Do you think being a hideous tranny has helped his music, or prevented him from gaining more mainstream attention?
Do you think being a hideous tranny has helped his music, or prevented him from gaining more mainstream attention?
Other urls found in this thread:
Have sex.
Helped get it woke points
I had sex this morning, did you post in the wrong thread by any chance?
Sophie doesn't wear mascara and it bothers me
Definitely the last
How long until they push a tranny into the mainstream as a pop singer, and we are forced to accept it and everyone pretends it is beautiful
Is sophie too hideous though? Is there a point at which even the most braindead zombie goes against their programming and is repulsed?
Have sex
She's already an underground icon with production credits on commercial releases sooo
idgaf about gender, the music is great and I love it
oh honey no
idk what victory either party believes they're achieving over a single S desu
Based and redpilled
Why do you care? You like her music or not?
It's all semantics, no trans person is claiming to be biologically the gender they identify as, just functionally more like the opposite in all other facets. Talk to any medically transitioned trans person irl and it will take mental effort to willfully misgender them. Even some pre op trans people i've met just kind of embody their gender identity to where using the opposite pronouns than they've requested seems absurd. Not that any of this would change your mind but it's late and I'm bored so I got the time to bash my skull on a brick wall
Pretty much this.
this is the same person
Please, my fellow Yea Forumstants, don't gobble up the bait.
How do conservahicks plan on demonizing the LGBT communuty while simultaneously fearmongering about brown people supposedly being homophobic?
They've been practicing cognitive dissonance for years. Stop expecting anything of them intellectually.
it has helped him. the music itself isnt that special. It's basically industrial. But transpeople are polarizing at least in your retarded low iq burgerland were people are controlled by the media and cant read a scientific study to save their life
>what is inspect element
I don't think it's helped her. She can't be promoted by a company without being accused of virtue signaling by redneck cunts.
>the music itself isnt that special. It's basically industrial
how the fuck is this industrial??
I'm french and mostly have coloured friends. You wouldn't believe how many of them absolutely fucking loathe gays and trans.
>I'm french and mostly have coloured friends
He's not actually trans. He's only pretending for publicity. His album tells it
>Not OK
>Whole New World / Pretend World
Faceshopping has a lot of industrial elements
You don't live in the South. Everyone regardless of color is intolerant there.
Strange considering the French invented homosexuality.
Paris suburbs barely has white people anymore
Its definitly prevented her... it shows in your transphobic comment.
>low iq negros cant accept the fact that gay people and trans are just as much human beings you can have a conversation with as other people
well "color" me surprised lmao
Introduce them to Contrapoints, my dude. She completely changed my view on trans people.
You say that to their face w your chest user?
Not at all. It has dissonance and tinny timbres. This has nothing to do with the industrial, industrial rock, industrial metal, or industrial electro scenes.
I literally call my black friends negros and literally everyone here make racist jokes from all sides.
, and in the end we all have fun.
You don't do that in burgerland?
my god youre such an idiot that it hurts. Id take a white trans or gay person over a retarded average 85 iq nigger everyday.
Go get shot in a theater.
Can you get banned for racism in Yea Forums?
You sound angry.
yes, mincy faggots are feminine too, more feminine than a lot of ogre women, but that doesn't make them any less male. and I have interracted with many trannies, my ex was friends with a lot of them, and they were very obviously feminine men, but men nonetheless. you can dress and act like a clown if you want, but the majority of men will always see you as a mentally ill faggot.
Just retards like you.
who cares ill just restart my router lol. also im just stating scientific facts about negro iq
We have a tranny here in Brazil who's one of the biggest pop stars in the country right now.
Pabblo Vittar is a drag queen... not a trans
have some respect, that tranny is a big pop musician
I'd fuck her.
Yes, he definitely redefined how low the bar could go for passing. Really changed my world view.
I'm not a woke dude by any means, but misgendering would seem retarded to me.
distorted bassdrum
distorted synths
metallic sounds
thats basically the definition of industrial
Oh well. Close enough.
