how the fuck do i play this chord without my fingers bleeding or notes muting
How the fuck do i play this chord without my fingers bleeding or notes muting
barre it
Literally this. Your thumb placement on the neck really does help as well.
are you seriously not capable of playing an open d chord?
literally impossible
Tune G string up a step to A
Tune B string up a step and a half to D
Tune high E up a step to F
barre the 2nd fret, highest 3 strings. place your thumb directly opposite the barre on the other side of the neck for maximum pressure. squeeze. place your ring finger on the 5th string, fret 3.
is it making sense now, dum-dum? i don't even fucking play this instrument but i could pick one up and bang this chord out easily. it's a fucking babby chord.
18+ website
holy shit
fuck you im 22
then playing pull-offs to a sus 2 is way harder
Show us how bad the action on your guitar is.
i just started playing
if actually true, just fuck around for a few more days and all the basic chords will be simple and painless
yeah i noticed that with G
Honestly, don't play a faggoty steel string acoustic guitar. Learn on nylon classical OR get an electric and play it unplugged. Seriously. I used to have my students do that because most acoustic guitars are shit (unless nice and typically expensive) and create bad habits such as tension and then also if you bleed all the time you won't want to play.
Fucking capo that shit.
Exactly, you probably have a shit set up and it's preventing you from learning.
Heh, if you think this is hard, just wait till you have to play an F7 chord. BARRED, NO PUSSY SUBSTITUTIONA EITHER
This is the easiest chord to play, bitch fingers.
What the fuck has someone have to be doing to bleed playing the guitar? The worst you can get is some slight pain that's gone in a couple of days of regular practicing.
it took me a while to get it, just keep practicing user
apparently playing an open D chord.
Don't Barre frets for a D chird, it will only make it harder later on to play with the chird to make it interesting. Use your tippy tip fingers, ring on the B string, middle on the high e, index on the g. Use your thumb to lightly touch the low e and a string so they don't ring out. Play with a metronome and only go as fast as you can do it smoothly. Slowly work the metronome up in speed. Of you mess up, slow it back down to what bpm you could do it smoothly at, and work your way back up. Just PRACTICE, that is the only way. Soon, you won't understand how you could ever have had trouble. Just don't Barre it like a retard
I play the D chord with my index and ring switched. Maybe try that.