damn... he's pretty based
Damn... he's pretty based
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>After one of Rose's dogs defecated in the coop, Buckethead insisted it not be cleaned up as he liked the smell. After three days, the smell had become overwhelming and the studio staff removed it, upsetting Buckethead.
He's a big guy
for you
I mean, I get that some people have their autistic habits and preferences, but I really can't blame the studio staff here.
>noodles for 5 mins
Oops song done
possibly THE worst rock schtik of all time
based autismo
It's not a schtik, it's just autism.
nah, autism side effect isnt putting kfc bucket on your head for 30 years.
then what's the best rock 'schtik' of all time?
>best rock 'schtik' of all time?
probably like crossdressing. Dudes being really faggy. Thats always sold records and made careers.
Have you heard him speak? He's clearly autistic.
yes, but there would be a lot more documented cases of people with autism putting a chicken bucket on their head for 30 years if this was something you could blame on autism.
Its clearly a stage thing, he doesnt keep the bucket on 24/7
No but attachment to routine and (a lot of the time, but not nearly always) social shyness are big autism alerts. I could fully believe autism is the reason buckethead started wearing the bucket and that autism is also the reason he has never taken it off in any public appearance ever. Even other performers that have their persona as a big part of their show break kayfabe sometimes, rappers do it all the time and making the persona seem real is the lifeblood of rap. You'd have to be at least a bit autistic to have that level of dedication to a gimmick.
Is this real? WTF
Im not denying his autism. I figured that shit out by listening to his solo stuff.
There can be all types of reasons performers do rack schtick, autism can be a reason, sure. Doesnt make it not be a rock schtick.
Slipknots masks are another thing id put under rock schtik category.
The full story is crazier
>By the time Zutaut joined the Chinese Democracy project, Buckethead had left, frustrated by what he saw as the band’s inactivity. Axl wanted him back. So Zutaut arranges a meeting with Brian/Bucket at a deli in LA and listens as the guitarist explains why he left: he doesn’t get on with Roy Thomas Baker, he’s frustrated at the whole situation – at coming in to the studio everyday when Axl’s not even there, playing the same parts over and over. Axl’s his hero, he tells him, but he just spent a year going nowhere. He doesn’t think the record will ever come out and he just has to move on with his life.
>Tom leans in to him: “Look,” he says, “I got almost six albums out of GN’R. I’m talking to Axl everyday. I feel pretty good. I think I can get the record finished.
>“You’re a genius,” he tells him, “I’d love to work with you. You’re one of the few people that can be in GN’R and make GN’R special the way Slash made it special. I promise you that I will be in the studio withyou everyday and I will help you get what you want done and I won’t tell you to be Slash.”
>What, Zutaut asked, could he do to make the recording experience better for him? Suddenly, says Zutaut, Brian Carroll was transformed in front of his eyes. “He went into Buckethead mode,” says Tom.
>“I mean, I was talking to Brian, who was confiding in me, and suddenly he was Buckethead and he was telling me some story about how his parents were chickens and he was a chicken – how his mum was a hen and his dad was a rooster. I couldn’t tell whether it was fantasy or reality or who I was even talking to. But he believed it!
>“Then it’s like Brian comes back and he’s kinda saying, ‘You know I’d really like to make a movie of my life story and how I was raised in a chicken coop – it’s the only place where I really feel comfortable’.”
>Which is when Zoot has a brainwave. “Well, you’ve just told me how you don’t feel right in the studio,” he says. “What if we built you a chicken coop in the studio for you to record your guitar parts?’
>Brian’s jaw drops: “Would you really do that?”
>“Well,” says Tom, “it’s my job to find out whatever it is that will help you get the best creativity out of yourself.”
>“If I could have my own chicken coop in the studio,” says Buckethead, “my own world to live in, I could play a lot better.”
>Two days later, it was built. “It’s like an apartment within the studio that’s a chicken coop,” says Zutaut. “He’s got his chair to record and a little mini sofa in there, and there’s, like, a rubber chicken with its head cut off hanging from the ceiling and body parts. It’s totally Buckethead’s world. It’s like Halloween in the chicken coop: part chicken coop, part horror movie. We built the coop and then he brought in all his props and toys and put straw on the floor! You could almost smell the chickens.
>“No one was allowed to go in there apart from the assistant engineers to adjust mics – you could not destroy the spirit and karmic vibe of the coop, his personal retreat. But – it’s chicken wire. You could stand outside and talk, looking through, but nobody was allowed in there with his hacked up dolls and rubber chickens and heads…”
>With Buckethead back to work (Q: Does he come in with a mask on and a KFC bucket? Zutaut: “He’s got a bucket, but he doesn’t wear it always – just sometimes for inspiration”), once again Chinese Democracy is a work in progress, with a lead guitarist ensconced in a chicken coop, wailing away. (Q: Does everyone call him Brian or Buckethead? Zutaut: “Just Bucket. Like, ‘Whassup, Bucket?’”)
>You know I’d really like to make a movie of my life story and how I was raised in a chicken coop – it’s the only place where I really feel comfortable’.”
we all know this feel
>Interviewed for this story, Beta Lebeis stresses that the coop was just a bit of fun. “In every band, people have their own ways of being creative – their own things that are personal to them,” she says, “and Buckethead loved chicken coops. And he loved cemeteries – he just loved that shit. So it was just a fun thing to do…
>"It’s like Dizzy Reed – he loves drinking that drink, Jagermeister. So somebody made his this huge guitar and you open it up and there’s Jagermeister inside – just a fun thing. And [the coop] didn’t cost money or anything – think about it, it’s just wire. You buy wire and you do it yourself. People say ‘Oh my gosh, that’s part of the money we spent on the album.’ It has nothing to do with that. It’s something you do in three or four hours. Just for fun, to play a joke on somebody.”
