Post your favourite female musicians

Post your favourite female musicians

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laura jane grace. she is god. that is all.

Fuck he was hot UwU

and like god she is a man


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if he put on some make-up he could pass desu

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i can only listen to female musicians i want to fuck

Noname is hitting pretty hard for me lately.

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Do you think Phil ever accidentally groped him on a dark tour bus thinking it was a groupie

That's pretty hot

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Is this clairo

Gabriel is way cuter than Clario

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talented? female? aint that one of them oxymorons things???

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>if he put on some make-up
he is wearing makeup

damn rivers looks good as a trap

i don't think so

the ones with the biggest titties

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he's wearing eyeliner and mascara in that video
this is what he really looked like

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He was such a cute trap until he shaved the middle of his head

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Bassist chick from Talking Heads is pretty cute

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are ftms considered traps?

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someone post the crab walk gif

Kelly Lee Owens, she makes techno pop

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Beth Gibbons. I like a lot of soft female vocals but Beth's voice is just superb.

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