I love Muse.
Suck my dick, contrarian shit rap faggots.
I love Muse
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nah gays generally are into better music than Muse, this guy definitely lets donkeys fuck him in the ass or something
That's not Muse OP.
That's Gaydiohead.
I like you.
I know they're a bit obscure, but have you heard Radiohead? Or perhaps the National? Epic bands. Highly recommended.
post your dick, big boy
I also like Radioheab, but it's impossible to listen to more than 4 Radiohead albums in a row without pulling the trigger. With Muse you can listen to all of their albums non stop because they're positive and not MUH SATIN CUNTROLLS THE WERLD. They have more than 24/7 depression.
Basically I'm better and more hipster than you fuckers because Yea Forums hivemind hates Muse. I'm the contrarian one. I'm more cool. SUCK MY DICK.
Holy shit, go back.
Nice echochamber.
>Everyone says that Radiohead is the best band and I must defend that even though I have no proof for it and music is the most subjective art form ever
everything from the resistance onward sucked
it's currently the most popular form of music
Believable larp or you're 15
Why is Radiohead good?
>that limey manlet gets to bang kate hudson every day
it’s just not fair brehs
not anymore
she’s getting RICED by danny fujikawa now
Cheap knockoff Shaia getting limeys sloppy seconds.
They're not but if you seriously find them "too sad" you need to fuck off of Yea Forums back to indieheads
>Suck my dick, contrarian shit rap faggots.
listening to muse is contrarian
Subjectivity is a plebbit myth.
I likes dat song supermassive black ho
Nah we hate muse to. I’ve replace it with Magnetic Fields or Coil
Muse? More like Yea Forumsse.
*tips fedora*
Muse is chadcore, preferring radiohead is an incel redflag unless you think The Bends is their only good album.
Hats off to the musechads btfoing seething radiocucks ITT
Hell yea, love everything except Drones. Their last album was pretty cool.
Holy shit this is so accurate
>Don't know how to make upbeat songs
Au contraire