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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Twiceboyuggo and Chewbuggo.webm (480x600, 2.8M)

nako looks incredible there

Attached: 2584_1.jpg (1440x1920, 423K)

Attached: DBPjuruUQAICFK1.jpg (3212x2409, 1.26M)

>Twice’s next tour after their comeback
>everyone in costume
>the capeshit song ends and Dubu walks to the front of the stage
>she snaps her fingers, and one half of the crowd’s light sticks go out
Would be kino

Attached: D41FAD17-9825-4656-92A9-5C05F48DA8AC.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

any kpop like this

>paying to watch movies
lol i'll be saving that to buy some comeback albums

Attached: DypX44PVYAAWADE.png (955x1500, 1.66M)

>dark and edgy music as intro
>then you see the tittles


just use the Apple Music charts if you want to shittalk Blackpink

Attached: 1554549453391.jpg (510x152, 35K)

jyp should hire you

yeah i thinking shes back

japan only likes cutepop anyway

i havent seen the twice teaser but from the pic it looks like they collected all the gym badges?

queens of nippon ain't slowing down on the japan train

Attached: Cv_Nck0VMAA5Scs.jpg (2103x2237, 1.65M)

how can anyone like this 30-year old looking “””idol”””
i hope she flops

Attached: 47585153_361608271302685_636719164000416.jpg (1080x1080, 108K)

Attached: Up_(57).jpg (1600x2400, 2.09M)

Disney just bought Nintendo confirmed

real teasers arent out yet so everything is still vague but there is a gem for each member

Attached: 1535828661624.jpg (382x679, 72K)

thats easy i really want them to link an actual US link showing them on top

it always makes me happy thinking that they are furiousy clickng their keyboard searching for this one bit of info untill they give and realise that naver did a fake news to save face because they are the biggest investors at yg and they are directly affected by it

why do people get mad about other people liking superhero movies

Attached: eunbi up.webm (1080x1920, 2.99M)

at this point
either it has a marvel thing on it
or those are the lovelyz color for each member


Attached: D3bnF1mUUAUT19t.jpg (1365x2048, 378K)

I'd listen to a mixtape of just dubu moaning

Attached: 180119.01.jpg (2000x1333, 1.17M)

why do people get mad about other people liking a kpop group

probably because superhero movies (and reboots) have ruined cinema for the last 7 and probably next 10 years

keep that lovelyz shit in japan i'm sick of looking at them

Attached: Dm5jqMUUUAAkADo.jpg (720x720, 59K)

mental illness

how hard will they slut off somi for her to have a chance in the current super competite market?

Attached: 1529333174411.webm (608x1080, 2.99M)

at this point i just expect everything

i dont want to be bdz'd again

how much does a jyp shill get paid?

Attached: 99B174435BEE669318.jpg (850x1370, 536K)

i mean i guess. but there's such a huge backlog of movies and tv series (including some foreign stuff), how is anyone left hanging with that much content. it's not like a kpop ep where 1 listen only takes 20 or less minutes
Yujin and Chaeyeon
About to be piped by Shownu

she only went to yg for the fame, designer clothes and to slut it up

Man fuck BP, Loona is so much better

blackpink more like niggerstink lmfao

right here

you sound like a zoomer

twice+blackstink have ruined kpop for the last 5 years and probably the next 10 years

wtf is this shit. something wrong with their green screen?

thanks man i've been waiting for this, when did Chaeyeon show up

biggest scam ever

Attached: DkAWi8wV4AEW0mY.jpg (2048x2020, 822K)

i think this could look cool at high resolution and color depth
people on twitter are overreacting

I think he means eunha's triple lid pussy above her eyes

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1200x995, 413K)


there's no way bp is lasting even 5 more years

I have to say they did really good

and I'm impressed with the choreo. you guys are nothing if not lame and predictable

that guy is definitely mentally ill

they confuse pretentious artsy fartsy style choices with jyp not investing enough money. they probably paid the artist a good sum for that shit

>5 more years

i doubt yg will survive that much

love is balance

Attached: DQIuqaoVQAAxpjh.png (1200x801, 1.33M)

word jennie is too much of a bitch to stay in a group, lisa will end up the president of sea and the other two will neck themselves

you have to admit there's way too much oversaturation now
i thought it was bad in the mid-late 2000s but it's even worse now