I used to say the n word around all my black friends and nobody would ever say anything, just uncomfortable silence. Years later come to find out it was one of their biggest frustrations w me, other white friends they had, and white people in general. Maybe race relations are better than I would think in France and you and your friends are truly emblematic of a utopian post-racial society, but seems a bit, idk, unlikely?
*misgendering her
very cute
>distorted bassdrum
>distorted synths
>metallic sounds
oh yeah, distortion and "metallic" sounds, lol, just like Throbbing Gristle huh? ha okay
So? There are no unattractive women?
"She" is misgendering himself. Look at the penis and take a hint. It's a PENIS.
i also had a black friend once and called him my nigger. i guess he also didnt really like it. But i blame Pop Culture for it. Why can rappers say that word all the time? If it reminds them of slavery, they should just avoid that word all together. It's hypocritical af
Just a reminder to trannies:
You don't pass as well as you think. The fact that you need to use fuckloads of makeup and take photos with optimal lighting and odd angles to even look remotely passing, should tell you this.
You will never be accepted as a woman by the majority of men.
You will never have a working vagina or reproductive system.
You are a fetishist who has pathologised your kink.
>but seems a bit, idk, unlikely?
We're not forcing it though. Blacks here don't have the slavery stigma nearly as much as americans. I feel like most of them don't really care. And we all make racist jokes, be it black, whites, asians, pakis or muslims.
>Speaking for all men
What genre is it then? Muh deconstructed club? Thats just a fancy marketing trick to sell IDM and industrial to you.
Natalie literally gets off to transphobia, so you're just giving her material to jill off to.
user what do you think pathologize means
This. Saying "nigger" is in no way the same as saying cracker. But French people do pride themselves on their tolerance and secularism if I'm not mistaken.
>Why can rappers say that word all the time?
ingroup vs outgroup
Rappers are part of the "group" which knows what it's like to have the experience of being oppressed due to their socioethnic status. You're some slob on Yea Forums crying like a lil bitch, you're oppressed by your own imbalanced hormones due to a poor diet and lack of self-respect, and you're not a nigga, ya faggot.
See? I can call you a faggot because I'm gay, so it's ingroup. You can't call me a faggot, because you have to be capable of having sex to have a "-sexuality." No Patrick, incel is not a sexuality.
It's bubblegum bass with IDM influences.
If you're going to argue that trans people aren't the gender they claim to be because chromosomes / genitals or whatever, then at least afford a clockable "man" the freedom to dress & present how he chooses, you know these restrictions are why people experience gender dysphoria in the first place right?
>you know these restrictions are why people experience gender dysphoria in the first place right?
To any trans anons reading this: YOU ARE LOVED :3
I'm sure there's some desperate enough to put their dick anywhere near a tranny fleshwound, but do you think they're anything but a weird minority? Do you think most men don't want an actual woman for a girlfriend? Why do so many trannies complain about being fetishized, and just want a regular man?
They shouldn't say it but they do. Doesn't mean you can say it just because you have black friends.
You disingenuous virtue singaling asshole.
From, a trans user~
I've literally shaved my face, thrown on a wig, sports bra and panties, zero makeup and my inbox has been flooded with inquiries from literally HUNDREDS of thirsty men who KNOW I'm a crossdresser. The tea: Men don't actually care about passing.
Moral of the story: Humans wanna fuck
youre a faggot mate ;^)
For real you cant shove that word in everyones face through your music and than complain that people (of all color) use that word. you cant just put rules on language like that and exclude a certain race from using that word. thats also called racism btw.
Marketing gimmick definitely.
Truth hurts degenerates
I'm being completely sincere here. The world sucks, but there are plenty of people out there that love you regardless of what others call you.
Is attention tranny chasing fetishists really a metric by which you want to measure this? Are these the kinds of men that trannies want a relationship with?
>you cant just put rules on language like that
It' not rules, it's social expectations, consequences for your actions, and people responding to the context behind your speech. Take responsibility and understand what you're saying and why you're saying it, and how that affects how others will respond.
Have some fucking werewithal you fucking idiot.
This is the height of oversimplification.
It's a lack of self-awareness.
