Can someone explain the augmented 7th chord to me? The diminished seventh consists of 3 diminished degrees...

Can someone explain the augmented 7th chord to me? The diminished seventh consists of 3 diminished degrees, so that makes sense. But the augmented 7th just randomly has two adjacent degrees. I realize that if you had another major 3rd interval you'd merely be doubling the root but what is the justification for such a squeezed voicing?

Attached: c-augmented-7th-chord-on-piano-keyboard.png (440x225, 13K)

m8 who cares

Clearly OP does, that's why he's asking, brainlet.

man thats some nerd shit lol. just write a song loser, who cares about the math behind it. you think david foster wallace was sitting there thinking about the 'degeress between the words of his sentences' or whatever? just make the fuckin music

Why so defensive? He's just asking a question.

i'm dispensing wisdom

You're a seething brainlet, dude.

The justification is in the way it sounds. Use it if it makes sense to you in a given situation. I don't know what else to tell you. Music doesn't have to follow some kind of grand sense all of the time.

dude, you're like, a fucking brainlet dude, like... read a book dude.

It's funny because a lot of what is considered experimental on this board is just pop bands using lame theory choices to make semi off putting music, sometimes Yea Forums is so fucking pleb.

It's an augmented chord with the dominant 7th (the Bb, in this case). Hence why it is like that. Besides, an augmented 7th is what? An enharmonic equivalent of the octave?

Yes, actually. Perhaps not Foster Wallace, but Joyce definitely was, and every author is keenly aware of the structure of their songs. Shakespeare's many sonnets and their adherence to form can easily be paralleled with form in music.

this but unironically

literally not true brainlet. joyce had "flow." ulysses required very little editing.
same reason why rap is better than 90% of rock:
verabl intelligence. real artists don't have to think about it, they just spit that shit

>why don't you just be some daft cunt, like me
Don't think OP is looking to be a retard m8.

>same reason why rap is better than 90% of rock

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oi bruv daft cunt, telly welly. BING BONG football ya cunt, innit

listen to some dumb bullshit like babys on fire and then listen to a real artist like posty and post that image again. rocklets can't compete. they're more like cocklets

>real artists don't have to think about it
Do you think someone like Da Vinci or Monet didn't think a lot about what they were doing? Do you think it just came out of them? What a romanticist idea.

here's a (you)

visual art is a whole different thing. don't twist my words

He obviously thinks art is subconscious and not completely rational and a craft, or some dumb shit like that.

Seriously you people don't have any idea of how the artistic creative process works, good art doesn't come from the sky

t. uncreative consumers.

Oh, is it? Why?

Nah, it behaves the same way. The same principles apply. Theater is an intensely visual art, and opera is by all means one of the few ones that combines it all. Yet the words (and in opera, the music) have to be all carefully chosen to bring the idea, in this case one that bounces through multiple people. Even in music, in the most improvistational forms such as free jazz, there's knowledge of structure.

The craft of art is conscious and rational; the origin of it is subconscious and irrational - your ideas have to sprout from somewhere in the unconscious, but the execution of them comes from the conscious.

I'll blame that on a mix of romanticism and worship of child prodigies.

Yep, that answered my question.

>The craft of art is conscious and rational; the origin of it is subconscious and irrational - your ideas have to sprout from somewhere in the unconscious, but the execution of them comes from the conscious.
I agree, but art doesn't exist as an idea only in my opinion; you have to create it and the act of creation, as you said, is conscious and rational.

Not sure how much there is to explain. You can either think of it as a Caug chord with an added seventh on top, or as a C7 chord with a sharp fifth in the middle.
This approach might work if you're looking to make shitty indie pop or some "sick beats" on your laptop, but anybody who actually cares about making music beyond the topical shit that zoomers eat up is going to want to have an understanding of basic shit like intervals and chord construction.

time. when a singer/songwriter gets the beat they just kind of say stuff til its a song, if you're an artist you gotta mix your paint, draw and all that. doing a drawing takes forever. i have a deviantart and there is literally at least 1000 hours of work on it

I think emotion a giant part of what makes music good, because of the interpretative aspect. I've seen great college students with wonderful instrument technique fail miserably at creating good art by having no emotional drive and taking the process with mathematical approach. Still, knowing what you're doing is hugely important.

