>itt albums that had a profound effect on your life
This album gave me the courage to be myself. Without it I'd probably still be suffering and miserable.
Itt albums that had a profound effect on your life
Glad you’re doing better now OP.
This album and The Resistance did the same for me. Now I’m just trying to truly live life.
I'm proud of you op. Hope things go well for you.
Thanks! Music good
Great to hear.
Pic related made me comfortable with letting go of traditions I had grown into, keeping only those that made sense. More than that, it just made me hate bad faith arguments, personalities, etc. and made me confident in just being myself. It seems juvenile but it was incredibly empowering at the time.
(Not their best album by the way!)
Though it didn't teach me how to post...
Pinkerton itself changed my entire perception of music. Without it I would more than likely still be listening to the same shitty rappers I did for so long.
Thanks! It really is a liberating imo album even if you aren't a tran
Money Store made me realize I was being a pretentious shit about hip hop
Sophie is just one person.
I fucked up on getting my image posted. Was referring to Death Grips.
someone isn't familiar with the singular they
btw i think user was talking about pic related, though it seems there was some mistake in posting so i can understand your misinterpretation
pretty sure Sophie just uses she/her pronouns.
trannies belong on rym sorry trannies
nice job dunkin' on those evil transies, m'boy.
I've been on Yea Forums for 7 years, so you can suck my soft tranny cock
this album was pretty big for me. listened to it every day on the train home from university back in 2012. i've never felt so understood as a queer man
havent been on Yea Forums in 10 years but from this thread and its replies i can safely say you guys are fucked.
btw as a serious reply its this album.
opened my mind that there is all kinds of music out there in 2008 when i was a freshman in high school
First listen: this album is a nice piece of experimental work and provides some nice tracks including pop perfection ‘immaterial
After a few more listens, you realise the lyrical content is absolutely incredible and so deep for SOPHIE. Tracks like its okay to cry and Is it cold in the water, really hit me
this album made me start learning the piano
Similar story here. Helped me come to terms with not only being gay but coming out. I know my father will never approve and I’m tired of fucking caring what he thinks. He still doesn’t know and I don’t want him to, but he should be allowed to dictate my life from miles away. It showed me how gay romance could be just, if not more powerful then hetro relationships
Also made me feel patriotic for the first time in my life
wow user i totally feel you. 90% of my family still doesn't know and it's something i stress about every day.
gonna spin Illinois tonight, thank you for sharing
get a room faggots
fuck i like this album but its being coopted by faggots
>It showed me how gay romance could be just, if not more powerful then hetro relationships
Yes yes, I'm sure you're not a hypersexual faggot who wallows in depravity.
probably all of your favorite artists hate you more than gay people.
based and truthpilled
keep going i'm rock hard
Trust me, your family is well aware that you're a limp wristed pussy. You telling them that you literally suck cocks will not come as a surprise.
>I know my father will never approve and I’m tired of fucking caring what he thinks
I feel sorry that you're father has such a pathetic faggot for a son.
oof, got me there
his father is probably a fragile little bitch anyway if he couldn't handle his son being gay
I would be pretty disappointing, too, if the boy I raised turned out to be a genetic dead end who liked having sex with other guys.
>i'm a fragile little bitch too
okay, thanks for sharing
I'd be a fragile little bitch if I allowed me son to do whatever he wanted. Actually showing that you disapprove of his lifestyle takes a lot more strength then just passively letting him do what he wants. But you sound like a projecting faggot, too, so no worries pal.
nothing fragile about being disappointed in the shitty choices your children make, it's a natural part of life, and every father with a faggot kid feels that way, whether he will publicly admit it or not.
i love it when the homophohes seethe
have penetrative vaginal intercourse
yikes, off yourselves, you boomers
have a prostate orgasm
Major projection. I'm going to enjoy having children who are my own genetic prodigy while you and your kind engage in depraved, pleasure seeking acts all your lives until you die with nothing to show for yourselves but a few fleeting dopamine hits.
>Major projection. I'm going to enjoy having children who are my own genetic prodigy while you and your kind engage in depraved, pleasure seeking acts all your lives until you die with nothing to show for yourselves but a few fleeting dopamine hits.
s e e t h i n g
>i have nothing to say to that so I'll just post a reaction image or a le ebin ur mad word
was not impressed tbqhwyfam
>being a faggot
>not a choice
funny how you have to continually convince everyone of this, and create laws to punish those that disagree. definitely nothing to do with insecure, fragile egos of weak men that gave into their degenerate desires.
neither was i when i had penetrative vaginal intercourse
why are boomers so obsessed with breeding
hope your kids will be gay (not like your "trad" incel ass is gonna have any anyway, lol)
This album taught me to be a real nigga and not be scared of nothing
>medicalizing it in 2019
buhbuhbuhbutthurt brainlet
>hurr me strong man because me not gay
Because reproduction is the base drive for all organisms. We are biologically hardwired to desire children, and having them brings us an inherent feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment. Gays are defective and they fill the void that would normally be filled with children by engaging in a hedonistic lifestyle. You bumming your faggot friend is not love, it's you covering up for the fact that you are a defect.
takes different strokes to rule the world homie
ok twitter
>Yea Forums - Music
I've always really liked Modest Mouse and Lonesome has some of their best songs
It's not entirely the music, but the fact that the lyrics are relatable, well except the ones when he talks about drugs. Even as I grow older I feel like any normal guy can relate to them.
