/jazz/ "jazz is dead" edition

>"jazz is dead"

what album do you play to someone who tells you this? or are they right?

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jazz really is dead

What's some good non musical dick jerkoff jazz?

jazz is still being made but jazz is technically dead since the 1940s

>jazz is dead
By most people’s definitions they would be correct. As a popular and commercial genre jazz has been dead since the 1940s as pointed out. (Although there are always attempts to reinvent jazz as a popular genre - bossa nova in the 60s, smooth jazz in the 80s, folks like Kamasi or Sons of Kemet now)

But in the 1940s jazz began its shift from a popular genre into an art genre. Since that time most of the best jazz music hasn’t been very commercially or culturally relevant, but the less reliant on commercial success it is, the more creative the music has become. And so even today there is still a niche market for great jazz composers and performers. There are still great records being released every year and in Europe, Asia, and New York City you can still see great live performances fairly regularly.

Craig Taborn is a great starting point for contemporary jazz btw, since he is diverse and extremely prolific. Pic related is another good starting point and includes great playing by Taborn.

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confirmed for dead genre

bebop and avant-jazz aren't art music

Jazz was born in the 40s
Pre bop era is pure shit

Prove it


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they're both still in the context of pop music. just because it's musically complex or sophisticated doesn't make it art music

>they're both still in the context of pop music.

1. because it's recorded
2. because it's distributed
3. because it's improvised
this categorisation has nothing to do with the music itself, more so the context surrounding it

So if I were to invent a time machine, go back in time to Leipzig Germany, 1729 and record Bach playing an improvised Toccata on a random Sunday and then came back to present time and distributed that recording digitally, you would consider that pop music?

I don't know. Honestly I don't know if that's possible

what do you mean by "art music"? All music is art. Is "art music" just some pretentious term?

I really dig this album.
I'd play it for an electronic music fan who is curious about jazz.

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My point is that your criteria for what can be considered art music are arbitrary and ridiculous. Recording technology did not exist until the early 20th century, otherwise you can bet every composer of “art music” would have sanctioned recordings of his works. Scriabin and Stravinsky are among the great composers who WERE recorded playing/conducting their own compostions.

Furthermore, up until the mid 19th century, most of the now-recognizes-“great” composers were celebrated improvisers in their own right and training in improvisation was considered important for any aspiring composer. J.S. Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, and Chopin are among the great composers who were also celebrated by first-hand contemporary sources as being noteworthy improvisers and who used improvisation to inform their compositions.

Lastly, all of the aforementioned composers and just about any other great pre-20th century composer you could name had their music “recorded” and “distributes” via sheet music (which I already noted was the only possible way of having your music recorded or distributed up until the early 20th century)

He's just playing some pretentious game of saying he likes something more "obscure" and "artistic" than you.
Nobody who is sane is going to classify jazz as "pop" unless they are an autist trying to annoy you.

(western) art music is basically all composed music, though the definition is quite blurry
folk music is all cultural/traditional music that's reproduced through memory
popular music is the rest

Some jazz IS pop music though. Things like Tommy Dorsey or Artie Shaw recordings were chart-topping singles, made to sell records and get radio play and for young adults to dance to. And featured relatively little improvisation, for that matter.

But thinking that anything that had been recorded, distributed, or improvised can’t be art music is asinine.

Then to me, jazz sounds like the Venn diagram center of all three of those, since jazz has a long history of great composers (Strayhorn, Mingus, Shorter, Hill etc.) but often is preserved and carried down aurally (any veteran jazz player will tell you not to trust a lead sheet, but to learn tunes by ear from a record). And yet the genre was born out of a popular style of dance music that was initially quite commercially successful and even when that commercial success faded, it has usually managed to absorb elements of the contemporary popular styles and even produce commercially successful fusions with those styles, see the examples mentioned here

Matana Roberts coin coin series


I would've agreed with you not too long ago but I've been bumpin Armstrong's Hot Fives and Sevens and now realize how wrong that opinion is. Also you can't shit on the Duke.