MU MADE AN ALBUM!!! (pt18)

It's the day
Songs In The Key Of Anne is finally released after 22 long days
Thanks to everyone that contributed in this project.

>As you can probably see It Is Done was moved to a bonus track, the mix was just not good enough and listening to the album it just didn-t work, I-m really sorry to the user but I made the
>We still need to update the album cover ot have Mutant Honey and Songs In The Key Of Anne in the red sides like pic related

Apart from that let's celebrate!!!!!!

Attached: uybg.png (1250x1250, 2.93M)

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wow this shit sucks lmfao

thanks for the feedback luv xo

>>I-m really sorry to the user but I made the
made the what?

the track, it was actually one of my favourites composition wise but when I was listening to the album as a whole it just didn't fit

weren't we going to do a vocal harmony thing on the last track?

I'm sorry OP but...first post best post.

This album is really boring.
The only good track is She Writes, which actually sounds like it had some emotion put into it.

Anyone have the metal album Yea Forums made a while back?

Yeah I was actually gonna use an idea that an user had on the last thread but they deleted the instaud link and a few people have said that the track is fine as is so I decided to leave it as is

I enjoyed A Combination of North and South but I can see how you might find it boring

Well it's a shame you didn't like the album user, hopefully next projects we'll refine the process and make something you cna really enjoy

This is pretty cool thanks OP

semen stained diary is my fav track op

"She Writes" is the only one that doesn't sound like filler.

its unironically really enjoyable desu

some nice tunes i like over the wall. but u coul duse more yung chuck in the future

I think this is really cute and I'm proud of you kids.

Love, Gramps.

While I genuinely appreciate the positive response to my track, I think it’s kinda funny that as soon as the thing goes from a mu project to something that can be reviewed the glowing encouragement turns to criticism. Meme titles notwithstanding, I enjoy the whole thing. I think a consistent vibe was cultivated throughout, and considering the limited resources of most of these contributors, the depth of all the mixes are really lovely and impressive to me. I’m glad to have been a part of it

thanks pa'
You're the best she writes user!

nice job everyone

Attached: 1551582990518.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Thanks user !!!!

Aw thanks man

I’ve got a bandcamp if people want more of me. A little musty rn but my one record is decent and more is coming this year

If any of the other contributors have bandcamps I’d really be interested in hearing their work!

Are we shilling? Ok then,
I was the user who did North and South and It Is Done
I made an ambient/experimental album mostly for fun last year and plan to do more

Yeah haha i wasn’t sure if it would be okay but like I definitely want to hear other people’s work

I can't wiat to hear what your work and whatever else you put out in the future

Hey, guitar user here. Just wanna thank everyone for seeing it through to the end. I really like how it turned out.


it's bearable but very frontloaded also how the fuck do you fuck up the mix repeating at the end of track 1 and start of track 2

Oh shit I fucked that up thanks for pointing it out.
I was very tired when I did it will fix in a minute

Fixed it, so sorry for that stupid mistake everyone

this is pretty ok. nice work lads

Thank you user!

Unironically almost made me spit my drink out

this is actually really nice


You know what i’ll bump again cuz y’all earned it

These album creation threads would unironically be better with the likes from April Fool's Day

Yet ironically this shit never happens on platforms with likes

I thought the same during the voting segments I always thought "this would be way easier with likes"
Having said that fuck likes lmao

Enjoyed Gum Man (favourite song on the album), She writes and Alright see you guys tomorrow

>not one metal track
it's not really Yea Forums, is it?

The more I hear my own song, the more shit it sounds lmao

She writes is best track

You can check out the bandcamop of the user that made it if you want more I'd bet money on that your track doesn0t sound like shit user


i’ll bump too