ITT: Great Artists/Albums /mu absolutely hates for some reason
ITT: Great Artists/Albums /mu absolutely hates for some reason
Nirvana sucks like every other grunge band
Probably has something to do with them being a bland band that everyone listened to when they were teenagers and have now moved on to other things, yet still have to see multiple Nirvana threads filled with underage teenagers every fucking day.
I used to think that but as I've gotten older I've gained an appreciation for them.
omg the saved rock n roll.
edit. thanks for the gold kind stranger
So you've gotten more stupid with age.
Based Phil
Like most popular/mainstream rock bands they get a solid amount of discussion. There's just always the contrarians who shit on them because they don't think we should waste board space talking about bands that get talked about everywhere else. Doesn't bother me though as long as it doesn't get overblown.
Man Krist really went bald fast. Makes me scared baldness will creep up on me in no time :-(
Actually they killed it.
Why so rude?
They have some cool songs here and there from their first 3 albums but in general Arctic Monkeys suck
I hate Nirvana.
proving OP's point
Nirvana doesn't really hit me hard and i find them kind of overrated, but thats just me. If lots of people love it that's a good thing
nah dont let the long hair fool you, he was balding/receeding even when he was in Nirvana
why'd you think so?
Yea Forums is 90% just hipsters hating on artists/bands that are considered slightly alternative to the mainstream, yet are still widely known. That's why Nirvana is the perfect band for Yea Forums to hate on.
Yea Forums is mostly hipsters, that's why Nirvana is popular here.
Nirvana are literally king of the hipsters, and there are multiple Nirvana threads here every single day. Do you even know what hipsters hate? Because it ain't Nirvana, who is their idol.
Except Soundgarden