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Other urls found in this thread:

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>yujin BTFO by some old guy

the boyz general for boyzlovers and fellow deobifriends

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this disgusts me only because of what the "AHN YUJIN" guy is most likely doing right now

i dont like to use the word punchable its a bully word

but ahn yujin is very punchable

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why would you love the worst SNSD song

seabros ww@

at least you're not posting the haeryung one anymore

didnt they said that blackpink topped #1 in the relevant markets yesterday?

why the fuck are they even lying about it?

Attached: haeryoeong.jpg (493x600, 101K)

>IZ*ONE had a fucking coloring book as their first teasers for the last 2 releases
they should be grateful they aren't doing a digital coloring book instead

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i hope hyunjin and i.n still grow a little taller just to make it more comical when they stand next to changbin

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probably off spending all of their food money to rent a computer to stream Kill This Love

Check the Apple Music charts

based still going strong

Attached: dalladalladalladalladalladalla.png (648x618, 90K)

didn't mean to reply to

bring me food peasants i am the fattest shit

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do you even see what i posted?

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>Apple music
What apple music when spotify has the larger market share?

Attached: [Special Clips] 여자친구 GFRIEND - 아메리칸 투어리스터 '파도' 뮤직비디� (1920x1080, 2.79M)

>posts some weeb
no white people are gross and mother nature is making them extinct, alongside abos, native americans, capoids, etc. i like white women, but they'll be extinct too

the future is nigerian/chinese


because it brings the boyz out

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were people going back to dalla after listening to ktl

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nayeon mentioned

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cold desu

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i kinda like ktl after a couple of listens


Guy on the right looks like he was molded out of butter then sprayed with food preservent

Attached: 170909 tvN SNL Korea - GFriend (feat. AOA's Hyejeong) H264-[30.29.201-30.34.139].webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

that lips made for things...

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grab the pump the purple pump

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Lisa acting like she's in some porn flick, wtf

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>As of the end of February, Apple Music reportedly had 28 million paid US subscribers, while Spotify was 2 million behind with 26 million.


most spotify users don’t pay a dime for the service while 100% of apple music listeners do

>Apple Music charts

>user posts itunes
>asks to check itunes

ill bait for him

yesterday they said that they topped on all the big markets
which isnt true at all out of south and north america they went #1 only in brasil
and in europe oh boy it was hilarious to watch


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Talking about market share tho.

Armyonces are wild kek

sorry Ahn Yujin but this woman is giving me a headache, I still love IZ*ONE but I can't sit through this

i would appreciate it if you were to never post this picture or any other picture like it ever again

shut up you seething white dude

black pink is for normies

Attached: [Special Clips] 여자친구 GFRIEND - 귀를 기울이면 (LOVE WHISPER) M_V Shooting Behind-2pinsr (1920x1080, 2.99M)

Attached: applemusicUSA.jpg (510x152, 35K)

no one cares roastie

mina hates darkies what the hell is the meaning of this

try twitter

>heechul got blacked
i'm sure it was the highlight of his life

Hwasauggo shitter btfo

which groups should do a US expansion next

>#2 behind some shitty nugus
bp flopped

you know what? you're right

Attached: Dm7y9BdVAAEj6IF.jpg (1280x1708, 266K)

>mina hates darkies what the hell is the meaning of this
source pls, otherwise bs

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The Boyz

[TWICE] 2 new Japanese singles in Japan with MV

July 17 - Happy Happy
July 24 - Breakthrough

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based and word

nice couple desu. i do like afro-asian couples, and a see a lot of nigger dudes with pretty asian women in my city

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Nothing personnel kiddo

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not quite

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I'd like to see the original choreo desu

Attached: Kill This Love.webm (1000x1000, 2.95M)

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if you don't want a black guy to bang your favorite idol, you're racist

Attached: 190404.Mnet.M.Countdown.E613.IZONE.Cut.60fps.1080p-matww-[00.41.242-00.48.966].webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

copied itzy and txt choreo....

he's gay

hasn't The Boyz already done some US shit

jennie in the back being lazy again

two times actually, gogobebe is below dalla2 too kek

I wouldn't be surprised desu. Same with other models

Based our elves

any teasers?


incredibly ugly


lmaaaooooooo idk if this intended or just bp being shitty as usual but that was horrible kek

rose wtf

i don't want my idol to be fucked by anyone, but black dudes in my area are the ones who're pumping and dumping all the cute white, paki, and asian women before they turn to white dudes as providers


did they?

