I just rented a bad-ass electric keyboard & speaker

What should I learn to play on this piano?

Also what's the easiest way to learn?
I might just tape the key letters on each key.

$100 bucks a month so I need to make it worth my while.

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shoulda bought an OP-1

nigger you can buy a keyboard for 100 dollars
how do i scam retards like this

The nice man at the store said it's the cheapest they had.

I can also bring it back and only pay for the days I've kept it or get a cheaper one when it comes in and just pay that one off.

Attached: 12524679051191.png (333x249, 98K)

>want to learn something new he hasn't gotten into yet
>instead of buying the beginners option goes full out
nigga get it back and buy a yamaha

I can just bring it back in a few days

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Pirate a daw and synth vsts

What does that do?

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>easiest way to learn
Duct tape that motherfucker to a stout plank and become a wandering keytar minstrel, living off your moxy and pure talent. It worked for me.

she looks like she fucks black men

Attached: 1539857380874.jpg (1080x1350, 351K)

>someone actually gets to have sex with this

Attached: ryan-gosling-blade-runner-2049.jpg (970x545, 50K)

nigga when i revrse image searched this it told me it was a woman of unearthly beauty (in russian,) "жeнщинa нeзeмнoй кpacoты"

Attached: Loveless2.jpg (714x714, 239K)

Thats why I use her for free bumps.
Work every time!

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ya got my lonely ass

it's elizabeth turner

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looked better in OP and somehow this makes me feel better

I'm trying to teach it to myself, just bought a 200 eurodollars Yamaha last week. I've been playing with it since, playing some scaled, learning fingering, trying some hand indipendente exercises, how to sight read etc. I'm doing ok and actually see progress (well, how much you can have in a week), but I feel like I would do better if I had something definite to follow instead of looking up stuff randomly on YouTube and the net.

Anyone knows if any of those piano teaching programs online is worth anything? Like pianoforall and similar and if so which one is best.

One of my coursemates looked exactly like her.