>finally grew out of edgy /pol/ phase
>realize that i have myself and thats all that matters
>start smoking weed, its a state of perfection
>feel happier every day
Music for this feel?
Finally grew out of edgy /pol/ phase
>smoking weed
>every day
good job fren, though i don't have any taste for this i'm glad you've transfered from scum of the earth to here
Tool - Lateralus
Also congrats friend
Congratulations. Keep your mind positive, keep your head pointed upwards.
You'll be back to /pol/ once the weed starts making you irritable like Joe Rogan
Falseflag threads should be permaban-worthy
>grew out
>still smokes weed
fuck off trendhopper
Do you still hate minorities and women?
Stay mad, /pol/cuck.
Thanks guys. Appreciate the recs
Whats wrong with weed?
Lol no
You're really based, user. Here you go.
>/pol/ accusing everyone else of false flagging while planning literal phych ops
You don't belong here.
/pol/ itself is a cia psyop
Degenerierter amerikanischer Untermensch.
Fuck you for being on /pol/ in the first place
Good goy
I'm still /pol/, but I also realize that there's not going to be a race war and that it's useless worrying about petty bullshit like politics.
>typical day in afghanistan
Take a shower.
Hit the weights.
Get laid.
Get a clue.
finna BASED
I do this already and don't need to fester in hate on /pol/
So things that /pol/ never does? Yeah. And?
Based and redpilled
>liking nash over punk
t. either fat fuck or lanky sperg
sounds like you weren't man enough to handle the redpill
forgive me lord but i had to do it to em
lol you took the blue pill
based af
Pretty sure black people are better at sports though. Neither is really an objective measure of how we should judge people
first our dicks sizes and now this
can't a white man catch a break?
>he thinks there are white people in America
>he thinks there are intellgient people in America
i stopped browsing pol in 2016
much happier
world aint so bad
are you suggesting that every black person should become an athlete or a rapper?
>quivering incels that have no business in Yea Forums
I fell down a rabbithole for a while watching nothing but Sargon of Akkad, Dave Rubin, TLDR, ThunderFoot, and whatever else vids during the gamergate shit till like 2015 but I noticed it was legitimately making me depressed to be bombarded with constant negativity about SJW boogeymen and how they're affecting videogames, college campuses, protests, or whatever.
Abandoning that shit was the best decision I've made for my own well-being.
I agree, I was watching Teletubbies the other day and I almost started crying. The world is a dark place.
Also everyone on /pol/ fucking hates each other. Even if you're a die-hard nationalist why would you want to go there? It's a load of dickheads from every other country lecturing you about how fucked yours is when they've never set foot outside their own.
its just unnecessary negativity
and even if it was all true, what the fuck does constantly bitching about it do?
it raises awareness....
dont eat the tubby custard
>he fell for the weed meme
You're just lowering your IQ and depleting your brain of the chemicals it needs to make you happy and stimulate your reward centers.
Im glad sports cures diseases and propels the human race... thanks black people!
if you want any sort of pertinent information you really don't want it packaged as alarmism by people who spend all their time knocking down strawmen in every video
I agree that you don't have to and I don't like information presented that way, but that's what works on public. If you want to have public opinion on your side you have to use FOX and CNN tactics.
since its inception, /pol/ has probably converted at least 1 million people to general right wing.
Lmao don't project little man, go burn some brain cells
Yeah funny how all the liberal faggots flip flopped on that once they started being mocked for being effeminate bitches xD
It's funny how white nationalists always like to shoehorn themselves into the accomplishments of people far greater than they are (WE built this, WE discovered that), but if anyone brings up slavery in America it's all "I had nothing to do with that."
You're doing the same thing with 4channel and the internet my dude, rewired your brain to be addicted to (You)s lmao
no one on this site has any ability to self reflect
But just think how right he is
All /pol/ does here is get mad at everything while they have zero knowledge on music.
Something you had nothing to do with personally though, right? Stop living your life being proud of someone else's accomplishments, even if you have none yourself. That's just a pathetic way to live your life.
Its funny how slaves were mostly owned by Jews but white people get blamed for it XD
Aren't Jews white?
All you do is whine about /pol/ tho lmao
Nope, they seem to view themselves as a minority outside white people. Unless they want to speak for "all white people" of course
What? I'm a non European, non American. Explain, please? Every Jew I've met is white.
You were never any real ideology. You're just a larper.
Stay virgin
'White' to a white supremacist is anyone 'ethnically European'. Jews don't count because they're originally from the Middle East. The reason you haven't heard this is because nobody else gives a shit.
That statement only works if you believe slavery was a bad thing,
You can't have it both ways :J
Yea I don't like slavery, it would of been much better to genocide their entire race, they do nothing with they're land, we pump billions of dollars in Africa and they do nothing with it, they are the worst of the worst.
I have a doctorate in physics, and im literally working with the government, stop projecting the fact that you don't do shit and that you yourself is actually a worthless faggot.
I could also go 10 layers deeper why it's ok to be proud of your races accomplishments, but I don't have the time to waste on someone who can't make their own conclusions.
This thread is shit, so is this board, it's probably because niggers think rap is music, so ever nigger on this website comes over to spew shit all over the place without any logic and actual thoroughly thought out ideas.
I'm going back to /lit.
>I have a doctorate in physics, and im literally working with the government
Yeah nah no you don't lol
>I have a doctorate in physics, and im literally working with the government
and I have over 300 confirmed papers in the journal Science and I'm the top physicist in the entire National Academy of Sciences
Buddy, did you mean to reply to this?
>I have a doctorate in physics, and im literally working with the government
>falling for the weed meme
cringe bro
/pol/tard tries to be smart: the post.
Sorry that reality is scary for you.
I'm 20 years old and smoke 7grams of weed a month. my brain is fine right now. but desu I'm kinda worried if I'll be doing any damage to it down the line. then again I don't plan on living very long so who knows. try mushrooms. they'll really open up your mind. it's not a meme I'm serious when I say they'll change how you see the world and more importantly yourself.
>I have a doctorate in physics
>therefore i am an expert in sociology and history
All thing /pol/ is famous for
Girls love it when you complain about the jews
>get into edgy /pol/itics
>become a white nationalist
>listen to Dr. William Luther Pierce based on recommendation
>he references Jacques Ellul
>read Jacques Ellul
>become a Christian Anarchist
No weed required.
Correct. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race :^)
excellent post