Did he really think that his music would be revolutionary for 100 years when it sounded terrible? He must've known.
Did he really think that his music would be revolutionary for 100 years when it sounded terrible? He must've known
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lol whos that faggot
>Being this new
Didn’t plato write about changes in music being a sign of a revolution or something?
It WAS revolutionary. It's up to you to decide whether it sounds terrible.
I'm glad he did what he did. In a weird way I'm also glad that people still don't like it.
I mean, it was revolutionary.
>And what are the dirgelike harmoniai? You are musical, and can tell me.
>The harmonies which you mean are the Mixolydian and intense Lydian, and others similar to them.
>These then, I said, we must do away with; for they are useless even to women who are to make the best of themselves, let alone to men.
Based plato was a poptimist
It's interesting that him pushing for serialism further and further eventually lead to its own collapse when it turned out to be something of a dead end. His music is very beautiful, though extremely fragile. And it's not modern, Pierrot Lunaire is over a 100 years old.
fuck plato.
Greek philosophers were nothing but cock-worshipping faggots
>It's interesting that him pushing for serialism further and further
Webern and his fangirls were the people actually pushing serialism further and further. Schoenberg created serialism, yeah, but he was more, uh, conservative with it.
I wouldn't put it on Webern, but I can definitely see that on his fanclub.
Based greeks
Show me an actually good atonal piece.
Take the noise pill
check out Schoenberg's compositions
I was listening to Pierrot Lunaire earlier but I was bored. May check other stuff later
Schoenberg's music is beautiful. There's something so intense and emotionally powerful in it while he was working within a restrictive framework. Like with Wagner, there's this metaphysical quality to his music that I just can't wrap my head around, but it leaves me in awe every time I hear it.
lol, fuck off Hill
>it's another butthurt about schoenberg episode
Stop being tonal babbies already, brainlets.
Music never went to shit, people's tastes did. There's some absolutely wonderful non-tonal/20th century music.
No, you stop. It even has key signatures, dummy.
>key signatures always mean functional harmony/tonality
retard alert
not an argument
>functional harmony = tonality
>modal music is atonal
>music that often changes key is atonal
Good thing I have a lot of these
Tonality a cute a CUTE
>>functional harmony = tonality
Yes. How does it not equal?
>>modal music is atonal
Never said it was, retard.
>>music that often changes key is atonal
Good thing that Scriabin piece never changes keys because it's keyless, you ass.
>has key signatures
This video is interesting, thanks