I'm somewhat poor, divorced mom and dad, working class, I take the bus and metro to get to work, etc...
All the lyrics talking about being pissed about people talking bullshit in the metro, being angry at the how fast the world moves and such helps me feel like music helps put those ideas in a more eloquent way. It's noticeable that Isaac himself lived through all the stuff the talks in the songs.
Are there more albums about your working class everyday guy?
I'm talking about getting a lefty album, just something from an average person to average people.
>takes different strokes to rule the world homie
So are all people that have sex without wanting children degenerates then? What about people that are infertile? You sound like a fucking incel
pretty good album.
more proof that men make better female music than women.
it's okay to cry made me turn off the album the first time I tried to listen to it.
then later I listened to the rest and loved it, but that first track is fucking awful.
you'll never be a woman m8
really? what the fuck is wrong with you?
Nice b8, m8
but that discussion was about gays, why are you bringing up tra-
you're not repressed, are ya?
classic faggot tactic
>you thing poofs and trannys are mentally ill degenerates? you must secretly be one lol!
yes I secretly want to cut my penis and testicles off and then turn them inside out and then spend four hours a day shoving things inside of it to keep it from healing, even though it won't be worth it because no one will ever actually put theyre penis inside my disgusting festering wound.
you caught me!
this can't be happening to me noooooo
no matter how much you lie to yourself, you know it's true and nothing will ever change that
This album is trash. Funny how the dude pretends to be a chick and then suddenly everyone thinks their music is great.
better go see a therapist, lass
before it's too late and your hrt won't do much :^)
nice dude get his ass
isn't there an entire board for this?
back to
This album told me that if there was something inside that I wanted to say, that I could say out loud and be okay. And that it'd be my light.
>isn't there an entire board for this?
>back to
by 12 rods
my man boobs are already perky with tiny nipples, you just jelly you'll never pass.
This album pushed me from being a kid who's always been depressed but desperately trying to fit in to a kid that knows they will always have a dark void eating away at them and there is nothing you can do but embrace the emotions.
>singular they
actually i think "he" is the correct usage there
all gay
So basically its the image behind this not the album itself. Musically, Product is better.
They has been used as a singular pronoun for centuries, although mostly by intellectuals, authors and playwrights like Shakespeare and Chaucer.
Do incels /edgy teens / alt righters get the hardest of boners when they pull out their WELL AKHTYUALLY card and point out pronoun use?
You'd think they'd have better things to do with their time
Why would you think that?
we just like sending already suicidal trannies over the edge by pointing out that they WILL NEVER EVER BE WOMEN, that they WILL NEVER HAVE A FUNCTIONING VAGINA OR REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM, and that the majority of men will always see them as MENTALLY ILL FAGGOTS - even if they can't publicly express it. now back to rebbit, you soft cunt.
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
I kiss your mother with that mouth
If they aren't worth your time, why are you wasting your breath on them? Seems like you're an awfully inefficient person. Ignoring fags is easier.
I agree. Getting angry over LGBTQ people listening to LGBTQ-positive music is like getting angry at black people for listening to black music.
Y'all oughta simmer down.
First album I listened to lol
Holy based
Got me to see life in a new perspective.
The lyrics on Falling Out by Peter Bjorn And John made me realise I had depression and needed to see a doctor. Very atmospheric indie album.
Product was better but this is still good.
>walk the moon
Anna Sun was pretty good but you should've dropped them as soon as they started releasing shit like Shut Up and Dance
I think we can go ahead and delete this thread. It stopped being about music long ago.
not trans but
it's the only way to save the white/patriarchal/ciswestern world, pls don't bully these little ball of angriness ;___;
This is my favourite album and I think it always will be. It is the album that made me started my journey into discovering and listening to non-mainstream music, as well as whole albums as opposed to singles.
This album also gives me such a great, but unexplainable feeling, sort of like nostalia, but not, but it makes me so happy.
And I have never found anything like it (apart from other albums the band has made)
This is also amazing imo
Bjork - debut
Nine inch nails - with teeth
Tool - 10'000 days
Skip James - devil got my woman
Nirvana - in utero
Sleep - holy mountain
I think that these were the albums that shaped me.
This is a great thread. Thanks for posting this.
don't be shy: contribute to the thread and share which album had a deep effect on you :))