Devin Townsend

Why Yea Forums doesn't talk about him more?

>Be a popular musician
>Make alot of albums
>Still be ignored by major music reviewers like P4k and Theneedledrop

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Other urls found in this thread:

his song The Greys is really good, and Strapping Young Lad have great albums like City but he looks like a young, fat Stanley Tucci

He has a ton of great albums.

Just listen to this

Because he isn't predictable, that causes discomfort, which is not attractive to plebs with the attention span of a squirrel

>autistic comedy prog metal
There's a reason people don't talk about it.

he bald

I'm not into his work, but I appreciate his sincere passion towards music.

As if Yea Forums doesn't like musicians that are as sperg-lordy as THEY are

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Hes become entirely predictable. I was hoping that him disolving the DTP would change things up a bit, but nope. Same old 'epic' choral prog he's been making for ten years.

Thanks user

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he makes some of the most boring music ever

I meant predictable as in the chordal structure and dynamic nature of Devin. Yes he is predictable in his signature sound but musically he is second to none. I'll admit I haven't listened to 'Empath' in it's entirety yet, and the reveal song didn't quite click with me. Anyhow, the last DTP record took probably 10-25 full playbacks to appreciate it, and I can say 'Transcendence' is my favorite DTP record.

The vast majority of his albums have no comedy in them, and not all of his albums are even prog metal.

You would have known if you actually listened to his work.

He isn't "predictable".

Listen to this song and tell me what you think:

Another garbage post by the worst tripfag of this entire website

What was the problem with my post?
In my opinion it was far better than your post

Wow I really enjoyed that, as a bassist I always appreciate how full and punchy his production is. As for the song it was great, very dynamic sonically. I love his signature use of a choir, very uplifting, fitting for the title of the album. I have the album downloaded in FLAC I just like to listen to albums uninterrupted as a full body of work.

>Yea Forums
>discussing good music
Pick one

Yea Forums discusses alot of good music tho

He's a pedophile

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Because Broadway style musical metal is fucking gay.

I don't know how much of a meme this guy is. I listened to 5-10 minutes of his new album and turned it off.

I really really hope all these threads on him are ironic

He is not a meme. his best work is his older work, tho his newest album was decent enough.

Try this:

Attached: Ocean_Machine.jpg (600x600, 149K)

Ocean Machine is legitimately one of the best metal albums ever made and an absolute classic, and he made a ton of good albums besides that.

he deserves to be discussed

>Why Yea Forums doesn't talk about him more?
What are you talking about? There's several threads about him a day lately. You'd think you'd have noticed - you made most of them.

This maybe the third time i make a thread about him this week

holy shit.... this is terrible.

I made threads about him only like, three times this entire week.

>song is 8 minutes long
>Comment was sent 3 minutes after i showed you the song

I'm sure you actually took your time to listen to it and give it a fair chance user

I've been a fan of Dev's work since I first heard the song 'wrong side' on a metal mix cd from a magazine. Like most SYL fans I transitioned to his solo work via Ziltoid and i'm still a fan today, i've noticed however lately that alot of his fanbase are mindless nuthuggers who can't handle criticism or subjective opinion. I loved the first 4 DTP albums although Decon was kinda meh, I think alot of the hype around it was spoiled when dev described it as 'the heaviest thing he'd ever done' and then came epicloud which honestly I thought was awfully overproduced and the chior shit was cheesy as fuck (also I love anneke but jesus christ does she need to be on everything?). That being said I'm still waiting for my copy of Empath to rock up, from what I've heard so far i'm intrigued and I get why he's made it the way that he did instead of going a more commercially viable route.

Personally i liked Epicloud and Deconstruction, tho my favorite DTP record was mostly probably Ki

I really enjoyed Addicted! sure it had that poppy vibe but it didn't stray too far from his metal roots, Epicloud on the other hand I was expecting to be in the same vein as Addicted! but I guess my own expectations coupled with the things I mentioned in my other post made it so it didn't click with me...the bonus disc on the other hand is fucking great. Don't get me wrong I like decon but I don't love it again probably because I had expectations maybe for something Ziltoid or SYL esq.

i get what your feeling about Deconstruction, its not one of my favorites either but i still enjoyed it.