You give the words power by throwing a tantrum every time someone uses them. Why are faggots and coloreds so fragile? Why does a word from someone they supposedly don't respect bring their world crashing down? Why chimp out over using the word nigger if you've taken the power out of the word by owning it?
This. I live in India and trans people have had a culture here for centuries. They're still discriminated against and are abused as well, but they do have gender recognition by the State. And, trans people get married all the time here.
Those are homosexuals you idiot. They don't care because they fuck men.
It's gratifying to attack an individual if they become the face of a greater concept that you hate.
Extremely based and dangerously redpilled
I don't know how to make it simpler
>be man
>feel feminine
>act feminine
>wear dress
>ridiculed by peers
>be girl
>feel feminine
>act feminine
>wear dress
>accepted by default because who knows why
Lack of freedom to authentic self expression causes people to feel detached from their body and envy people of the opposite sex who are accepted, even praised, when they adequately perform prescribed gender roles. It's not just some obsession born in these people's minds in a vacuum, you internalize how people respond to you.
wow rude
How delightfully simple, and sadly, exactly what I assumed.
90% of them have been closeted and identify as straight, which I don't buy but they're typically not really into masculine men either unless they're bi.
oh, you meant the solidifying of gender dysphoria, not the initial development
i was asking from the perspective of someone who isn't trans, but i do have a lot of gender dysphoria, so i found your comment confusing at first. thanks for elaborating
It's almost like gender roles are tied to gender, and playing dressup and acting like a grotesque caricature of the opposite gender doesn't convince most people.
>why can't I call people n-----?
>pls don't call me idiot ;_;
>It's almost like gender roles are tied to gender
what is gender?
gender is the thing that says that if you have a penis then you can't cry and if you have a vagina then you can't vote
i didnt call them nigger tho and i had at least some arguments faggot. all you have is your hypocrisy
Pakistani here. Trans people receive recognition out here too, but it's awfully difficult for most of them to find decent
employment opportunities in the country. I'm deeply moved by their struggles, and hope things look up for em soon.
>be man
>feel feminine
>act feminine
>wear dress
>cut off dick and take estrogen
>still ridiculed by peers
>commits suicide
the preferred outcome actually, i hope all this propaganda causes more mentally ill faggots to "transition" and kill themselves
i can't follow this anymore, you're boring me
you can tell yourself you won, whatever i'll forget this even happened in a couple minutes
There's no doubt in my mind any "tranny chasing fetishist" would fully love and date a trans woman if men would stop policing themselves with bizarre reddit ideologies rooted in homophobia.
Hey, brother. It's a struggle here as well. We did just get the first trans college principal, so that's a good step.
oh wow youre so cool youre gonna forget our conversation. im not 12 anymore i don't run around saying i won an argument i just care about hearing some good arguments apart from "im gay i can call everyone a faggot but you cant hehehehe" *runs away*
Gender roles are only culturally applied to gender, which by gender i assume you mean sex. I'm sure there's some biological reason behind certain preferences and behavior patterns any individual might exhibit, but it's just an observable fact that chromosomal sex isn't as consequential of a factor in these things as we think it is.
The thing is, gay people have been called faggots while they get beat up, abused and humiliated. So, go ahead and say it, but understand that the word is a pretty insulting one.
>this retarded dumb shit actually thinks only gay men want crossdressers or trans
Lol where the fuck have you been lately? Straight men have been having sex with other men since ever. Straight men are more inclined to have sex with another man who wears womens clothing, whether the latter identifies as trans or not, on the basis of diluting masculinity to achieve more femininity. In addition, the belief that it still makes them a man because they're the one penetrating or commanding.
i lost nothing here bud, goodbye
that's a lame strategy, all they need to do is find a justification to be malicious towards gay people, and your argument falls apart, bad logic
Keep fighting the good fight, lad. Sending love from across the border.
