Why is Autechre so hit or miss?
Why is Autechre so hit or miss?
early autechre is ok but pretty boring compared to early aphex and boc.
late autechre is too autistic sounding for me. So i don't really see a reason to listen to them if youre not autistic
I guess they never miss huh?
"Autistic" is a meme and not an argument. There is a reason why artists like Autechre are listened by other electronic musicians as well, people who don't find their music interesting at least are just casuals with no understanding of electronic music and sound in general.
will we reach a point where every idiomatic construction in the english language had become a meme in some way and it is as a result impossible to communicate without being confronted to absolute fucking niggers who just shitpost all day to forget about their fucked up lonely life?
What do you consider a hit and a miss? Their music is so diverse and varied everyone has their own personal favorites. I definitely agree that a lot of their most recent music is a lot harder to listen to, but Exai is my favorite album.
I really hope they go back to a more refined approach for their next endeavor
You got a boyfriend, I bet he doesn't kiss ya!
>What do you consider a hit and a miss?
There's songs that I really like and can get into and there's songs that i find boring and find myself unengaged. I've been listening to Untilted and Iera is a banger but Sublimit on the same album doesn't do it for me. I find myself in the same position when I listen to other Autechre albums. I can't get into a whole Autechre album.
no autistic isnt a meme autistic people exist, they have trouble figuring out emotions and easily lose themselves into small technical details most people wouldnt care about. i think these two attributes fit autechre pretty well.
Last time i crashed an autechre thread saying it's music for autists two anons actually replied that theyre on the spectrum.
the hamster is soo cute
I can listen to Bach and then Stockhausen, and figure out total different emotions but with same intensity. Same thing goes for Autechre.
Sorry "autistic" is just a term invented by literal brainlets to cope with their incapacity to understand what is an fm synthesis or basic babby modulations.
aphex twin is overrated shit, autechre is great
There's a million artists that sounds like Autechre, they're not that important, stop being such a person who only know selectronic music that's talked about by rock people and check out /bleep/.
no its the other way around you got that mixed up buddy.
>bach and stockhausen
sorry hate to break it to you but youre probably on the spectrum if you enjoy this (pretentious wank)
>hates aphex but loves autechre
I still can't believe people like this exist. Feels like just blatant contrarianism
you probably just think all glitch sounds the same u twat
You seem like a very insightful listener.
>I listen to Stockhausen
>me smard
lol im just trolling you mate. Stockhausen is a pretentious fuck tho
"hey aphex twin stop with the post african repetitions, music ought not repeat itself" lol
autechre is great!
Not a single of you can ever make a valid argument on Autechre, only worthless shitposting.
Just don't know how you can be a fan of autechre music and dislike aphex (and vice versa). Sure there music is pretty different from each other but I feel like you can't like one of them without at least appreciating the other.
complete pain to listen to.
I think Autechre is pretty good and Stockhausen is a pretentious piece of shit.
He was right though. Electronic music isn't formerly born to make people dance but to make perceive sound in a different way by exploring it.
Have you listened to an aphex track that wasn't made in the early 90s?
electronic music is a scam
the bar is set very low so any mediocre artist gets undeserved praise
I like Aphex Twin, but he has been stuck on repeat for 20 years, Autechre have travelled and explored worlds in all of their career, they evolved, Aphex not. He's like the pop figure of IDM to me, nothing truly groundbreaking even If appreciate his output.
Sorry if you got filtered by the ultimate IDM expression.
>but it wasnt made for this or that!
so who is that almighty god that decides what a genre is for and what not? lmao
Btw you can combine unique sound design with danceability:
Don't think his new releases should discredit anything he's made in the past. I'll be more than happy to admit that the new releases that Autechre are putting out are much better than Aphex's. But when he's got releases like Drukqs, the Analord series, Hangable Auto Bulb, the Tuss, and the hundreds of SoundCloud tracks he released, it's hard not to find him groundbreaking.
t. hasnt listened to the tuss, windowlicker ep and druqks
no youre just deluding yourself into thinking it's worthwhile because it has the autechre brand. you might as well listen to an old screeching train or a fucking lyrebird. that are also "interesting" sounds.
autechre is the equivalent of some old boomerfag with an attic full of modular synths producing bleep farts. anyone can make weirdo sounds if they press random buttons on a synth and thats all autechre seems to do, wanky weirdo sounds
*without care for the end product, which usually sounds terrible
I usually don't argue about electronic music with someone who thinks Skrillex has a "good sound design".
Imagine having so much few sense of perception of sound that you perceive something made with two Elektron something unlistenable. You don't even recognize rhythm patterns from a 14 years old liveset basically constructed only with patterns and repetitions.
Imagine having so much few, if not any at all, experience on electronic production that you don't even recognize the most basic classic sounds of production, but only a manufactured sound palette made for baby daws users.
Imagine relying only on memes read casually on a mongolian cartoon board to try to argue about a music act you clearly don't know anything about.
Imagine having the conviction that you somehow understood something and you're not just shitposting like anyone else.
the growling bass was never done before the way he did it with scary monsters and nice sprites at the time faggot. But youre a friendless virgin cuck incel faggot söyböy who never went to a club or rave and rocked out to techno music. also nice job ignoring amnesia scanner who also have good sound design but don't rely solely only producing le edgy bleepy noises.
Ill make an autechre-like song tomnorrow and post it in this thread. it's gonna be easy af.
>Ill make an autechre-like song tomnorrow and post it in this thread. it's gonna be easy af.
With what exactly?
Uhm with a DAW, synths and vsts?
too bad my OP-1 hasnt arrived yet. The dude in this video produces like a whole autechre ep unintentionally while demonstrating the sound engines lmao
>not using Max or Pure Data
Best of luck.
This video i meant
You mean this guy? Yeah, he's talented, you're not.
LOL you don't know shit about producing it seems
lol this is shit. If you think this at all compares to autechre, you're a fucking Mongo. He's just mashing white keys.
thats not an OP-1 retard
listen to him going through the Sound engines and messing about. if these noises were on an autechre album you wouldnt bat an eye
if your mom was on my dick I wouldn't bat an eye.
I'm gonna meme you like a madman
getting a bit insecure there buddy huh? because deep down you just realized while listening to this YouTube fag browsing the OP-1 making bleepy noises that autechre is just an overblown overrated autistic noise duo anyone with a few decent synths can replicate easily ;)
No, you're just tone-deaf that you can't even tell the difference between well composed music and poorly composed music.
noise is noise dude
user, I'm legit autistic and the only reason I don't listen to autechre is probably because I haven't tried. (Wanna rec me an album?) That other user wasn't trying to argue, no one in this thread should be, he was just sharing his experience with the music. Your post is supper sperged and illiteratepilled.
>they have trouble figuring out emotions
No we don't, we have trouble expressing and responding to them. I can tell when someone is upset or happy or sad or mad or tired, but I have difficulty deciding what to do about it. Likewise, I can feel upset/happy/sad/mad/tired/etc, but often hesitate to communicate it.
Don't listen to autechre itll make you even more autistic ;) No just kidding, i would start with BoC and Aphex tho if you havent already, otherwise you might become an annoying sperg like that other guy
>Wanna rec me an album?
Oversteps is a good place to start IMO. Accessible, but still modern sounding.
Amber and Incunabula are great albums to start with, but if you want listen to an album that sounds more like their recent material I'd listen to this user