ITT: things only unskilled and/or untalented musicians do

ITT: things only unskilled and/or untalented musicians do. I'll start:
>"""guitarists""" who use a capo
>"b-b-but Jonny Marr said..."

Attached: konig-meyer-30900-capo-2.jpg (1585x1600, 174K)

every single pop guitarist is unskilled compared to classical guitarists

but how am i gonna play wonderwall for som pussy

using synth presets

Take lessons on their instrument(s)
>inb4 I didn't burst out of the womb playing freeform jazz
You're a talentless hack

Making music instead of criticizing it. Literally babby tier.

>he cares about the methods used to create the music
I bet you listen exclusively to Dream Theater.

It's been a while since I saw this thread

I have been on /g/ past couple months

>people still respond to this bait

Cool trips Scaruffi

fax, unless they alter it enough so that it sounds like their own synth.

cope harder you unsuccessful cuck, you wouldn't know it was a preset unless you got told it was.

touch this piece of garbage
>inb4 gear doesn't define the producer!!!
it doesn't, but chances are you're shit anyways if you use this. spare James Ferraro.

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Making dungeon synth

The methods used to create music don't matter? I'd say they're pretty important

>click this thread
>suddenly gets reccomended a johnny Marr video on youtube
uuhhh guys..........

>band has a drummer

>David Bowie is untalented because he didn't twiddle the knobs himself
Do you know how dumb you sound?

yeah let me just tune up my guitar and break my strings

Capos are literally fine if you're using it to support a singer who doesn't have the right range to sing a particular song in the original key. Relying on it doesn't make you unskilled, if anything it makes you a far more efficient, professional and adaptable musician. Let me guess, you don't do this for a living, do you?

>writing songs and pretending they're in a "key"
nice trainer wheels fucking idiots

real guitarists don't require a tool to change song keys, pleb.

Attached: caposhark.jpg (500x348, 159K)

That's a good point. Some musicians are content to make bad music not because they're untalented, but they're lazy.

David Bowie may have been talented, but he was nothing special as a synth player. More than anything, he was a pretty good multi-instrumentalist whose genius lay in how he marketed himself.

[spoiler]His best albums are basically Brian Eno albums anyway.[/spoiler]

>thinking Low is Bowie's best album

Attached: 1474554999913.jpg (740x721, 45K)

Not only is it his best album, it's the only one that's good all the way through.

Station To Station is Bowie's best album

>6 samey glam ballads
I think the fuck not

the entire B-side of Low is samey

Who do you think made reCAPTCHA?

Honestly there's nothing wrong with a capo, I bet you're one of those guys who is frustrated because girls like songs they can sing along to or that speak to them, and don't care about your "technical" shredding ability - which is just a parlor trick

They do when they want a particular voicing

>using capos
>using power chords
>using barre chords
>using non-standard tuning
>playing open notes
>learning scales
>using strum patterns
>using effects
>keeping time
>recording anything
Why do shitty players do this...

Real players use their tongues and only play atonal in de-tunings

>playing open notes

Browse and post on Yea Forums

At least it's just the B side, and at least it sounds like the same good song rather than a shitty glam ballad

Yeah lol just stretch ur hand over six frets and bar the first of those.

I'l stick with a capo thanks.

Shit, guitarists from the Everly Brothers to Bruce Springsteen have used capos.

You wanna talk "things only unskilled and/or untalented musicians do"? Then talk about sampling, playing prerecorded tracks at live shows, using AutoTune, and other shenanigans.

Nobody needs some space shuttle control panel to arrange tracks.
Hell, Audacity had everything you need for live recordings. I still use it for demoing and experimenting with mixes.

t. preset enthusiast

Make rap and/or hip hop

this is a thread about things unskilled musicians do. rappers aren't musicians, all they do is mumble into a microphone over a fruity-loops drum beat. Even referring to rap/hip-hop as music is a bit of a stretch to be honest

>literal first time drummer: Any sticks work
>Drummer who thinks they're good but aren't: "Yea I need grips on my sticks in order to play perfectly, so I only buy the artist endorsed sticks from guitar center." "Do I have any 7A's on me? What are 7A's?
>Actually talented drummer: Any sticks work

Well, ideally a guitarist knows enough voicings to change keys without a capo. The only reason I can think of to use a capo is if you're playing riffs/voicings with open strings in them and you need to change the key.