If you told me this was Chaeryeong i'd believe you

i literally only care about jisoo, the songs being shit doesn't matter

coming from a buddy that's pretty fucking funny. thank god that awful uggo purepop era is finally over

sure, but i would like to go to the theatre more often but 90% of new releases are either capeshit or trashy remakes of 80s and 90s movies
zoomers are the ones who brought this capeshit plague onto us

im just talking about how yg's going to predictably cycle them out entirely for 2ne1 v3 with fresher, younger girls

>and I'm impressed with the choreo. you guys are nothing if not lame and predictable

>the choreo will be dynamic
>we hired 4 choreographers to give a high energy touch

yes it is we that are lame and predictable not yg that outright lied


did they do blackpink since they're in just dance too?

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yg should just take a step back in all the mediaplay. then maybe ppl wouldnt shit on them so much


Attached: 1554464119157.webm (700x864, 1M)

It's worked for like 15 years, why stop now

i want to make love to this

do korean use twitch?

please support somi's debut

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Yujin is trying her best

Attached: alli alli alligator.webm (720x720, 1.84M)

it's a lot easier to prove he's bullshitting now


cause clearly having naver lying while you can easly proof check this means that yg is desperate


Attached: lick.gif (268x350, 1.77M)

are you talking about the 3 obsessed anons that can't stop talking about BP although they hate them?

a cute

seems closer to the chest area

Attached: D3RUU0HUYAU1FUQ.jpg (2000x3000, 463K)

going to say yes from the comments

>this guy thinks they're going to fly around on stage because they called the dance "dynamic"
how fucking desperate are you to shitpost right now user? be honest

Attached: 1485398816039.jpg (500x500, 55K)

isn't she 18 now?

both are shit and have the two worst fanbases in kpop

Shownu and Chaeyeon piping show now

>literally few inches to the left of the heart

lmao if you cant do it just have fun

she already debuted dude it was really good


Attached: D3b8HquUwAAkm24.jpg (2730x4096, 1.78M)

I miss sohye

I need a non preview of this please

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ohhh i thought they have their own streaming channel like they have naver instead of google

It's better than their American performances, but certain parts still look hilariously messy

Attached: Kill_This_Love.webm (1000x1000, 2.95M)

did they?

Attached: 1532293036185.webm (440x700, 1.43M)

lmao did he just search for "rasputin" under L?

Attached: 1551745811063.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

the worst fanbases are still the creepy old geezers that follow "purepop" whores like lovelyz or gfriend

i still sometimes get tearful eyes when i listen to 2ne1's goodbye

they do have afreeca but twitch is a lot larger in general. they probably use both.

Sistar's Lonely > 2ne1's goodbye

did rose fuck up again

this is so fucking shit and the sad part is you can see how hard they are trying but they still fail

these i*zone sale figures are so strange
they have a huge number but i can't really see and feel their impact, when twice was at their peak they were pretty much everywhere and everybody talked about them

not really. they're cringe but easy to ignore. the screaming faggots and seamonkeys are on a different level

BTS finally got new outfits, praise the Lord

Attached: D3eJ114XkAE_5g1.jpg (900x1200, 141K)

lmao look at jennie on the back, holy shit
what a lazy whore

>barely move on stage
>legs are static most of the time
>literally NO DANCE
>just move their hands like they are working as aircraft marshalls
>in fact it was so lazy they could even sing live

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Attached: D3eHpjFUcAItLbC.jpg (2048x1152, 454K)

Because Twice's sales from Korea instead of elsewhere, it's like NCT

imagine Jihyo doing this

Attached: homeless man's somi.jpg (1024x666, 101K)


Been supporting her since day one

Feels like I need to give her more of my support right now


they definitely fuckin

what the fuck am i even reading

Chaeyeon's actually pretty damn cute.
If it wasn't for her goblin nose, she'd be a 8/10.

Chaeyeon got wet watching that 100%

>titty streamer jihyo dancing to donations all day
would watch desu

eunhas so hot

>rosé necking herself when she can just go back to australia to fuck australian chads

nega you can't compare these

I see why females get pissed when male and female idols interact
there's probably like a hundred girls thinking that shownu is gonna fuck chaeyeon

Well, they're right

he's just a mentally ill esl speaker. he's easily to notice because he types with run-on sentences and remarkably bad grammar

why yujin left???