Attached: D3UG_vSU8AA2_00.jpg (540x810, 72K)

wtf? the yunapower is strong I guess. or was gogobebe that bad, I dont remember much of it

sinbaby so cute

surely blinks cant defend this shit

only this

redditards are literally praising it. "Expression on point" and all that autistic shit

Attached: 5H4B5296.jpg (1138x1707, 1.11M)

>reading reddit


>the power of blackpink

needed 1 for each limb i guess

HEART*IZ sales = 120,628
8000 sales away from matching Twicetagram and being the overall sales record for first week ggs


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Attached: minjoo butt slap.webm (720x1280, 986K)

>Expression on point

Attached: Lisa expressions.webm (546x562, 2.96M)

if you put a mirror in front of me taking a shit this is probably what it would look like

Lisa has to carry their dancing so much

They are both the same age
something to think about

she just knows everyone is fucking up

They still have a day right?
They might actually do it.

I totally believe these sales figures

Attached: giphy.gif (480x480, 2.57M)

didnt knew yg hired 4 lazy choreographers

one day but not many physical stores will be open on a Sunday so if they would cross 8000k in a day it would be through online sales through either Yes24, Synnara, Aladdin or Ktown4u

imagine jennie not being lazy

There is no way izone has a larger fanbase than twice to sell those numbers

where can i watch the lessons from izone skit from mcountdown? it's not on youtube

Attached: 1554479190859.jpg (1600x2400, 448K)

Even if they do twice is gonna take it back asap with the next comeback

>Sunday is the weekend
>People more likely to go shopping
>Physical stores are closed

it could be the best choreo in the world and bp are either going to be too tired out from it or just execute it badly

kpg is full of ESL and autism during this time of day.

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Why are they wearing Xbox headsets?

she's a queen, so she bypasses her so called laziness

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apparently some Brick and Mortar stores may close then
maybe they take religion seriously

probably less reason to why it would be rigged
I think this is just what COLOR*IZ could have achieved back then if they actually stocked
They hit 70k then ran out of stock the first time and it looks like they actually stocked albums this time

twice japanese comeback with 2 singles in the summer

>stocking issues
>they are their own distributor

Attached: 1553384901056.webm (480x480, 1.14M)

why does jennie look so good in the new video

you guys know it to be true

she lookin fire

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it works out for twice in the end because their fanbase will feel a little more competitive by the time they comeback

>mfw it's been 14 months since last japanese single Wake Me Up

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k art

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That's really bizarre, so it's two different singles a week apart? No one in Japan does that unless they are on opposite versions of a single

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Twice's numbers are higher after factoring Oricon, this is just Hanteo. (IZ*ONE's oricon sales don't factor in either, whenever they are announced that is)

as if they fucking care twice can release white noise at this point and they are gonna buy it regardless

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is it two mvs for songs on the same physical cd, or two different physical releases?

Yujin changed stream.
Where is she now?

But what about bdz?

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Twice does hi-touch events don't they? so it would definitely matter since buying a hi-touch ticket requires buying the CD, and splitting your sales down the middle would hurt the sales of both (that is unless you would need to buy both singles, which would be devilish of JYP but onces would probably still buy)

what is nugu soty of 2019?

for it's this

This is.

it's a full album user...

>Chaeyeon is supposed to be on this stream
>she's not


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i have no idea what they do in japan desu

black pink is the ugliest group

Attached: [Special Clips] 여자친구 GFRIEND - 귀를 기울이면 (LOVE WHISPER) M_V Shooting Behind-2pinsr (1280x720, 2.91M)

based tony

I think it's hi-touch tickets, so their sales are directly affected by hi-touch slots

arin joonking me off

for me it's jo yuuuuuuuuri

Attached: HeartySingleAmericankestrel.webm (1120x720, 991K)

Yeah, certain parts of BP choreos are supposed to be staggered, but it always looks like they are fucking up synchronised choreo

its sad that lisa and jisoo are getting wasted on blackpink

Word but bdz was JSOTY

Attached: megamilk_01(1).webm (472x1032, 2.8M)

there's no need to resort to insulting their faces when it comes to shitting on bp
there's plenty of other stuff

who won music core?

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why would you name a group just 'favorite'
isn't that a bitch to google

Cutest girl in the galaxy.

