Does Yea Forums like plunderphonics?

Been getting into the genre lately

Attached: 56028-chuck-persons-eccojams-vol-1.jpg (383x383, 53K)

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I really like the song Angel on that record. It takes me to another world when i listen to it.

Imo this is not only the first but also the best vaporwave album. some of the songs seem to have an extra meaning through then repetition of certain lyrics, which is something that floral shoppe lacks.

Eccojams and FarSideVirtual were THE proto-vaporwave albums imo. Vektroid and his friends took the idea and made some cool stuff with it, while expanding on the visual side. 99% of vaporwave since then has been absolute trash.

A N G E L P L E A S E D O N ' T G O

Whats some other vaporwave you can rec? Personally ive been listening to that nmesh album that has been shilled on YouTube. It's not too bad. Also like some Internet Club

I legit think that sampling's the future. Or like, heavily modifying pre existing sounds. People tend to emotionally resonate more with the end results (see Eccojams, or Burial's Untrue) compared to something engineered from bottom in a DAW, and it's an easier way to grasp potential sounds as well.

I think that Eccojams is one of the most important records of the 2010s. Besides innovating vaporwave, it's particular approach just says a lot. In one way, the hazy slower paced sounds of the songs capture the kinda depressive dreariness that has been big this decade. The songs themselves being distorted takes on other songs implies like a distortion of reality, which I think kinda covers how hyperreal the world has gotten with instagram filters and fake news everywhere. But it also, along with the songs being Lopatin's childhood favorites and the cover being his childhood favorite video game, shows the kinda futility of nostalgia. Like there's a huge difference between the way we remember some things vs the way they actually are/were (this has shown up many times in a variety of psychological and neurological research as well.)

Idk if this is really plunderphonics maybe more tape music. But it is a pretty wild album i tell ya

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>I think that Eccojams is one of the most important records of the 2010s.
I agree.

The rest of your post is also well said, but i dunno about the political and societal Interpretation you give it.
For me the reverb and distortion and pitching just recreates the feeling of it all being distant and hazy memories, which works really well.

Angel please don't go seems like the past that you can never get back and didnt want to go. ;_;

The Baker Street sample on...B2 or B3? definitely makes me think the depressing bit was intentional (repeating "just one more year and then we'll be happy"). And the whole post-modern shtick the album influenced over the decade and how it pervades Lopatin's other stuff definitely makes me think the hyperreality thing is intentional to an extent (seems to be criticizing it a bit too maybe with the "be real, it doesn't matter anyway" on A3)

The record can be a bunch of different things. At one time, it used to be a favorite for weed and robotripping when I still used to mess with drugs.

This and eccojams are in my top 3.
Yanni tomita is underappreciated.

Eccojams sounds like someone shidded

Attached: cover.jpg (1500x1500, 1.04M)

Except thats your mom

It literally sounds like a cassette mixtape shidded

obvious recs:

"be real" is special

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A3 is my favorite track, and I hate that majority of vaporwave artists stuck to sampling strictly 80s songs to try and be the next Macintosh Plus.

Vektroid is a grill

bump for more recs

it's fun to play pretend

Cassette shidded

yeah, a woman with a penis and testicles, sure buddy

I liked this version of be real more

Is there such a thing as guitar based vaporwave that copy and pastes different riffs together? The third eco virtual album had starship's it's not enough on it which sounded really nice

RUI is slept on in this genre

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H U R R Y B O Y I T ' S W A I T I N G T H E R E F O R Y O U

the only good girl talk album is secret diary change my mind
my friend showed me this a while ago and honestly i think it deserves more attention

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New recc

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>new shill
No thancc

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ott talks about eccojams a bit