Attached: 1529331024990.webm (630x1000, 2.87M)

i will support it if the song is good :)

shut the FUCK up chaeyeon is a pure angel

Why not?

it's crazy that either of these people are idols, they're both fucking hideous

She probably fucks white guys

Attached: FB_IMG_1554555449406.jpg (500x804, 67K)

why would girls get jealous of anybody they have men lined up ready to date them

Attached: D3Xnk0wV4AANp0q.jpg (1476x2264, 314K)

post your face

They have white guys in Australia too.

*easy to notice

Sure, but not for much longer

seamonkeys are cancer but at least they aren't creepy pedophiles fapping to girls that could have been their daughters like most buddies and lovelinus


She is back with that Japanese lady on channel 4.

I keep staring at shomwus tight package. not gay btw

That's literally what I meant.

its ok as long as he wont fuck my yujin

pabo bod tho

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Attached: 1531413686127.webm (450x800, 2.9M)

That's it...

you dont stop liking attractive young women when you grow old

they're not similar in the slightest and one is an emotional goodbye song

love momo

whenever I watch Chaeyeon I wonder how anyone can hate her

how to change channel?

rasputin is such a dope song. no kpop song even comes close to it



ya but youre supposed to be a reasonable person and date a fellow 40 year old if youre 40

youre a pedo if you want to date a 20 year old girl at that age

Attached: D3b8Ht-UcAEjkEI.jpg (2412x4096, 1.57M)

they're not all old pedos.

Attached: dc8d9cc36437fee7093f5ed9189dbcb15a4f2725v2_hq.jpg (960x721, 122K)

They will constantly want something thats better than what they already have.

Dating an alpha chad billionaire that's ripped? Once they get used to it, women will start seeking for something else.

Lmao how can anyone even mess Blood Sweat and Tears so badly

You get to see teen girl shit flinging on social media even if you don't follow kpop, "creeps" just fap with their irc buddies

ohhh so just change the number at the URL thanks

Both were the swan songs for the respective groups. Lonely was written for Sistar's disbandment as well.


that's just the typical indonesian female

you don't follow kpop when you're in your 30's

If you want to watch everything at the same time

There is a multistream link but realistically we aren't here for Hyungdon doing Taekwondo with a bunch of sweaty dudes in channel 2

i am listening to april story and sobbing uncontrollably


Attached: 1530352188636.webm (524x912, 1.22M)

filtered :)

The Boyz twink...

>this is the same species

Still waiting for Yujin to appear on noona's stream


Attached: 1531831700453.webm (562x1000, 2.92M)

That chaeyeon yay was really cute

so much buddy damage control in this thread lmao

Attached: GFriend.jpg (1575x1000, 243K)

wow this is nice...ohh I remember this japanese woman shes the mother of that little kid in return of superman her husband is a UFC fighter


derp i thought about alone. i haven't heard lonely, sorry.

Attached: 1549293917715.webm (488x768, 2.5M)

Love the music

Attached: DjIUttoU0AA8pmM.jpg (1068x2048, 407K)

when is this dude gonna fuck her?

Attached: 1531829780883.webm (562x1000, 2.93M)

Wonyoung mentioned
Wonyoung PIPED


married to

are these the two token uggos of their groups or does most of this guy's group look like him?

damn, even trannytinny is a more respectable man than any lovelinus on kpg lol

Shownu is such a gentleman.

romantic as fuck isn't it

Attached: file.png (1458x821, 1.7M)

Attached: 1530458236323.webm (564x1024, 2.67M)
You are missing out. Lonely is a really good song.

Attached: 1552405440893.webm (724x700, 2.51M)

leave my octogenarian lovelinus friends alone


let chaeyeon dance fck shit

Attached: file.png (470x75, 7K)

Attached: 1531831783787.webm (204x360, 556K)

i'll listen to it when i get home from work

>all of lovelyz are over 20

shut up, SEA monkey

Shownu isn't even ugly, what are you talking about

Attached: 1543016323073.webm (1024x576, 2.92M)

>Shownu buttshot angled towards Chaeyeon's vision

Attached: 1531829935029.webm (1100x618, 2.29M)

he's very odd-looking

t. pedo buddy

What are you guys watching? I see my boy Shownu out there.

