brought it in for a tune up. and i feel like they were judging me for not taking care of it. also they said it was a classic. but it is in pretty good shape for having been played and used.

cool story. pic?

this post offends me

My latest dean was setup at the factory in tampa fl.

your latent homosexuality offends me

Let’s try to get along this thread :)

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>tfw i wake up and everyone has been bullying jcum all day

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thats weird. maybe it's because youre a latent homosexual

what a sad life yours is

>mfw sadboi life 4evah

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Why are you hiding?

Where's the rest of the guitar

Justin pls

guess the song.

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fuck off loser

did you try it and realize what it was?

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played it and didnt remind of any song

I put this together. Warmoth body and neck and nocaster pups. Sounds amazing. What do you think?

Attached: 20190405_201444.jpg (4032x1960, 2.67M)

Looks good to me

>Sounds amazing

>I did a job Mexicans at the Fender plant in California do for minimum wage
Wow. Amazing. You clean toilets too?

Attached: 180px-PennLeft.png (180x191, 50K)

I hate it

>his toilet is pic related

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>three saddles

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uh oh quick someone call jcums mom!!

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No, first time poster.
Thanks for the info.

And paid half the price for exactly what you want

Why is your mom too busy being od'd on the couch at tyrones?

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I really wish you'd fuck off

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Feels good to not know that feel.

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Who does this belong to? I can't imagine someone being into Roland Synth Guitar and also into fake relic shit, looks like someone died and their relatives threw their guitar away.

>"good enough"
it's a brand for half-asses.


>tfw only a Gibson™is good enough

Attached: buckethead.jpg (1900x1450, 1.71M)

best finger picking songs? preferably instrumental

Attached: i9g92n4yo8111.jpg (720x720, 75K)

I hate Gibson necks
>sticky shiny poly finish

>thinks a dude that needs a shtick is not half-assing it

>Poly finish

laughing my ao

>damage control

Attached: a98d2.jpg (725x796, 109K)

>posts a famous fender player that did his best work on a fender

>more damage control

Attached: PM2832522.jpg (615x409, 32K)

>'shitson' hahaha get it? its crap... overrated and it sucks, and they recently went bankrupt only dumb boomers buy that trash. I love my telecaster!

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>he posts a circular argument
i've already won, user.


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for me its jackson

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and i quote
>"circular argument"

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Should I buy this? Seems like this shouldn't be available anymore with the rosewood ban in effect. Pretty good price when you consider what fender charges for one.


>$850 for no electronics



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lole oh boy looks like we got a live one here boys

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You will also love the sound of those p90s. They sound better than either a Strat or a humbucker.

>he fucks around and gets a triple double

>tfw only a Gibson™is good enough

Attached: ericjohnson-01.jpg (800x533, 71K)

was it eaten by mice?

You mean Drop D tuning?
It’s pretty cool. A lot of Grunge songs used it to great effect.

>i-i was t-trolling

Attached: 1491729773043.jpg (596x800, 79K)

Macmull : only Macmull can suffice.

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because of the cheesy-ass neck profile?
fucking tree trunks.

And everything else is better.

>because of the cheesy-ass neck profile?
>fucking tree trunks.

Attached: FOX AND THE GRAPES.png (464x430, 90K)

Macmull. Surplus greatness.

Attached: IMG_8391@0,5x.jpg (2069x919, 1.03M)

I Think, Therefore Macmull.

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>t. classic

Attached: 1554581162741.jpg (232x293, 11K)

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Macmull.

Attached: serveimage (5).jpg (2560x1707, 312K)

That's cheap as hell. For roughly $400 more you can have something that's on the same level as this. Telecasters are super simple builds.


instead of more brand fanboying and shit posting-

what are you favorite bands and guitarists right now?

what's your current manin guitar and what are you eyeing next (if anything)

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>needing to argue about who's washed up dad guitar brand is better
cringe and deanpilled

Who is the penultimate player and why is it Mateus Asato

The one and only Macmull.

Attached: Macmull-T-Classic-01.jpg (993x1280, 218K)

>none of the posts even mention dean
Holy fucking rent free

>washed up dad guitar brands

Attached: image1.jpg (320x320, 27K)

>posts pic of a dude with verebral and mocks him
Wow youre a real man. Watch out everyone.

>a sad little lonely man thinks he's something other than a cautionary tale for the entire general to collectively laugh at and punch down on
the ultimate deanpill yikes

Macmull - when nothing else will do.

Attached: dsc03871.jpg (2560x1707, 353K)

Who the fuck is it?

>Wow youre a real man. Watch out everyone.

Attached: 13525366_687095068106137_1437246951_n.jpg (480x480, 38K)

>because for Chad only the best will do

Attached: the chad guitarist.jpg (698x930, 131K)

What's verebral

>Gibson's nervous laughter in the face of Macmullification.

>Stacy has no idea what any of this gibberish means

Attached: big_katy-perry-guitar-action_.jpg (402x374, 25K)

>twf only the best is good enough

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thats the spirit

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Now ITT: Ugly guitars and the anons that love them

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A Macmull costs more than a Katy Perry.

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inb4 Dean

Yeah but you can have Katy Perry for $20 and a line.

>Stacy: lole wut (too busy rockin' out)

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What the hell justifies their $6k price tag?

lole heres ur new thread guise

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Too soon

not soon enough

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perfect for if you ever need to kill someone with your guitar

Attached: jackson roswell rhoads.jpg (900x452, 181K)

>Instructions too complex. Broke dick in ceiling fan

Attached: 38927_e4Xr1c-maEPoGh2E_23717.jpg (640x226, 34K)


you want a yui thread instead

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is this randy rhoads prototype? looks cool

perhaps the stupidest thing I saw this year

I meant to write cerebral palsy

No. It's a Roswell Rhoads.

Ever try a mirror? What you see might amaze you

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le me le destroed

Attached: [FC]_NewYear'sGift_4.jpg (1150x1000, 189K)

you guys like guitar

Attached: tacoguitar1a.png (717x463, 459K)

w-will you t-teach me guitar like t-this senpai?


Jackson Roswell Rhoads is Randy Rhoads signature but with "alien" inlays added.