Yeah, it's definitely an interesting idea. Even if you're just "feeling the music, man", you still have to be making conscious and rational decisions about whether or not what you're doing fits with your vision, and it's always your choice as to whether something fits with your ideas. I tend to overabuse dissonances of the 6th and the 9th in my compositions because I like their sound, but I know I like their sound because of my own personal conscious decisions.

ROFL, name some "real artists" that don't think about the music they make, bro. My guess is any list like that will contain nothing but pop, indie, and hiphop names and not a single actual composer.

Obviously I agree with the fact that if you're soulless or have no interesting things to say, you're going to fail, but an emotional artist doesn't make a good one; I think he needs to be rational and knowledgeable in the sense that he has to know how to code those emotions in the art efficiently and sincerely.

What if you're looking at a symphony? Writing the melodies and orchestrating everything takes copious amounts of time. Or even something simple that you already know will have set instrumentation and form, like a mass - you know the Mass has 5 different forms and specific prayers and everything, and you will know it will be primarily a choral composition. It'll still take time. Hell, there's some Bach Chorales that don't last a minute in length and have been clearly worked on to be used for SATB chorus.

an emotional artist doesn't necessarily make a good one* let me fix that

Yeah, in fact being too emotional can even harm your creative process, especially if you're working with other musicians.

This has to be bait lmao

Yep, entirely correct. Overly emotional people don't make good art, I've seen countless examples in person.

Please tell me again how "american hours" is a thing

oh look one of the brainlets finally got it
you'll niggas replying in earnest have got to be like 90 iq.

earnest post(i actually am a semi-famous musician. considered a "songwriters songwriter" by many)
it's like 80% craft. my best songs spring from the subconscious as a melody with some arrangement. if i didn't know how intros and transitions work though, they would never work as actual songs. that being said, if you're writing "pop" music, pop meaning not classical or jazz, this question is pretty irrelevant. learn the chord and how it works in a progression, that's all you really "need" to know. good luck and godspeed

you can stop posting buddy

oh shit, hi billie

>haha, i'll call him "buddy" all condescending. it gives the idea that i'm smarter than him, yet i bear no ill will. it'll make him feel small and insignificant. me i'm large and very significant. i have a 7.5 inch penis

hi mark

oh come on mark doesn't post like some millennial faggot. he'd be all cool. several paragraphs; semicolons and all of that.

Holy shit. OP here. WTF happened.

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One of the better threads on Yea Forums as of late, frankly.

noone cares lol

i'm turning this shit around. no one shitposts anymore, that's the reason Yea Forums is fucking gay. i'm back honey

We answered your question and had a nice chat apart from that baiting autist. You're welcome.

obviously you do, you keep talking to me. :eyeroll:


IMO it's the symptom of neurotic people trying to put a square peg in a round hole. It's easily explained as a chord on the whole tone scale, and that's exactly what it sounds like, but this is some weird interpretation of this sound as a modified triadic seventh chord, which is not really what this is. Non-diatonic harmony (whole tone, octatonic, quartal/quintal, secundal, chromatic/atonal, clusters) shouldn't be explained within the context of the regular diatonic scale.

honestly. . . pretty based

Based and Liked

No but maybe that's why the man could neither think nor write

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>functional harmony in the whole tone scale
based retard

harold bloom is a kike
k- kind
i- intelligent
k- kurupt fan
e- entertaining critic whom i have a deep respect for


Attached: kek.png (696x311, 52K)

nice photoshop bro

im a gimp man


It approximates the odd harmonics over the second of the chord, i.e. 7:9:11:13. In this analysis for C augmented seventh D would be the root.

Poor OP

It is approximately the ratio 9:11:14:16. So it is an 11th chord on the "seventh", i.e. for C augmented 7 the true root is Bb.

nerds. i picture your voices all muffled; coming from inside a locker

>knowledge bad! xd