Your fake rage is boring. Prescription scapegoating to compensate for the fact that you can't perform your own gender role adequately in the eyes of society. Find another outlet for your self loathing.
so stop calling your gay friends faggots as well. why wouldnt it remind you of violence towards gay people in this instance, but when your non-gay friends say it to you it does? Were they every violent towards you? See this is what i don't get. Btw just a side note i accept every person whatever their race or sexual orientation and im not one of the many idiots that think transpeople are just trans because of mental problems or whatever. everytime retarded rightwing ameriburgers claim this nonsense ill defend transpeople even tho i don't know any transperson in real life. But science interests me and not political propaganda and i know from reading into the topic that transpeople have a brain more similar to their expressed gender
>projecting this hard
The seethe is real.
you narcissist with your shitty block of text
eat dick
have you ever been straight up punched in the stupid fucking face? i'll make you wish you were a bitch, you punk
It's really not that simple. I'm not that gay guy btw.
A pussy magnet I'm sure
You think you're clever, you mutt? I want to drag you by the nuts to the clinic to get you neutered like we got your bitch mother spayed you dog of a human being. Whip your dogged ass, shave your face, and make you walk forwards you shaved ass of a dog.
im tall, handsome and popular with a business and gf
project harder
I think it's time we purge this thread.
>the tranny propaganda squad failed to sway public opinion, again
I will blast you like the defective condom that doomed you into existence. You byproduct of absentee parenting, I'll be your daddy and beat the fuck out of your fucking smug cunt face you smug cunt. You gonna be real fucking cute with a boot in your ass and a bruise on your face, kiddo.You asked for this, motherufkcer.
More like
>Thread is more about non music related shit
>Shut it down
This is about music you autistic douchebag with nothing going on in his shit skull and I swear to Christ I will beat the fuck out of you in a public setting.
It's prevented her surely.
You and 500 other men in my inbox
Think it's time we purged trannies t b h
I almost feel bad for these kike brainwashed faggots. Almost, then I remember they want to normalize it and have children transition, so I'm glad they all kill themselves eventually.
You better get that resume ready, because you're gonna need to find a new job in the witness protection program after I'm through with you. You're numbered, and I mean 666. Better start praying, cunt.
Yaaasss daddy yaaaas! Please don't stop.
even my mom thinks trannies are a joke
your mom is an uneducated low iq idiot who doesnt read
Where'd you get that job from huh, your dad?
>inb4 I "earned" it
What the fuck are you insinuating you worthless fucking bastard? I want you to know that in a personal manner, I absolutely despise you. I hope you fail at everything you attempt in life, except your own suicide. Prepare to suffer you fucking bigot of an asswipe. You really put the BIG in bigot you obese and absolutely awful human. We will burn you on a stake, except you are too fat, so no more shall we concern ourselves with the waste you present.
Nigga I weigh 130 pounds
I will annihilate you in manners you didn't realize possible.
I'm personally against child transition and I'm trans. Not a fan of hers particularly but Blaire White, another trans person, feels the same.
Tranny mad
Gonna cut yourself dude?
I have a friend who teaches elementary school, she has 2 trans kids in her class alone - they both also JUST SO HAPPEN to have aspergers as well. It's disgusting what they're doing to these children, and we're going to have a lot of very regretful people in the next 10-20 years. It's the children I feel sorry for, these fetishists are destroying the mental wellbeing of children for the sake of their own ego.
Sure, kid.
You neglect to mention your Verne Troyer height, you obese midget. I will use my strong workhorse legs to punt your cunt right into the stratosphere and outside our realm of consciousness or duty. I hope you realize the tales we shall tell, none of which will pertain to you, you narcissistic fucking loser. Fucking thinking I was about to make you out to be a mythical tale, the mythical obese midget punted out of our lives. You're Tuesday, nigga, and I have nothing but contempt for the keystrokes that I will experience following these exchanges which leave my keyboard with less of an oomph form the response than it had previously, and you are to blame. You make me want eternal suffering to exist in particular cases.
Trans rights are human rights. I'm a cis-man, and I will fight for their rights.
>I have a friend
least believable story in years
Virtue singalling nobody.
Go back to chapo nigga
But why? If they're trans, surely they just know, and can make that kind of decision at any age. Why would you want to delay their happiness?
