Music for this feel?
Music for this feel?
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Don’t tell me you actually buy this tripe. Religion and national identity are useless ideals
>*honestly* expressing their emotions
>blaming (((others))) for all their problems
Choose one
>National Identity
O I know what they mean.
What are you 15?
Nice argument
Any /mu-core works
my soundcloud desu
white people wanna be oppressed so bad
I don't have time to argue with 15 year olds
cringing at this entire thread
literally every single race on the planet wants to feel oppressed so bad
i'm oppressed
it's really cute when chuds blame society as the reason why they are emasculated
Black people are not oppressed
Yeesh buddy, cut it with the racial slurs ok?
People don't talk like this.
imagine being so brainwashed by feminazis that you talk like a girl online espousing their rhetoric like a bitch
you're even more emasculated than the chuds
grow up
you have a vagina bro
imagine being this much of an insecure fag, you have the comebacks of a 15 year old yourself guy.
You really struck a nerve OP, good job. Probably means you're right too.
>le epic 'blaming others for their problems' maymay
Please at least know something about what you're talking about before you throw out the dumbest counter possible.
hey man you're still paying off that student loan and im white driving a BMW. society has been good to me
isn't this what everyone has always been doing, regardless of political affiliation?
God I hate white men, stfu
Yes but it’s hardly ever honest and never fully
listen to country music and lift weights
those are the same white boys that scream about jewish people on Yea Forums all day why should people care about them?
no one's asking you to care
These radicalized white kids on Yea Forums actually pose a very real danger to our society, user. You should care. Just look at the news recently
>imagine being some pussy incel who wants a free ride because he plays a lot of videogames
Can you not have white guilt without allying with paranoid schizo nazis? I hate this buzzfeed "fuck you white oppressor" stuff but it seems like the only ones fighting it are fucking /pol/, can I not hate myself without being some nazi?
gonna have to be a yikes from me chief
yeah you can don't overthink it
american politics are retarded
colonial racialism is retarded
benevolent prejudice is retarded
nationalism is retarded
internationalism is retarded
cultural preservation is retarded
global homogenization is retarded
christianity is retarded
scientism is retarded
traditionalism is a gay aesthetic
railing against traditionalism is old hat
the collective identity crisis is a coping mechanism
it's a waste of time
imperialism is not the solution
isolationism is not the solution
neo nazism is not the solution
social democracy with aggressive posturing is not the solution
liberalism doesn't have the solution
you don't have the solution
i don't have the solution
you're an idiot
i'm a genius
fuck you dummy
>christianity is retarded
only thing you got wrong here
The only way you could possibly be more reddit is if you said yikes.
holy fucking based
this. One day people will realise
okay, lol
>no "communism is not the solution"
Great job, comrade!
Joseph Stalin?
It is tho. Believing in absurd shit for... reasons?
Brainwashing of children which doesn't even help with values anymore, that's what it is
He'd probably say it's good for maintaining "culture" or "morality" or some spook
How about they man up instead
Here you go
Submit yourself to the will of God Almighty
man up and do what
first world problems. grow some balls. stop posting on Yea Forums. get a life, loser.
He didn't disagree with
>cultural preservation is retarded
the dirtbag left does it again
i dont get it
oh wait now i got it, cause hes living unhealthy kiling himself right? haha very clever that man. is there any twitter gold i could gift to him??