Attached: ygsmile.gif (237x203, 349K)

Attached: 1549181601453.webm (606x1080, 2.75M)

hey you need to stop posting your daughter

Attached: 1538851048634.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

the guy from that twitch stream? he's pretty ugly but so is she so it's all good

Shownu piping show


why's jisoo erper spamming somi again?

stop calling her ugly idiots, she's cute
>BP saving kpop yet again

Attached: Rose.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Don't listen to this dweeb. Keep posting

wow they're shit ugly and talentless
blackstink sucks

It's okay guys
She's safe

Attached: file.png (525x412, 250K)

Attached: 1531831094505.webm (506x900, 2.84M)

This is bad. The song is good tho.

His facials structure is masculine enough to make up for some of his weird features

Attached: 1547862615601.webm (608x1080, 2.61M)

There is usually this one super popular guy that attracts all the girls and the rest are ignored. I've seen this happen with 9 year olds too


Attached: shownu2.jpg (850x1275, 93K)

I don't know why they are filming this for the show, they probably don't have the rights for any of these songs

if you say so. i had to turn the stream off because both their faces were upsetting me


>He thinks Korea gives a fuck

how dare you

Attached: chaeyeon frozen 2.webm (1038x800, 2.93M)

Attached: 1527754555981.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

ive heard some harry potter and bastion tracks in some korean tv shows. i doubt they have the copyright

chaer is so much hotter than chaey it's not even funny

Is is that girl with Izone or Itzy? I can't tell.

whats the word for that like vain?

men are attracted to hundreds of different girls of any type

i am.

woman think theyre special and think highly of themselves enough to be selective

whats the word for that

Attached: D3AWWOFU8AIfl2z.jpg (2048x1536, 430K)

his face is very unnatural. he has that too much plastic surgery look. i hate that effect, i'd rather see someone naturally ugly than have that unnatural look

Hhahahahaha Good fucking job

Attached: 1543748772802.webm (616x960, 2.82M)

They seem to have rights to weird songs, like when you hear Brock Lesnar's theme randomly in shows

ROUND YURI キーーーーーーーーターーーーー

Attached: 1529333733623.webm (358x720, 2.85M)

somi activating my primal instincts again....

Attached: sohye.jpg (1080x1080, 147K)


>saving kpop

why? twice exist

Just a visit to Dr Kim for her just nose, and she'll start mogging everybody.

Attached: 1526579442654.webm (576x1024, 2.86M)


its the hapa dna dood its fuckin magic

Attached: D3XZyoeUcAUvWIc.jpg (1536x2048, 361K)

violeta sucks it's shitty deep house from 2015

that look on her face lmao
shes like "only dad can see my pussy"

SEA people out there trying to murder BTS...

Attached: 1529333758162.webm (408x576, 2.92M)

i don't know how copyright law works in korea, but kinda doubt they worry about copyrights of foreign songs they play 20 sec of. i just assumed they used bastion music because it's more obscure and no one will give a shit

playing co-op journey with hime-sama

Attached: 1535988310563.jpg (2184x3276, 1.48M)

are you spamming somi because your sluggo buddy isn't around jisoo erper? fuck, that one thread yesterday was hilarious. imagine burning SIXTEEN IP's to samefag about some made up personality, you're so fucking pathetic lmao

Attached: 1526591501752.webm (852x480, 2.76M)

You know what, I actually really like Rose’s voice, she has weird inflections that sound almost like that kind of breathy Irish singing at times. It’s weird for kpop anyway.

Attached: 981EDBCA-E2C0-4898-8A51-169C53F00C3D.jpg (466x845, 48K)

>the Jap woman tried to pair the buff dude on channel 4 with Yujin and Yujin said she was 15 and it shocked the fuck out of her

let's be real, I want to be somi's daddy

great now i want to watch produce 101 season 1 again
where do i download them

Attached: 1552460638406.webm (1024x576, 2.92M)

thats such a horrible toxic view dude

she can live a perfectly normal life already like that you dont have to have every person constantly trying to 1 up the other person

its a horrible mentality

Attached: D2wQZucX0AE-K0A.jpg (1363x2047, 394K)