Jews and pedophiles like yourself brainwash them
I don't trust your ability to measure properly. Your schoolhouses were burned down by Confederates.
Lol. He's literally a manlet.
It's not a fetish, many trans people are against child transition and your stigmatizing of gender non-conforming people contributes to the dysphoria that causes those people to seek medical interventions.
You should contribute to the suicide rates of people posting with your IP address you fucking bigot.
I live in the Northwest and go to college, keep trying your le fat redneck jokes though instead of arguing anything.
Shut up, manlet.
>I live in the Northwest and go to college
Who could possibly give a shit?? I knew you were a narcissist. Go volunteer this information at the sex offender registry, you rapist.
>your stigmatizing of gender non-conforming people contributes to the dysphoria that causes those people to seek medical interventions.
You're gonna have to expand on that. Surely the medical intervention is the inevitable outcome regardless of society?
Sorry, I'm not an armchair edgelord.
I will support trans rights regardless of what you say. Stay insecure, bb.
Also, Contrapoints is queen.
At least I'll have children and not die before 35
I live in the midwest and golf occasionally. This is me posting that information in this thread becuase it's actually relevant to the conversation. No, really!
Liberal parents tend to feed into the whole "you were born in the wrong body" narrative because of a child's gender non conforming behavior, which the child internalizes and manifests as dysphoria. The solution is allowing children more freedom for gendered expression rather than medical interventions. If the child still wants surgery or HRT when they're an adult, it's their decision, not unlike cosmetic surgery performed on cis people.
Ew, is that just a hypothetical "I'll have children" or is this a real threat that society is going to face?
I think we should chop off the penises and birth and then they have to earn them through masculine beahviors, or else we keep them female.
Then the butch girls get the leftover penises.
im self employed. my dad is a logger
Please, don't. You're going to ruin their lives with your manlet genes. Have daughters.
We're gonna turn your kids trans, fascist fuck. Fuck you, kids are fucking stupid wastes of money and time. Boring cis cunt
what does that even mean? self employed? you mean you own a business?
It means something your marxist ass will never get.
your posts are endearing to nobody
This. I'm all for allowing children to explore interests that are outside of their gender, but encouraging early transitioning without letting them come to their own conclusion is a big fucking no-no. I understand wanting them to transition early so they can match their gender peers on an emotional and physical level, but I can't see that as the driving force for transitioning. Sex reassignment surgery isn't like getting a vasectomy.
Surely you're not suggesting that a 9 year old has no agency, and can't make the decision that they're actually the opposite gender? Seems pretty bigoted.
how can you employ yourself? you either own a business or you have something actually specific going on and you just won't indulge details, you vague bitch
who gives a fuck if you employ you, apparently you only employ you anyways so why should I be impressed? who did you ever employ who went on to do anything? huh? That's whatn I thought, bitch
Trying to impress anybody? You're fucking nothing. Go employ a mirror and get a little self-reflection
People seek to pass as the other gender usually because they feel the behavior they're discouraged from partaking in while being perceived as one sex will be accepted if they are perceived as the opposite sex. If people had the freedom to behave as they please across the masc-femme spectrum regardless of anatomy, medical transition would not have been developed as a procedure in the first place.
wow your armchair ust be a Lazy Boy because that's fucking dumb
trannies aren't even human I'd have no qualms shooting millions of them in the head
Your country is nothing, I will beat the fuck out of you.
that wasnt me and how did your mentally ill retard brain go from me not fulfilling my gender role in society to me not employing enough people lmao
keep projecting
They're fucking demented man.
Next time can you use "cw: transphobia"
>If people had the freedom to behave as they please across the masc-femme spectrum regardless of anatomy
They do though. Stop trying to police peoples thoughts and feelings. You can act like as much of a faggot as you want, but you have to accept that it is abnormal, weird to the majority of people, and an undesirable trait for most people. There is no law to stop you wearing a dress and acting out a vile drag show as part of your daily life, but society doesn't have to clap and tell you its wonderful.
