Easily his worst review

Why is this never discussed? MBDTF and DAMN were both positive and get way more attention

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because he was right. no controversy.

because it is a shitty, stale, derivative rock album that only teenage girls listen to

>wow look I put up my epic fugazi record, muh punk rock credibility bro!!

You’re nigger.

You're all such contrarians that all it took to get you to agree with Fantano is imply that I like something.

Or they don't like Arctic Monkeys?

the arctic monkeys were much better before this album.

if you disagree, you probably weren't into them before it


>Giving a shit about what this guy says

love it or hate it, Arctic Monkeys is a chad band: every album they released made thousands of girls around the world wet themselves and thousands of lads wanting to be Alex or Matt. They realized this and took the chad levels to 11 with AM: the music became sexier, they left their ''indie boy'' personas for a ''leather jacket chad'' one, and they stopped giving a single shit about what critics had to say. Proof of this is Tranquility Base, an album that would have been a career suicide for many bands, but actually worked for them. This is why people like Fagtano and his fanbase dislike them: they aren't edgy black guys rapping about wypipo bad over ''experimental'' beats, they are everything they are scared of: successful and confident white guys who could steal their girlfriends (if they ever have one) with just a word. So, since they are scared of them, in order to feel safe they give their albums low ratings and mock them on facebook groups while listening to the latest experimetal rap album Fagtano gave an 8/10. Keep that in mind every time you see someone in the internet mocking bands like Arctic Monkeys: they probably are insecure basedboys whose musical taste is their only personality trait.

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Ok Matt

AM wasn't that good but 3/10 is harsh
I'd give it a 5, they've definitely done better

This! So much this!


You're cringe

I second this.

Alex is Gigachad

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Easily their worst album. I might not quite as low as him, but it really is a lousy album so I see no reason to argue.

I would kill for that hairline tho

Josh Homme did good things here. Possibly rejuvenated a dead band. I don't get the hate.

I get it, you hate pop music... it's all pop music.

Fathony Asstano here

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Who the hell do you think you are? You’re any kind of artist? Anybody know who you are? Maybe evrybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important places in North America and who are you? Who are you? You miserable presumptious no talent. You’re no artist. An artist respects the silence, it serves the foundation of creativity. You obviously don’t have the talent. You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to respect yourself. In music or any form of creativity. And I’m an NYU fil-school graduate. Sucker. And the School of Visual Art in the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco. You suck. You’re a no talent. If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a gig, instead of ruining the day for everybody down here. You disgrace. You are everything that’s gone wrong in this world. You’re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit. And I’ve earned my right to say it. Okay? In 1975, I walked Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966. Who the fuck are you? You’re nothing. You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never. How dare you? You miserable, mediocre nothing. Shame on you. You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp. Go learn to play. You’re flat. You can’t even carry a fucking note. I don’t care about your little horn lip, it doesn’t mean you know how to play. You’re flat. I’ve trained classically, I’ve trained contemporaneously, and you suck.

This is his worst review, actually

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He produced Humbug, not AM. I'm pretty sure his only involvement on AM was some backing vocals on two tracks.


He really wasn’t.
It’s a really good album, just because it’s popular doesn’t make it bad.

What is it derivative of may I ask?

Their first two albums and AM are great. The rest is meh.