Attached: MCOUNTDOWN Violeta (비올레타) Lesson From IZ_ONE (아이즈원)-SE897ANn384.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

there is a group called Hashtag

Taeyeon is promoting on music shows?
what place did izone come?

imagine if jyp were the ones evaluating them. how many pictures would he send them

>its sad that lisa and jisoo are in the second most popular kpop girl group


yeah some of these nugu groups just doom themselves and have no one else to blame

lol no she is to lazy for that

yup. if you don't know any song names your're kind of screwed when looking them up in english

who else here gets more lonely at night when most other people are asleep? you guys keep me company sometimes but I miss having real friends in real life. I think I've spent more time talking here with you guys than with any other people and I don't even like kpop that much. the catchy songs and cute girls drew me in but the major reason I stayed is because I lacked a regular social life. every year I told myself I'll stop being a neet and get a job or go back to school but I could never get out of my habits. I'm hoping I will change that soon and I'm frustrated with how my situation has been getting worse.
thanks for reading

You can't win on comeback week.

I like Arin.

i think they disbanded

red velvet doing a commercial song for intel when

THIS I probably listened to bdz more than I did with yes or yes and dance the night away put together

Attached: 1542965516095.webm (480x910, 2.75M)

new song soon

Attached: D3YxkTLU8AA3--A.jpg (765x1200, 95K)

oh wait you're right
some guy was posting the voting last night and made me think iz*one were eligible now

Attached: DNZXiFvV4AAD1JY.jpg (3072x4096, 1.25M)

just use some sleep aids to knock yourself out lol. kpg sucks this late at night

>second most popular

using sea net cafes to stream your shitty song doesnt make you popular

chaewon nooooo

I just tried to look up their instagram and twitter and it was fucking impossible

he'd probably be pissed and force them to do "the hundred" like the company did with stray kids

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i like to samefag every single day on kpg

Has any of you guys liked Blackpink's new song? Personally i think it was shit, one of the worst songs i ever heard. How the fuck do they get 50M views in 1 day? What's the fucking appeal? Lisa and Jennie are kinda cute yeah but that's it?

use 해시태그 you barbarian

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woh's on the left?

comeback when

you have to do it in hangul or you're not finding shit


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why is twitch spamming 1's and 2's in trotfus stream?
>BLACKPINK Becomes 1st K-Pop Girl Group To Top U.S. iTunes Song Chart + Scores No. 1 Around The World

yup i loved all those grating trumpet toots

>50M views in 1 day

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they did not went #1 on us thats fake news

infact they didnt reach #1 on any of the big 4 markets in us or europe

she is already impure tho so it's fine

i only like that song for the panpakapan bit

God, she is so fucking ugly in that scene, who directed this garbage?

>in that scene

and what is this

Attached: 1525561327002.jpg (360x301, 22K)

finally some non repackaged songs

>idol is the worst bts title track and it surpasses all of their former records
>ktl is the worst bp title and it surpasses all of their former records
well at least bts has a chance of reversing the trend if their comeback is good

Attached: cFzMXzI.jpg (960x761, 63K)


How many peole still buy shit on iTunes? Normalfags use streaming services and nerds only buy digitals on bandcamp

Attached: [Special Clips] 여자친구 GFRIEND - 귀를 기울이면 (LOVE WHISPER) M_V Shooting Behind-2pinsr (1280x720, 2.75M)

but candypop came out in the same year...

2 things can happen
either itunes dont know how to count
or you found a random country that isnt part of the big market


Attached: yuri.jpg (768x1024, 88K)
>KILL THIS LOVE, the new EP album title track of Black Pink released on the 5th, will be available in 36 countries around the world including USA

i like Jisoo's part rest is a big smelly ballsack

Attached: DFBRxD2VwAEgc7G.jpg (2607x3911, 1.31M)

imagine if the us and japan never went to war and the japanese were allowed to cleanse SEA niggers from asia

im literally GIVING YOU a link from ITUNES aka apple themselfs
and you are posting NAVER

come on now get real

>TWICE will have cooperation with Mavel studio
>the superhero concept for the comeback is true

imagine blackpink without jisoo

Attached: IMG_20190406_021524.jpg (1776x1334, 322K)

>naver lying to cover for yg

who is suprised arent they the ones that invested 100 million to yg?

blackpink are fucking ugly. i'm glad they're starting their decline now, i'm sick of seeing them all the time

meorie puri sosa~

Attached: D1SXutAU0AEI_U2.jpg (900x1200, 153K)

or they managed to hit no.1 for a short time period and the third party website only lists daily positions

