Daily wavves thread

daily wavves thread

get in here wavvesbros

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>on the way to abuse some tenants

who here /landlord/

Reminder to stop listening to Wavves:


>Slacker punk dude Nathan Williams once declared himself "King of the Beach," but now the Wavves leader has become the king of an eight-unit apartment building. That's right: Wavves is a landlord now, and everyone is freaking out.

>The one-bedroom apartments are located in the Silver Lake neighbourhood of Los Angeles. They cost $2,995 USD per month ($3,959 CAD), and are pet-friendly. Pictures of the units can be seen in the Instagram gallery below.

>In the day since the original Instagram post, it already has well over 600 comments (as of press time). Some of these comments are complimenting the undeniably nice-looking suites, but there's also a lot of criticism — the word "gentrifier" comes up a lot. Others are simply marvelling at the fact that an indie musician known for weed humour and nihilistic pop-punk anthems is now a landlord.

>The controversy has also been raging on Twitter, where Williams has been directly responding to some of his critics. Scroll past the Instagram gallery to see the comments and his responses.

>>it is super sad. how dare i have the audacity to have a passive income. i must be AN IDIOT!

>>dude i’m at the studio right now and these capitalist pigs are CHARGING ME MONEY TO RECORD HERE! SOMEONE NEEDS TO BURN DOWN THE SYSTEM!!!!

>>i’m a piece of shit for applying a trade in order to secure a future for myself outside of music you guys

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i'm a pathetic retard who listened to king of the beach several years ago because of an art thot, but also because Yea Forums wouldn't stop fucking shilling this for a while. nice summer album
so basically, the frontman became a landlord and is now shilling his business on wavves insatgram account?


king of the beach and v were their only good albums

v is their worst one by far and king of the beach is the best one

>applying a trade
Landlords are parasites

what do you hate about v? I genuinely don't understand the hate it gets.

afraid of heights is sick you pleb

If you don't think wavvves is his best album your a fucking pussy

its boring

People are just upset because they can't afford to invest in property. This dude is based

thats gonna be a yikes from me dog

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Too bad that faggot has nothing but wank on his label.

its just really boring
i was a huge fan at the time it came out but i ended up likinkg only one song
rest wasnt really bad but just some of the least memorable stuff i ever heard

If you have money to blow in LA, you're probably a landlord.

Does he have a rich daddy? he seems like the type

>gentrifying los angeles
yeah how dare he price those striver white people out of that neighborhood and charge an extra 500. like yikes homie what a douchey bro

Holy fuck that dude is cringe