About Epicloud, i think True North is kind of a weak start, and it's certainly not among his better albums. but it has some really fun tunes. i really liked Liberation, Where We Belong and More

Well at least we can both definitely agree that Ocean Machine is a fuckin masterpiece...god what I would've given to be at that Plovdiv show.

Absolutely. Ocean Machine is his best record.
My second favorite is probably Accelerated Evolution
He should just release a whole album of him jamming with Morgan
Into this way more than Empath desu

sporkcore garbage
oh well

>major music reviewers
>like P4k and Theneedledrop

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because Yea Forums is a place full of shit ppl with shit taste ..... FACT!!!

I don't like his music but I like the guy.

Devin makes all sorts of music. you might dig some of his more mellow stuff

What did you try?
Make sure to give Ki a try its nothing like the usual Devin albums

I enjoy his tutorials

Devin Townsend is even too autistic even for my tastes and I love prog metal! Maybe it's the vocals, idk.

>all those people caling Devin "comedy metal" and '''''sporkcore'''''
he has a handful of comedic songs, all of them in the later half of his discography

I'm not super familiar with this guy, but from what I hear in this thread this seems extremely reddit.

Listen to this

I really don't like the sound, even though I'll readily acknowledge that it's objectively top tier production.

Try this, its a different sound

Because despite being bipolar Devin makes optimistic music for people living life to the fullest which doesn't mesh well with the average Yea Forums poster lifestyle of chronic depression, and it makes them very insecure that someone is able to make the best of a mental illness rather than wallowing in self-hate.


Ziltoid is the only thing of his I've really liked, but he's an interesting guy in interviews

He made so many different albums with very different sounds, you should try several different albums by him you are likely to find something you will like

Ziltoid is amazing. the first ziltoid that is.
The second ziltoid was a bit of a let down not gonna lie. it wasn't completely bad but nothing compared to the first ziltoid album

Ziltoid is amazing. the first ziltoid that is.
The second ziltoid was a bit of a let down not gonna lie. it wasn't completely bad but nothing compared to the first ziltoid album

The first half of Z2 is alright, but then it goes completely off the rails. The original Ziltoid worked so well because well had plenty of humor moments it still manages to be a very introspective album about finding your place in a crazy world. Z2 drops all that to make room for more fart jokes.

The original Ziltoid also had way better songs

is ocean machine the album i should start with for townsend? he's got a lot of stuff to wade through and i dont know where to begin.

Yes. most fans consider Ocean Machine his best record.

Remember that Strapping Young Lad is also Devin Townsend, it used to be his band

>Remember that Strapping Young Lad is also Devin Townsend, it used to be his band
so i've heard, maybe i'll check that out too then.

If you want to hear Devin Townsend doing a very mellow album that combines acoustic guitar songwriting and ambiance, be sure to listen to this:

>listened to Deconstruction for the first ttime the other day
>'wow this is actually amaz-'

I do like most of his stuff but that almost seemed like parody

Ziltoid is godtier


The title track, which is the song with the cheeseburger is actually my favorite song in the record.

Not because of "lol lmao so random!" but because of how good it is musically

yeah it is actually an amazing record I'm just being a dick

Alien rips


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Seventh wave is god tier

>le random xD

>unpredictable = le randumb
pretty fucking retarded, my guy

Listen to this. its not very predictable, but definitely not random. also an absolutely killer track: [

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hi crazyaga whats up

I'm fine but please keep this on topic

this trip is unironically very based

How the hell does a dude who namedrop shit like zoviet france and The Young Gods in an interview make music this goddamn tasteless

What did you try? he has large variety of albums in different styles, i wonder what you heard by him

Most of it, i like his admiration for ambient music and how it shows in his own and he's obviously very talented, but just like Steven Wilsons music it really do fails to move me in any way (Ocean Machine does have it's moments though)

That's fair. at least you gave him a try.
I understand he is not for everyone

There are a few good Devin Flowcharts floating about.

This was a godlike album.
Depth Charge, Storm. Suicide, Deadhead, Away and Sunday Afternoon all in the same album?

My 2nd favorite Devin Townsend album after Ocean Machine

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used to be a huge devin fan, this is his only album i still listen to

You don't like Ki as well?