>from itunes
lmao how fucking stupid can one be

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yeah naver's one of the major shareholders of yg

I'm ready

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True, but I think bdz takes the cake overall in regards to song, outfits, and stages

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if that looks like an official site to you, i have a bridge to sell you

is twice going to snap people or something

don't care about capeshit I just hope the song is good

hell no
matter of preference
bdz wins out but thats only cause it korean stages as well and candypop barely got anything

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told you twice would make it in the west before blackstink

>KTL gets shilled on Spotify
>manages to hit #35
>KLT doesn't get shilled on Apple Music

i can finally tell my friends that i listen to twice

fisting them

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creepy looking guy, i'm glad he didn't make the cut for txt

Attached: doyoon.jpg (480x765, 48K)

so what's the consensus, is she uggo

you're going to end up calling it soty anyway

i just realized this is a plane

Attached: D3eAAk0U8AMIDND.jpg (1365x2048, 484K)

>twice=marvel universe
it actually came true lol

>gets metrics for the api
>asks for the official ranking
>still doesnt post it

wtf is this shit its messy..i see what the 4 choreographer did here "ITS REALLY AWESOME"

She looks more SEA than the actual their actual SEA

>capeshit faggots are also twiceniggers
absolute pottery

did she(somi) blowjob her dad in the plane?

i havent watched a marvel movie since iron man 2, but it's hard to escape all the memes

yeah of course but they have been in the mile high club for years

with 680 sales i doubt it

why am i getting so many tiktok ads on my phone

>had to pay dc for a shitty cameo in a movie
>marvel pays twice for a collab

yg might actually kill himself

saida forever

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what movie

i have no idea what you're talking about. im just saying you're retarded because you thought the site was official

>blackpink goes to dc universe
flops like the whole dc universe
>twice goes to marvel
>snap the rest of the GG's

justice league or batman v superman, i don't remember

i have to wonder what yg is feeling right now. wasn't there a rumor he was coping with alcohol even before all the seungri/tax evasion shit got put in the spotlight

>twicefaggot is a le memefaggot
truly an iambic pentameter right here

twice are the destined heroes of kpop

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iTunes updates their charts more frequently than that third party website... Streaming charts are way more relevant than digital sales anyway

why wont my yurigf post a new mail
its been 4 days...

Attached: yuri (8).jpg (1000x750, 32K)

>captain marvel

Attached: D3d8I2jW4AE_t5P.jpg (1024x576, 103K)

She got a bf bro

when will yg learn you can't make a group popular through media play alone?

thats the whole point there are countless sites that keep track and not a single one of them reported them as #1 in any of the big markets
only naver saw this with literally no source

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feels good being a once

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what's shakespeare got to do with this

imagine rubbing your dick in those lips then she slowly gives you a blowjob

nayeon is so abhorrently ugly

>coping with alcohol
like any korean?

fuck out of here

>my favorite marvel superhero collaborating with my favorite gg

shut the fuck up bitch. arin boys run this shit

i heard captain marvel was shit but i'll watch it for them

Attached: IMG_20190125_192550.jpg (1400x2100, 483K)

Mina as thanos and me as antman

the tweet went down what did it say about marvel and twice?

they aren't in it at all

there are creepier looking guys in txt

south korea + japan + taiwan vs SEA niggers in a war

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jeongers as the villain calling it now

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fuck you

there are plenty of screenshots on Twitter. They probably managed to hit #1 for a few hours but got #2 on the daily charts.

no, fuck you

Attached: 1529162921334.jpg (2273x1516, 305K)

she's a pure busan girl, that wouldn't happen

let's not get carried away buddy, BP is still not nearly as ugly as gfriend

i know but they sponsored it

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at the very least don't pay to see it

no there isnt a single mention about US just visit any site and look at the history
nobody confirms them on top
they are no top at the worldwide but not on any of the big countries sea middle east and some african countries have them in #1

eunha mogs all of bp

collab incoming

Attached: hawkbu.png (700x1049, 1.19M)

Attached: eunha.webm (1280x720, 3M)

official or just """""""""""rumors"""""""""""""""?

eunha's face is busted as fuck. nobody in bp is that ugly, not even rose


i don't know what you're trying to say when she clearly is making herself look like that on purpose for the show

so bullshit again got it


>yves mogged by soobin and poojung

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