How do we feel about this guy?
How do we feel about this guy?
Unironically hope he dies.
But if he died he wouldn't be able to make anymore kino tunes
should have stuck to making kids laugh
Even if he did, his shtick wouldn't last very long because of the ad revenue fiasco which started off around the time he stopped making YouTube videos
Everyone dies user
then do fucking nothing. would the best decision of his career
fuckin faggot cunt fag chink
anyone who likes cRap and isn't black is a brainlet
Filth was better
Pretty sure doing nothing isnt a very good career choice.
>worshiping a cuck
it's ironic
>Idubbz chasing squirrels for a living now
>Max used the toy channel exploit on his Pokemon channel
>Joji still in mediocrityville
What song?
Idubbz id based, also 7mu/ is filled with no taste faggots who let other people build their taste so OP shouldn't care about what they think
Was "Francis of the Filth" any good? Who Yea Forums here?
i don't know, they're your feelings you groupthinking sack of shit
if he had kept doing stuff like pink guy's food raps he could have been an entertaining rapper for zoomers but instead he's just an emo sadboy
Wasnt that from a Pink Guy song, "I Have A Small Dick" or something like that?
Joji pisses me the fuck off in a sad way. I unironically like the shit out of his early dreamy sounding beats. The kid has ideas and you can feel something there in his early music. He knows how to make something simple sound interesting. His Pink Guy era shit is terrible. Its got some great production on his part but its just him joking around in the end. His newer music is incredibly lazy and feels so detached from anything he's ever done. An ongoing issue with Joji is never being comfortable with anything he's doing. All the way back to when he first start doing the Frank shit. He has never been comfortable. He still isn't. This music isn't him and hopefully when this kid gets comfortable in his fucking skin he can make some beats for himself and not for the dumbasses focused on him.
If you unironically think joji makes decent music you shouldn't be talking about no taste, you shittaste faggot
I liked watching the old batsu games he used to do, before he took off
Slow Dancing in the Dark is his only worthwhile track, the rest suck shit.
Saving the squirrel initiative is kino and the best thing he has ever done
stupid chigger
I feel the exact same way about his early stuff.
It wasn't super good, but it was enjoyable.
His new stuff as Joji is a snore-inducing and its sad how boring it is.
if you see me at joji please talk to me i'm probably about to kill myself
pink guy > joji