>doesn't like Metallica
>doesn't like Guns N' Roses
>doesn't like KISS
>doesn't like Van Halen
>doesn't like Motorhead
>doesn't like Iron Maiden
>doesn't like Judas Priest
>doesn't like AC/DC
>doesn't like Thin Lizzy
What's some others?
>doesn't like Metallica
>doesn't like Guns N' Roses
>doesn't like KISS
>doesn't like Van Halen
>doesn't like Motorhead
>doesn't like Iron Maiden
>doesn't like Judas Priest
>doesn't like AC/DC
>doesn't like Thin Lizzy
What's some others?
mötley crue
ways to identify an incel
>doesn't like billie eilllish
>doesn't like cwaiiroo (she bops!)
>doesn't like snaiil mail
>doesn't like ariana grande
Metallica had a couple good albums, and I like the one Motorhead song. Is that good enough?
Ways to identify a hipster/fake music fan
>likes any of this
More like ways to not identity as my dad lmao
More like "Ways to indentify a zoomer"
Ways to identify a fucking loser
>it's you
Gtfo boomer
Only metalllica and priest are good
>fake music fan
lol nice gatekeeping. grow up user
Just accept it user, you’re a faggot
There's nothing hipster about bellie eillish or ariana
Proud to be a nu-male then.
>Like Metallica
>Like GnR
>Hate Kiss
>Love Van Halen
>Somewhat like Motorhead
>Like Iron Maiden
>Love Judas Priest
>Like AC/DC
>Somewhat like Thin Lizzy
How do I rank?
Lol what a fag, only Mötorhead is good
>Lists a bunch of limp dick bands
>omits Pantera
numale in denial spotted
>liking bands that are washed-up has-beens
hair metal was the worst thing that ever happened to rock, and I say that as someone who used to be a HUGE fan of Iron Maiden. It's all just tedious and oversubscribed boomer music that has no relevance anymore.
Listens to rap.
>>Lists a bunch of limp dick bands
each member of every single band listed fucked more women than you
There isn't enough gatekeeping. At least 75% of the people who come here need to be pushed away.
no they didnt
I fucked more than all of them put together
>doesn’t like what I like
clairo is legitimately horrible, the rest of what you mentioned is just warmed-over pop music but not exactly terrible.
Boomers are so easy to b8
And the funny thing is this list is no worse than the one above
>doesn't like Thin Lizzy
I don't dislike Thin Lizzy. I'm just really bored of them. I come from Ireland and since they're one of the few globally successful Irish rock-bands they get played and hyped to high heaven.
Yeah it's good, but it's just bluesy dadrock. Is there something I'm missing out on?
>Is there something I'm missing out on?
Yes, the "dad" prefix doesnt make things worse.
If your dad was into Thin Lizzy when they were new then you are probably already a grandfather yourself.
Thin Lizzy predates my dad by a full decade and i am literally a dad.
mate why listen to guns n' roses when i can listen to la guns
>liking metallica or gnr anything
Kill yourself
Is there a single person who doesn't like AC/DC?
I like the back in black riff.
Both of the singers voices annoy me.
The rest of their music sounds bland to me.