B-b-but there music is satanic!

>b-b-but there music is satanic!

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Where is music satanic?

inb4 /x/tards say love is satanic

in the ears of christians

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>b-b-but there music is satanic!
Who are you quoting?

Actually already seen it here, because they just say "light" is Lucifer and you know this band has a video with a pornstar so obviously that means Satan lol

new to mu?

I find Behemoth's music really empowering, and they're legit satanic. Also Archgoat.

>Who are you quoting?
>bengalfuel album sadye = satan
one need only see the trackless with 'caim' (a president of hell) to 'ninth circle' (where satan resides in icy cocytus) and the obvious MKUltra of 'butterfly' and 'veiling' and this cover blonde MKultra victim's dead stare and shhh gesture to grasp that this is satanic. it contains hz freq tones that depress its listener, leaving you only with this empty music. look this girl who the band's other covers is wearing checkers and tiger (more symbols of occult she is a victim of!) furthest from the warmth and light of the one true god. this artist must be deleted from streaming! they have porn covers, blatant occultism & people don't comprehend the tones which ruin health, seeking lust like the sex slaves that decorate covers. luciferian agenda has taken a serene genre, and i believe the artist once was good but is controlled! explain hermit ambient having these pro models posing in lingerie and getting naked. it's the ruin of music including lo-fi pop, look at all the slaves. look at all the SC rap being infiltrated by the elite to make them all drugged-out slaves and then die for profit! i pick on this artist bc a friend of mine did one of their videos before they turned satanic and evil and she was innocent and now has turned to drugs and stripping in bars! this music is luciferian in the extreme! it is easy to get away with placing hz freq evil in the music when itl seems like ambient. it will make you sick until you lose hope then reach for pleasure. this model is under mind control, look at her face! i pray for us all, it is infecting all genres. we are all under mind control!!! wake up

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Love is everywhere, so it's in satanism as well.
Talking about love is not an indication of an absence of 'satanic' themes.

that's called schizo shitposting

here's benga himself talking about spirituality. he's NOT a satanist in any way, shape or form no matter how hard you want to bend what he says

the only love that matters is love for god, anything short of that is love of evil

"satanism" isn't a real thing, it's just "anything that strays from what i consider the true path to God"

that's utter horseshit, it's not in the bible and you're just making it up to sound righteous on FUCKING Yea Forums YOU FAKE MORAL RETARD

>god said 'don't love anybody but me or it's evil' except maybe jesus, he's okay too

Is this copypasta or am I having Deja Vu?

There’s actually a ton of parts in the Bible where it’s framed as sinful/degenerate to put anything before god or even to celebrate things other than god, but its widely accepted among scholars that these (and other) parts were added to the biblical cannon for political reasons (i.e. rationalizing hatred for enemy tribes or a new ruler framing his predecessor as ungodly and thus worthy of replacement)

that's a very silly way of twisting what i meant, which is that nowhere does the bible say you're evilt if you love others

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your a asshole

Sexy neck

he's hot!

no it's not, just stupid made up to sell his shitty ambient.

>shitty ambient
what's good ambient