Are you still sleeping on the best band of this generation?
Are you still sleeping on the best band of this generation?
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Any musical act that includes the millennial whoop in any of their songs is automatic garbage. Fuck these hacks.
Talentless hacks
Anyone who listens to watered down corporate dog shit like this should stop posting forever. You are no better than YASSS QUEEEN and waifu fags.
How are there so many fucking normies on this board anyway?
still sleeping. In a decade you will pretend like you liked them since the beginning. nerd
On Yea Forums you don't see anons making posts about how 50 shades of grey is great literature, on /pol/ you don't see anons saying "mainstream politics is actually great , let's all register with the GOP", and yet here, at least 60% of the board at any given time is dedicated to corporate products like this. What exactly is the deal with this board? Is it actually like to 60% shilling? I find that hard to believe. How do social forces filter out normies for every board except this one (and Yea Forums but that's obvious)?
>more than 10 people know of this artist I like
>reee fuck off normies
What a couple of fags.
corporate horse shit
Yea Forums is still better than Yea Forums if we're being honest
so talented
Fucking cringe.
If you don't have whatever essential components of consciousness that allow one to feel within a tenth of a second of hearing music like this, that it emanates from a corporate board room and really shouldn't even be called "music" you're probably an NPC honestly. It's not even the way it sounds primarily that gives it away, though the way it sounds obviously does give it away, it's like corporate products radiate some kind of toxic energy signature that you can feel before you've even heard more than 5 seconds of a track.
Holy fucking shit. I have very rarely seen something so embarrassing. How do people convince themselves they actually like things like this? Is it some kind of Stockholm syndrome?
no clue who that is but just from that picture i can tell they arent even close to the best
Sooo Beethoven is automatic garbage?
there is nothing corporate about them.... they are two popular Ohio kids who went viral
>queer-baiting bro-emo-rap
that's a yikes for me
Their newest album Trench is amazing. It's about intentionally delving into depression for artistic sublimation.
Pretty fuckin bad.
i don't know about that, Yea Forums rarely discusses non-mainstream movies, at least sometimes Yea Forums gets that discussion
the state of both Yea Forums and Yea Forums is pretty poor though compared to other boards as said, they have become more reddit tier over time