I'm saying a child has no agency to consent to procedures they don't fully understand the consequences of, yes. A child is fully capable of knowing their own interests and authentic self expression though. Just be a compassionate parent basically? I feel like we agree more than you think we do, you just have some other weird ideas about what it means to be a man or a woman (besides genitals) that I've long outgrown.
Yes some of them do claim to be actual women. Look at miss Spain.
I'll project your future here and now: Getting made a little bitch here and now. And here and now, here's another projection: A bullshit reply from and autistic faggot following this post, 80% of defensive posturing and recycling phrases he read other people use on Yea Forums, but he doesn't understand entirely. He's already got "projecting" down, and he's gonna have "I devour feces and semen simultaneously" next if the apple didn't fall too far from the tree.
Like father like son, and I don't expect you to fucking bother making a fool out of yourself and replying, but if you do, here's my ass for you to kiss when you're ready to apologize.
You can look forward to a lot more transexuals with that attitude lol. I honestly don't understand men's aversion to other men being feminine, like what's so threatening about that?
>He's this mad over being wrong on the internet
Maybe step away from the keyboard and take a break
You are such a disingenuous asshole desu. I don't know where you get off, but how come you think you can command this authority over the subject? It's pompous beyond measure and I'm not going to indulge such a sociopathic perspective on the subject. If you want to be an alt-right adjacent intellectual enabling the suffering and oppression of children, then I can't even imagine you being capable of turning on a computer, you mental midget.
I think most parents just have puberty blockers to give kids more time to explore their gender, which seems like a good idea.
why all the rage? If anything they often end themselves after realizing they've been coerced into their misfortune and are nothing but another wheel for capitalist machine to profit from. Not to mention that they have the most shallow perception of what a female is, it's all dresses and make up right to them.
>I honestly don't understand men's aversion to other men being feminine, like what's so threatening about that?
Lol you just answered your own question. What was even the point of asking this?
Not familiar with her but she might just be a proponent of the whole "born in the wrong body" narrative, which I don't personally believe in.
trannies are hysterical
It's threatening?
Here's what the scientists call "capitulation" folks. He has nothing of merit, not a fucking thing ovccuring in his meted ass' brain, so we get this bullshit. Well, guess what? I'm above you and I'm above this bigotry and hated. Go get a vasectomy to ensure your reproduction is permanently prevented.
I asked a question and got a non-answer. I was asking what you find threatening or "abnormal" about a man being feminine.
Trans women are real women confirmed
MRI scans show men become trannies because of arousement and sex.
>The heterosexual transsexuals are still distinct from typical males in other ways, however, such as by manifesting “autogynephilia”—the erotic interest in or sexual arousal in response to being or seeming female.
>Of the eight brain regions that distinguished male from female brains, the heterosexual transsexual sample differed from the male controls on none (Savic & Arver, 2010, Table 3).
>Of the four brain regions that distinguished these heterosexual transsexuals from the male controls, sex-dimorphism was present in none (Savic & Arver, 2010, Table 3).
>As Savic and Arver themselves emphasized, “Contrary to the primary hypothesis, no sex-atypical features with signs of ‘feminization’ were detected in the transsexual group….The present study does not support the dogma that [male-to-female transsexuals] have atypical sex dimorphism in the brain”.
Focusing on the wrong user, but you already know the possible answers. So that's my point, why even ask.
>"Incel alt-right cuck who false-flags as a SJW" episode
Nah, didn't work senpai.
Typical faggot tactic. The word you're looking for is repulsive. We find them repulsive.
Entry level transphobia
Try citing "sources" from a transphobic doctor that doesn't also sleep with trans women
hmm the guy crying about gender roles is calling people faggots?
Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.
And the opinion of most men the world over.
Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.
I want to understand your logic. I used to talk shit about this feminine gay guy I went to school with because everyone else made fun of him for being that way. Sort of a hive mentality thing. "Other people say this is bad so I guess it's bad." It was never really a logical reason I had for disliking him, he was actually very nice. I was actually a very un-self aware homosexual myself who, while not as feminine as the guy in question, is also feminine.
Why do you find it repulsive?
Based and truthpilled. Those creatures are mentally ill and need to be removed from the face of the Earth.