Attached: 1532505542382.jpg (1230x1853, 198K)

>on his back
by the time bts phases out jungkook will have to use a wheelchair for a while due to his back

Redpilled and based

>she can live a perfectly normal life already like that
the one fucking time I agree with Tinny
people already accept her this way so why change it

my ratio is so bad i can't download stuff anymore

I'm pretty sure it's Freeleech for the entire download, but it's like 30 GB

Attached: 1531832281174.webm (406x720, 2.37M)

and thank god for that

Attached: D0p6ikxVsAIhQTs.jpg (960x960, 174K)
straight from avistaz my man

Attached: 1543307504840.jpg (177x248, 12K)

absolutely based, any more?

chaeyeon's disappoint body revealed. this is the same show that choa's disappointing body was revealed on too

noir soty
soty noir

thank you based user

Attached: 1543835728422.webm (720x1280, 2.92M)

That stage and concert are fucking weird
Idk there is something off about it

what other thing did you not agree with me on

im curious

Attached: D3EbPyhVYAA2stH.jpg (2048x1434, 306K)

how'd you manage to fuck up your ratio

Attached: IMG_1270.jpg (564x430, 33K)

Attached: 1533018308917.webm (640x1136, 1.83M)

kill this love instrumental without the trap beat could absolutely filthy dungeon synth

why don't you just make another thread on trash if you're so desperate to dump your images and erp? like your itzy/izone thread. is that one still alive jisoo erper?

Attached: 1531841848585.webm (640x1136, 2.69M)

back then when i was using it there was no ratio limit, when they implement the system i can't do shit anymore

Not the first time. Hitomi's dad picked her as his favourite and then they told him her age and he had the I made a huge mistake face.

i would done it with any race

its just a fetish dude for trannys

hows that bad

its probably better than roastyism

ew can you imagine going for vaginas unironically

Attached: [직캠] 180310 모모랜드 낸시 ( 안되나ᄋ� (450x800, 2.95M)

when twice snaps their fingers half of blinks will not feel so good

then Hiichan's brother looked shocked that Wonyoung was 14, buncha degens

Attached: 1553042091651.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

Attached: 1531449469904.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

BTS has new outfits and they look like Miami drug dealers

you just know

where's your march spreadsheet, pedo?

post more somi

Attached: 1531831003948.webm (889x500, 421K)

you would too if your dad was a 10/10 dutch stud

Attached: 1528874366896.gif (520x520, 2.68M)

Attached: IZONE Eunbi x Yujin - ENOZI Cam E03.webm (758x1080, 2.91M)

im just kidding of course fucking a tranny is sinful and retarded

u just gotta do what u gotta do tho

you cracked

anyone needs prostys if they cant get it naturally

ur damaging ur brain if u let yourself marinate too long in inceldom

Attached: D3b8GG3UEAEDXbk.jpg (2730x4096, 1.38M)

>teaching another gg's dance moves

what a cuck lol

if only

Attached: 1552999785991.png (717x781, 745K)

somis an ugly mutt

damn you're such a cuck jisoo erper

this except pretty mutt

Attached: Twiceboy hajima.jpg (1200x800, 93K)

Attached: 1542425648907.jpg (180x248, 8K)

To be fair, I thought they were way older than they were during episode 1 as well.

Attached: 1527806051874.jpg (1080x1080, 334K)

fucking a prostitute isn't even like real sex

this except the missing itzy piece

somi is too hot for itzy or any other group for that matter

somi likes twinks???

this is a really fucking nice picture

what the fuck is this jisooerper this guy keeps rambling about? it sounds made up

i think it's a real guy but i don't think it has anything to do with the guy posting somi

Attached: 1529342520958.jpg (1717x2459, 506K)

slugroastie made up jisoo erper during one of her mental breaks


ok but now i have a general understanding of what its like and can wrap my head around what it actually feels like and its not this huge most important thing ever thing i thought it was

sure its probably nicer with a girlfriend who actually wants to be there

its not enough to torture me anymore and have me sad that im missing out

because i know a general idea of what it is

Attached: D3Kd4h0XkAAGadD.jpg (2000x1500, 456K)

you mean the degenerate spamming somi right now because none of his trash buddies are online? that's jisoo erper / spreadsheet pedo