Post fake album covers others guess genre or how they'd sound or artist that could make it

Post fake album covers others guess genre or how they'd sound or artist that could make it

Attached: Asaro.jpg (1600x1652, 744K)

power electronics

Attached: 17AD268C-5B58-452A-B33E-67C13AF71C6A.jpg (690x921, 152K)

Philosophy of the world, but better

he covered in tar

Attached: dying is something i remember doing.jpg (500x499, 44K)

Pop punk for sure

The Pop Group - Y (Special Edition)

Attached: Vogels.png (1369x1369, 1.78M)

Sound Collage
Indie Rock

Attached: nhbnhbkatykatattakc.png (608x564, 545K)

Attached: tumblr_mkwz55L9Va1sndfx4o1_500.jpg (500x497, 42K)

Sean & Julian Lennon - Songs About Our Father (2020)

Attached: album-cover-art.jpg (1191x1191, 502K)

I swear this picture is the inner sleeve of an album (not the pop group), anyone know the one?

break beat (ur wife)

>no wave
>goofy punk
>The Smiths

Attached: make it a point.png (800x800, 850K)


post hardcore
ambient black metal
folk punk
soundcloud rap
dream pop

midwest emo

Set Fire to Flames-esque post-rock
mid 2000s buttrock

Attached: 1409603821211.png (500x500, 410K)

tribal ambient / industrial electronics that would probably disappoint

Attached: Tchelitchew.png (764x764, 1.04M)

Maybe something like, I don't know, Y.


noise rock
midwest emo
russian post punk
shitty internet plunderphonics meme album
dark ambient
math rock
minimalist prog rock
musique concrete

y the sequel

atmospheric black metal

Attached: 98554f167e09ef24ba4eac6226b545f2.jpg (1000x1000, 293K)

Attached: wO4e3SS_d.jpg (640x412, 12K)

avant-garde black metal
pop punk
alt rock
indie rock
black ambient
prog rock
art rock
drone metal

Attached: 02359AD5-8767-45F3-BDA7-5E41D96B7B25.jpg (667x667, 125K)

Attached: 1554588237196.jpg (1600x1067, 381K)

power metal satire band
ambient techno
slowcore with doom metal and shoegaze influences

This looks like a prog rock album by Storm Thorgerson

tribal folk metal/post punk
meme punk inspired both by tool and death grips
indie/jazz with soft piano
gy!be knockoff
one-man technical jazz project
experimental a capella punk/hip hop
psychedelic drone
art rock
progressive industrial
comedy rock

Attached: 1546625839439.jpg (800x800, 267K)

Attached: 9FC95DA3-D1DE-41B5-B485-68D05A10FDFB.jpg (711x651, 323K)

deliberately 80s-esque power/thrash

Attached: 1481556158742.jpg (3181x2872, 1.62M)

new ex-girl album

Attached: shroom.png (1134x1134, 1.64M)

60s-esque post rock
psych prog

Attached: 1554336689832.jpg (768x768, 124K)

Either break core or future funk

Attached: IMG_20190317_152007519.jpg (2448x3264, 1.3M)