Commit sudoku, faggot
I just hate that it's exposed to young impressionable children, that kind of shit disgusts me. I don't care what they do as individuals as long as they don't try to convince others to partake in their lifestyle.
yeah I could take your lies seriously.
Or I could look at reality and look at trannies beating the everliving shit out of women in women's sports
that's just alt right propaganda
>not wanting your kids castrated is alt-right propaganda
liberals will side with fascism when they realize what monsters you are.
Is it homosexuality that disgusts you or trans people? Or both? I'm against child transition but I don't think limiting a child's scope of interests or expression because of their anatomy is any more constructive. As for homosexuality gay people are gonna be gay regardless of your feelings about it, I say this as someone who never wanted to be gay but just turned out that way when I went through puberty. I even tried conversion therapy and it didn't work.
Like that Christian shit?
Can I ask you an honest question? Do you feel like you had any experiences as a child that influenced your sexuality?
When it comes down to it, no matter how much a trans girl passes, there won't be a vagina to stick your dick in. There will be a penis, or perhaps a surgical wound. The only option will be to fuck the asshole. A vagina and a butthole feel quite different from each other, and a trans woman can never provide the wonder of pussy. Don't get me wrong a few are convincing but when you get down to business it's just a totally different thing.
You mean the one tranny who did it in a literal combat sport? I don't condone that situation, it's obvious she probably had the upper hand because of her karyotype but training was also a factor, you can't just throw any trans woman in an arena with a professional MMA fighter and expect she'll win because bone density. It's honestly comical that people think trans women's motivations for transition is to assault cis women, cis men somehow find ways and reasons to do that without changing genders.
Well okay then, you just provided yourself an answer you already knew was a common experience. Again, you're focusing on the wrong user. I consider myself incredibly lucky, especially since the neighborhood I grew up in shit ass fucking Mexico for 6 years had two gay guys my older sister was close friends with. They were two nice guys who put up with a lot. Having personally known these two good dudes all my life, I ended up hating them over time as I grew up in the US. Why? Because that was the norm in the shit ass ghetto neighborhood I lived in. It wasn't until I went to college that I was allowing myself to not be retarded any longer and form my own opinion. Sorry if it sounds like ramblings and came out poorly.. it's late and I'm tired af.
Dumb logic. Straight propaganda is constantly pushed, and yet there's no objectively good reason for it other than >MUUHHH NORMALCY. Try again.
>Straight propaganda
no it's to beat them at sports and get free fame/money for being both the first trans AND the #1 to win because they'll always out perform biological women.
>Dumb logic. Straight propaganda is constantly pushed, and yet there's no objectively good reason for it other than >MUUHHH NORMALCY. Try again.
Japan would like to talk to you, privileged mayo.
I honestly don't have a problem with homosexuality, it's just hormone therapy can have drastic consequences on someone's body and future fertility and I don't think it's a good idea to let underdeveloped children who in some cases haven't hit puberty decide something life altering like that. Also, I think transsexuality is different from homosexuality because it often leads to some sort of body alteration and is associated with dysphoria.
Or how about recently in australia, where they had to remove a tranny because he was decimating the real women in a contact sport.
Remind me, why do they now have to check testosterone levels in womens sports, but not in mens sports?
yeah because 99% of people are straight
sophie is a woman
I do try to psychoanalyze myself and ask questions like that, but there isn't really a defining "A-ha" moment I can point to that makes me feel like "That definitely made me gay". My dad treated me kinda shitty I guess, but by that logic all straight men had terrible mothers? There's a hypothesis about prenatal hormones in the womb influencing a person's sexual orientation and that honestly makes the most sense to me of any explanation I've heard. I'm not a scientist of course but I do know my own experience, my earliest sexual feeling have always been about men and nothing I've done after gaining awareness of this has changed that fact.
So what about trans women who don't do any of those things? If the motivation is to outperform women, couldn't they just as easily do that as a man?
ITt Jordan Peterson loving neckbeards scared of G I R L D I C K
Kek dumb shit. Anyway, Japan's issue is more or less the same problem you face, you can't get laid and prefer 2D underage lolis. What's your point?
sophie is a woman
kind of racist and xenophobic honestly.
