Vaporwave was the only worthwhile art of the last decade.
Just sayin'.
Vaporwave was the only worthwhile art of the last decade.
Just sayin'.
Why did it die so fast?
is there anything less amusing than internet communists
i was making vaporwave before vaporwave was a thing
if you think vaporwave is a real genre and not just a bullshit meme you have absolutely no taste and your opinion is worthless!!!
It was vaporware
Yeah, I’ve been making vaporwave since I was born. I drop it daily into the toilet
That's what made it brilliant.
internet libs
It dying faster than a 2000s emo made it brilliant? I don't quite follow.
so you're saying vaporwave = fart music? interesting
The deadly Sign of the end of the times.
Do not listen to vaporwave, please.
Chad memes are superior.
The Chad Chad vs the virgin vapourgayye
>implying slowing down a song is talent
It was a genre born from re-appropriating nostalgia and the detritus of Reagan-era hyper-capitalism. Then, the aesthetic aspects of vaporwave were fed back into the same culture machine, tossing out the politique and regurgitating the aesthetic for mass consumption, producing people who unironically buy dixie cup "jazz" pattern sweaters for $60, thereby reifying the underlying Marxist critique inherent in the genre.
*a wild radical centrist appears*
>creator of ideology never worked a day in his life
Engels was an industrial supervisor in factories and knew very well what they were talking about.
vaporwave is megalopolitan rootlessness the art form, nothing could be more degenerate than uglifying classical art out of context and hedonistically dosing up on opiates or other narcotics while you sit in your shipping crate cuck apt with your two faggot xanax addicted roommates listening to macintosh plus. /pol/ is enamored with it for the same reason they love robocop and 80s bully movies, they’re vapid fantasia obsessed niggers of the Kwa like every other insect that crawls across the rotting Irminsul trunk of the ancient world. Everything about /pol/ is decadent, the manic thread speed, the indiscriminate propagandizing with no standards for recruitment, the massive number of pedophiles and moe anime fans brought into their fold, the opportunistic prison sexuality which encourages homosexuality and traps, the tribal coalescing around RNC and Fox news totally memory holing Murdoch and the Adelson-Bechtel-Koch-Coors controlled RNC leadership. fucking animals is all they’ll ever be and vaporwave is the schizogenic nigger ensemble of the pre-death vision stream our culture is facing. its the dreg heap, the great garvage patch at the end of the subconscious, nothing pure, nothing holy, nothing that transcends itself, there is no natural innocence (in the most violent sense of that word) in remixing dead aesthetics with stillborn art (corporate). Its fascist because fascists are debased husks. People who listen to vaporwave are addicts, they are emulsified in Soma, in narcissistic social media experiences. they are blurry eyed barely sentient pussy entrained, brain entrained, totally submissive zoo animals. Chad is just another color to fly when you’re hiding in the rubble of your bombed out necropolis, Berlin is YouTube is Twitter is the election and we’re all crawling across the rubble, little beetles and cockroaches come to devour lichen, the bacterial colonies that spring up after calamities. 2012 really did happen and Trump is the beginning of the End.
Vaporwave got submerged into the spectacle like every other attempt to subvert it
yeah they turned it into Simpsonswave type bullshit or that terrible synthwave which lacked any sense of irony or aesthetic and looks like a fucking movie poster
>vaporwave is megalopolitan rootlessness the art form
>its the dreg heap, the great garvage patch at the end of the subconscious, nothing pure, nothing holy, nothing that transcends itself, there is no natural innocence (in the most violent sense of that word) in remixing dead aesthetics with stillborn art (corporate).
True. And that's what reinforces the premise.
man fuck synthwave
vaporwave was made mostly by art kids while synthwave was more gamers and like deadmau5 fans so that's why it's lame
'Synthwave' was terrible. The grid motif was SO over-played and run into the ground so quickly.
Lo fi hip hop beats is the new vaporwave
Fucking this. You go to every vaporwave subreddit and it's all full of synthwave art because those dumb fucks can't differentiate between the two. And then the confusion spread and here we are, google vaporwave on images and 60% of what comes up is synthwave.
Fuck this asshole.
>is there anything less amusing than internet communists
Real life communists who actually enslave and kill you?
>Doesn't understand internet or real-life communism
it's fucking ugly too
the old 80s japan shit and vhs screencaps of cinemax actually looked cool and made you feel nostalgic, it was often mined from authentic old media too
the neon grid shit looks like some 2010s disney representation of "generic 80s look" for an ad
Yeah, that's a big problem.
Honestly though.
If you're on Yea Forums, you probably hate and resent the glaring failures of neoliberalism and how they've fucked you and the entire planet. At least be honest enough and have the decency to choose a side between national absolutism and class-based struggle.
reddit runs literally everything into the ground. Look at any comment section and it is the exact same joke over and over and over again in each one. When they write this, do they really think they are being clever, or funny, or interesting? Are they so dull, that they must co-opt someone elses joke to have any chance at being interesting?
I choose egoism
The ego and his own, fuck your grand narratives and collectivism
No those are based.
>16 year-old who hasn't yet realized he's been a fascist all along.
You do understand where egoism as an ideology leads, right?
Lets be honest if tomorrow trump came on twitter saying he read a blog last night and turned communist and he’s about to round up all his supporters so they can be re-educated like him, I’d celebrate
>no! you have stand for this type extremism or this kind! you're ethier with me or against me, pick a side so everything fits neatly into my simplistc worldview where I don't bother to consider any sort of synthesis!
Speaking of a simplistic worldview, what about which doesn't account for historical conditions or how resources are allocated?
Look, I'm fine with a synthesis of ideas, but leaning back in a chair and proclaiming oneself an egoist is intellectual laziness. It's writing yourself a pass to not have to think about any external conditions that don't exist for you at the present moment.
egoism is post-ideology
also based
>but leaning back in a chair and proclaiming oneself an egoist is intellectual laziness.
And yours isn't because you examine everything through your shitty ideological framework?
Go fuck yourself, you dumb leftist prick.
There's no such thing as being "post-ideology."
Existing, and having a reaction to the stimulus you experience in the course of existing, is an ideology. Even complete indifference to that stimulus reflects ideology, because you're either reacting negatively to that stimulus, or you're reacting passively or positively to it, thereby reinforcing it.
Existing in a society is enacting an ideology, and even rejecting the concept of a society, as an Egoist presumably would, reinforces an ideology.
Your criticism of egoism is fair, but my point was more about how there are more legitimate ideologies than the two people on Yea Forums and the rest of the internet have been gravitating towards, egoism being just one of them
That's cool, I wasn't trying to say there's not room in the course of debate for more than one ideology. Debate is, itself, a confrontation of ideologies.
I'd agree that Egoism is an ideology, as outlined in , and it's fair to debate the merits of it on that basis.