>people who use spotify
People who use spotify
>people who still collect MP3s
Ok bro ill spend +500$ to buy all my fave albums instead of paying 20$ year to have them all saved in one place
>people who listen to music and not field recordings
That's right grampa, you still have to pay for music.
>implying I pay for spotify
>food analogy
reminder that the only people who hate streaming are tourists who barely listen to music and shouldnt be posting on this board
if you listened to less than 150 albums from this year, you should get the fuck out from this board and if you listened to more than that and actually downloaded all of them or paid for them you are a fucking retard
You think shit is food? Okay, pajeet.
You probably just don't listen to enough new music to justify streaming
>people who listen to music
Yeah but atleast this way you own it
>listening to 150 albums from this year
must be nice have siblings for parents
Using the family plan, I only pay $2.50 a month, which is a negligible amount. I like the interface and easy access to downloading music. If something isn't on Spotify, I'll just use YouTube to listen and download it on my phone if I enjoyed it.
Now, tell me what I'm doing wrong and the right way to do it.
That's right grampa, you can't own music without paying for it.
>Yeah but at least I pay for the perception of owning these low quality mp3s haha
You do not "own" them, you rent them, because as soon as you cancel your subscription you lose access to them - that's the exact definition of renting. The Jew has really got you around his little finger.
>t. freeloader subhuman
>DRM counts as ownership
>You STEAL things? Have you even read Locke?
you do not pay for the music retard
you pay for the time you spend listening to it
its like going to all you can eat buffet and complaining that you dont get to take the food home
t. ourist
>I'm better than you because I'm giving my artist $0.0084 per stream
You're very generous AND sanctimonious, user.
>he doesn't know
allow me to mathematically prove why you're a monumental fucking retard and should absolutely kill yourself immediately.
>150 albums
>from this year
any GOOD album worth its runtime will take multiple listens over several days or even weeks to fully appreciate. it's been 90 days since the start of the year. 150 albums over 90 days means you jump to a new album every 14 hours, and that's assuming you don't sleep. when you adjust for 8 hours of sleep per day, it's actually 150 albums over 1440 hours, at a rate of an album every 9 hours.
let me repeat: that's a new album every 9 fucking hours. from this point on, i can make a few guesses about you, and one of them is bound to be true:
>you listen to puddle deep normie trash that takes no effort to "get"
>you listen to decent albums over and over for 9 hours then immediately move on to the next one like you're trying to rack up some kind of high score
>you're talking out of your ass
>you're getting defensive when someone indirectly calls you out for sucking Jew cock and paying to RENT music
Spotify is fine if you don't pay. You can still skip songs without getting ads.
>you listen to puddle deep normie trash that takes no effort to "get"
not really, though 99% of music really doesnt take much to get
there are few normie pop albums that i usually listen to once to stay in touch, but rarely end up liking more than that
>you listen to decent albums over and over for 9 hours then immediately move on to the next one like you're trying to rack up some kind of high score
i rarely listen to the same album more than once a day, and a huge majority of them arent worth more than 3 hours and even thats too much
>you're talking out of your ass
its a little bit less
i have 159 albums in my list currently (though i havent added all of last this weeks releases yet) but some are just on my backlog, im listening to the 127th right now
though only about a half of the stuff im listening to are new releases, im also dicovering older stuff, returning to old favorites, or revisiting stuff i didnt like or couldnt get into previously
>you're getting defensive when someone indirectly calls you out for sucking Jew cock and paying to RENT music
if you think i dont have enough time to properly listen everything now, try doing one of your autistic mathematical calculations again and add all the time it would take to find a good version of all the albums (often still not available while im already streaming it), download them and tag and sort them out properly and also transfer some of them to my phone
i didn't ask for all that detail, retard. my point is that nobody who actually has a deep appreciation for music as an art form would devote such a measly amount of time to an album unless the majority of the shit they listen to is basic uninspired trash. you treat music like another product to be enjoyed and forgotten. i have nothing more to say to you.
lol enjoy listening to the same albums 10 times in arow until they are boring as fuck
also enjoy the iving with the fact that you will never discover your would-be favorite album, while i might be listening to it right now
if you get bored of your music after multiple listens, you listen to shit music. post your top played if you're so confident.
no one downloads music anymore. you are a stupid 30 y.o boomer. god damn this board is so out of touch lol
>gets utterly BTFO
>doubles down on autism
>type album/band name
>if it's on there it shows up in a second
>no chance of being shit out of luck because no one's seeding it
>don't have some chucklefuck who will only trade the album you want for Talking Heads demo tapes from 1974 in flac
>costs a bit of money instead of a lot of time
Also, I've never in my life discovered more music than with spotify recommendations. I find tons of albums in genres I like with
>he legitimately cares about how people listen to their music
jesus you people are pathetic
you first
im sure i heard all of them and they were boring as fuck
i don't use spotify. here's a chart. i don't care what you think of it, but if it'll get you to show me your most played then let's fucking go.
your turn.
>15 minutes later and not a single peep
that settles that, then.
You do know most of those records are on Spotify right? What's exactly are you going on about
I mean it IS Yea Forums.
Some pretty cool people here but also a lot of irredeemably autistic faggots.
whether they're on spotify or not is irrelevant, you cum-guzzling moron. that's not what we're discussing. why don't you read the thread before posting something so fucking dumb?
you're pretty mad for some one who listens to entry level rym techno, why would i be invested in a thread that would just anyone for using spotify. who gives a shit about how people listen to music
just --------------> judge
i actually made one comment about using spotify, the rest of my original post was concerning the ridiculous idea that someone can listen to 150 albums in 90 days and be able to fully appreciate and "get" every single one of them.
>rym techno
those are the last 9 notable albums i listened to, it doesn't represent my tastes in any way.
>those are the last 9 notable albums i listened to, it doesn't represent my tastes in any way.
This just sounds like backpedaling
backpedalling from what? i never made any statements about it, i just posted the chart so dum-dum over here would post his damn top played. but seeing as he's mysteriously disappeared, there's no point hanging around in this thread anymore
i bet u could suck 150 cocks in 90 days
do you take me for some sort of amateur? i could fit that many into a single day
>people who idolize FLAC even though it's scientifically proven to be utterly worthless
>scientifically proven
>KnowOne Black Box
I work at WageCucks so I get Spotify for free.