I don't know how you could ever convince yourself you're a "good" person.
kind of lukewarm and mayopilled tbqh.
In our study of transsexual people, 55% reported experiencing an unwanted sexual event before the age of 18, with the average age of initial sexual contact being 13. Source:
Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Source:
41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide. Source:
Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide. Source:
Most young transsexuals have committed self-harm within the last twelve months. Source:
65% of transsexual youth have seriously considered suicide within the last year. Source:
37% of transsexual youth have attempted suicide within the last year. Source:
1 in 10 young transsexuals has attempted suicide more than three times in the last year. Source:
How does it affect your life that people are trans here or anywhere else?
Gender reassignment has improved the lives of most of the people who went through with it.
>says the homophobic and transphobic (and incredibly likely racist) alt-right cuck
Cringe and Bluepilled
im trans
I agree that children shouldn't be put on hormones or subjected to sex change surgeries. Transexuality I used to be opposed to from a weird sort of radical feminist angle (guess you could say I was a TERF lol) but having interacted with more trans people since then I feel I can understand the motivation for transition more. People tend to idealize the experience of the opposite sex and think it will free them from whatever is limiting them in their current configuration, only to find out there are also limitations to navigating life in that way. I think the less we enforce unnecessary gender roles as a society, the less people will feel dysphoric about their bodies and the less permanent permanent medical interventions we'll see. However I've met a lot of fully transitioned trans people who were very passing and well adjusted so I don't think the procedures are necessarily this moral threat we must stop at all costs, just only perform them on informed adults.
The data contradicts that
Self destructive behavior promoted by the establishment
>Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide. Source:
Did not need to see that.
What red blooded straight man wouldn't dive dick first into that??
> just only perform them on informed adults.
Sure, I don't have an issue with that
I think people get freaked out about the I am Jazz type stories of kids transitioning so that's a large part of their distaste.
I agree about gender roles too, let men feel free to be a bit feminine without having to go to an extreme conclusion straight away
Still though I won't criticize a straight man for not wanting to sleep with one either
It's literally 10 days after the surgery it would obviously need ore time to heal. A lot of trans women are ditching the idea of genital surgery anyways because of it's risk of complications and long recovery time, many trans women don't even want the surgery in the first place.
Just posting so that nasty gash isn't on the front page!
>Yea Forums - music
here's a fresh one for you. I've seen some dank gash in my day, but thats fucking gross.
I think her parents were well meaning but a lot of liberals aren't actually that educated about trans issues and will just kind of go along with whatever the popular narrative is, i.e. born in the wrong body therefore we must correct it / I'm doing my child a disservice by not giving them access to this procedure
From my experiences with crossdressing PLENTY of men who are attracted to cis women will sleep with a barely-passing trans woman, I'm sure they'd take no issue in sleeping with an unclockable one either lol. It's a similar if not almost identical stigma to being gay, people don't want to be public about it because they're afraid they'll be perceived as lesser than.
What's wrong with this one?
What do we take from this information?
have you ever seen a vagina?
Seems they lumped bi and non binary people into the same category which isn't the same fucking thing.
Seriously? Have you seen a real vagina?
jesus christ. You lefties really are projecting when you call people incels.
Ever seen a real vagina? it looks NOTHING like that fucking accident.
Yes, and I've seen real ones that look far worse.
you've seen real ones that look like the flesh fused with their leg after an accident?
I would take the roastiest cunt in the world over that third degree burn looking shit.
I'm not an incel I'm gay lol. I watch straight porn on occasion though and honestly couldn't tell you what's visually different about this vs any other vagina, but maybe I'm not as picky since I'm not looking to fuck it? Idk, really doesn't look that bad to me. Sorry?
finally you reveal yourself/ves as the idiot(s) you are. No arguments whatsoever just unjustifiable double standarts, backed by non-sense and "b-but muh feelings". the word safespace was literally invented for people like you who live in their little faggot or negro world and cant face logical criticism