>As the weeks went by, the joke started to wear thin. “There was a bit of creative tension with Roy Thomas Baker,” says Zutaut. “Not because Roy is doing anything wrong or isn’t a great producer or anything like that – but you know some people have friction. It’s like oil and water. It might have been cultural differences.”
>It could well have been, what with Roy being an eccentric, flamboyant, British rock god producer and Buckethead being, well, a chicken.
>“So Bucket comes and says he needs a TV so he can sit in his chicken coop and watch porn,” says Tom. “And that seemed to really inspire him to record some great stuff. He comes armed with whatever DVDs he needs and he is doing really great stuff…”
>Buckethead is knee-deep in hardcore chicken shack heaven when one evening Axl turns up for the session. Zutaut: “Axl sees that Bucket is running this porn – and it is pretty hard core stuff, it’s not soft porn by any stretch of the imagination – and Axl is really disturbed by it.”
>Axl asks Zutaut how long this has been going on and why it was happening. He’d thought the idea of building the chicken coop was cool but this? “He said music is about energy and we are transferring a creative spirit and vibe within the music,” says Zutaut. “He said, ‘I really can’t have the vibe of dirty depraved porn being a part of my record – it is really not what this record is about, you know?’
>“Axl is a firm believer that the energy or soul of everyone involved in the process comes through in the final artistic piece – so he works really hard to make sure what comes in and goes out is pure and right for his vision. Which is why Axl was always very disturbed about the former Gunners’ heroin use and what effect it had on their creativity.”
>So – as no one’s allowed in the chicken coop, not even Axl – he takes Bucket outside for a talk about how it’s really not right to watch this kind of stuff. “Then Axl left and Bucket was pretty despondent,” says Zutaut. “He disappeared for a few days because he was pretty torn up about it. Not because he was angry or because he thought he should be able to watch what he wants. I think it was more because of the emotional implications that Axl brought up to him: that it wasn’t right to be inspired by shit like that.”
>If that wasn’t weird enough, there was also an occasion where Buckethead appeared to be inspired by shit itself. Axl, says Zutaut, had a couple of wolf dogs – three quarters Timber wolf and one quarter dog – and during the recording the dogs had puppies.
>When Zutaut’s daugher came to the studio, Axl offered to give her a puppy as she’d recently lost her dog. A couple of days later he brings in a puppy. “It’s still on mother’s milk so it’s not like we can take it right away – it’s still got to spend another couple of months being nursed – and it’s the cutest little thing,” says Tom, “but it goes into the chicken coop and takes a dump.
>"And because no one is allowed in there, we wait for Bucket to come in so that we can get his permission to clean it up. So Bucket shows up later to work on his parts and he is mic-ed up so he can record and we hear through the speaker, ‘Oh I love the smell of dog poop…’
>“So we’re like, ‘Okaaaaaay…’ Roy Thomas Baker or one of the engineers says, ‘Well, Bucket we will get it cleaned up’ and Bucket says ‘Don’t take it away. I love the smell of dog poop – leave it right here, don’t let anybody touch it.’ Three days later, the studio stinks to high heaven of dog poop, and finally the studio could not bear it and had it cleaned up. When Bucket came in the next day, he was like ‘Where is my dog poop, man? I told them not to clean it up.’ And was generally bummed out that it had been cleaned up… And in the meantime, the wolf puppy poop had inspired him for a few days to do some great work…”
>Zutaut never did get the puppy – it had three months of weaning to go and he was off the project before then.
Source: loudersound.com
You can't make this up. Crazy stuff
>>“Axl is a firm believer that the energy or soul of everyone involved in the process comes through in the final artistic piece – so he works really hard to make sure what comes in and goes out is pure and right for his vision. Which is why Axl was always very disturbed about the former Gunners’ heroin use and what effect it had on their creativity.”
This is a surprisingly respectable stance. I'm not very familiar with G'n'R but I thought this was the guy who attacked people who took pictures of him at concerts
couldn't have said it better myself
Holy kek thanks for this. What a great read, Bucket is a legend.
>something can't be caused by a developmental disorder because not everyone affected by it displays the exact same symptom
>he would totally still be wearing that bucket on his head if he wasnt into arts and an entertainer.
According to his wikipedia article, he started wearing his outfit in 1988, before his professional career.
>completely unrelated to musical career
In his interview he stated he just put a chicken bucket on his head one day and thought it looked cool, but he hadn’t decided on what to do with the Buckethead character. He later realized if he dressed up as Buckethead while playing guitar he didn’t get stage fright
So, what is your point? You're saying that he only started wearing the mask and hat as a gimmick to his music? Why would he wear it then before he became a musician? And why would he wear the hat even in the studio with Guns'n'Roses sometimes, when the audience obviously couldn't see him?
Wearing an outfit to combat stage fright sounds like more than some gimmick to me.
tom morello does it better
So, what is your point?
>You're saying that he only started wearing the mask and hat as a gimmick to his music?
im saying its the main reason, perhaps not the only reason. Im sure his rock gimmick was formed around his autistic condition.
>Why would he wear it then before he became a musician?
Same reason a pro wrestler tries out his costume and look before he becomes a wrestler.
>And why would he wear the hat even in the studio with Guns'n'Roses sometimes, when the audience obviously couldn't see him?
because hes weird and autustic.
>one dimensional
>brainlet commie
>never grew out of his edgy teenage rage phase
Tom Morello is ass