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Other urls found in this thread:

Name your top 5 TWICE songs
>Heart Shaker
>One More Time

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first for jiyeon looks like babysoul

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any sharkman in

>Baekhyun singing DEAN
I love him bros

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with a snap of their fingers..

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there she is!


What is Love
Sweet Talker


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Yea Forums here
who is this beautiful boy? i hope he's not underage


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he should win that chen beautiful goodybye contest too

I love him bros

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twice isnt music

which twice will kill the rest of the members and steal their infinity gems


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watchu lookinnat punk

like a fool
like ooh ahh

shame shes ugly now

Yes, it's her!

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can we get more masculine idols like this pls

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his haircut looks nice, they must be shooting for that new cbx drop

exid naky > chink naky > naky

>it's just a ballad single
it's something
but maybe that sm comeback prediction chart was right

She's so beautiful it makes our hearts hurt

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There she is

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twice created kpop

what prediction chart?

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naky is so ugly like a goblin that its actually cute in some weird way

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the one that said cbx would release something in april, it also said exo would release something in june/july

Moon Sua left YG

shut up faggot i hope you die from aids

nice gay emo hair

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better looking than nancy

No one should care about her after she got bodied by Yezi

chen couldn't reach 1 mil within the first 24 hours but he still did great

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I hope there's a full exo comeback before xiumin leaves, not even going to pretend lay might be involved

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>outperformed exo

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im gettin burned boys

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What a pretty face she has

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my expectations for lay is too low at this point, THAAD doesn’t seem to be moving at all

Fatbin is gonna beat your ass.

>hwasa that high

chewy will enter her beep boop HK-47 mode and she will succeed but just barely after an epic wrestling showdown with jihyo

So were there no leaks of the Persona from the Walmart Canada thing?

fucking racist cultural appropriating bitch

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Fuck off

I too feel offended she pretends to be white
ban bb cream

THAAD doesn't matter as much as people say. There are tons of Chinese artists (even within SM) doing idol work in Korea. Point is, SM is a business and Lay brought in 40% of their entire income doing solo work in China last year so there's no way they're gonna bring him back to EXO (especially because most of his Chinese fans hate that he's a part of EXO and either riot or completely overlook him mentioning it ever). They're not gonna risk losing that Chinese fanbase for "ot9" feels.

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>BP mogged by Bom

Unnie didn’t mean it!

idiot she's a queen

i hope its oil wrestling

>dubu poster in spiderman movie
>twice officially promoting for captain marvel
>now this + their comeback lined up right next to end game

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No, never underestimate army's autism.

blackstink flopped lol

he’s also some ambassador for a chinese province?

Literally the worst BP member


we know


this was such a great swerve

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Prettiest face I've ever seen!

That's pretty obvious

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man can dream
this fucking bangs if you pretend you don't understand english

>armies: we need to call the Walmart ceo to help save our boys

I know so cringe

how did baek yerin do so well? I never heard of her until this comeback

go back to twitter you uggoloving fag

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would that be a big deal?
i copped LY:A at target

is this just for 2019?

Is this legit?

she's trans so it's ok

Blessed image

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Nothing wrong with siding with our jews overlords to save some records.

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a ballad singer

anyone else in love with kyungsoo

I always thought she was gay damn

so fucking busted


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Such a pretty smile on that pretty face

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10 years of rape are over

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give me a good dubu pic reference to paint her a the virgin mary

most likely, i’m pretty sure all the songs listed are from 2019

but why is she more famous than chen and taeyeon

her jaw is so weird

Don't question Dr. Kim's design

what is the thing on her head?

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any slugman in


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me and korea

I'm still not sure if this scene looks expensive or cheep desu

Their fans don’t care about this stuff unless it was moonbyul with a guy bc her being lez is such a meme

Actually we love her cute little jaw!

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it's the iris of the eye, her head is the pupil

amor fati [kim yeonja]
by izone

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like any american black gets to talk about cultural appropriation when they treat the entirety of africa and all its cultures like it's one single country. That they get to pick and choose certain cultural pieces from like it's some kind of fashion closet, when they've probably never met a real kenyan or nigerian in their entire life

looking clean

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she’s known well with the gp, more than idol singers

something something venus imagery

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I wouldn't even be comfortable smiling back she's so pretty!

I can bet Somi stole her debut lmao

good taste
>Jelly Jelly
>Heart Shaker
>Sweet Talker

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there she is

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>Lawyers expect Seungri to receive sentencing of 2-3 years


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thighing material

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I liked the MV but jisoos parts looked so awkward and out of place, it's cringy to watch

do mina instead she is the true goddess of purity

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im here


rose's scenes too


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So u do care about cultural appropriation

>that's it
brb moving to korea to pimp girls
what's the worst that could happen? 2 blackpink comebacks and i'll be out

black hole of intersectional politics

mamamoo's gay fanserivce is as fake as gaypop gay fanservice


isn't she a japanese heathen?
dubu is a christian girl

>Moon Sua reportedly left YG Entertainment after 10 years as a trainee
damn this is more suffering than Jihyo's trainee life


but 10 years of being blacklisted, then everything will be forgiven

according to some SBS show

word but the whole MV


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gangbang soon

mina's a real christian, not a protestant heretic like dahyun
still soty

umm no idiot hime-sama is the holy shrine maiden of japan

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gaypop's fanservice is realer because most gaypops are actually gay and not good at hiding it

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I think it's hypocritical for anyone to pretend they care and blast asians/their stylists for it. Who gives a shit when everything creative has always been about stealing from each other and sometimes making it better (not necessarily in this case)

I'm sure your face would instinctively contort into a beaming grin

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twice invented prostitution

if by that you mean 2-3 years suspended sentence

atleast she got trained on how to ride dick lmaoooooooooooo

Is it weird to replay a song 100's of times?


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how the fuck did none of you idiots get this question right?

I miss showmanship of this level in kpop

>one of trainees that seungri often called for

really? catholic?

that's an obsessive behavior, watch out

keep telling yourself that fujo

and TWICE loves YOU!

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>LOONA thanks the LGBTQ+ Community for their support and aspires to transcend gender roles and races ties

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balding daddy


hello fellow patrician

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didn't they trace back braided hair being not originally from black people?

fugly tranny

if the marvel concept work their next video will hit 5 billion views
screencap this

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freakin cute

your money*

cub and mina are catholic iirc

twice invented being untalented

what? I thought everone did this?

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but blackpink perfected it

or do you mean in a span of weeks along with many other songs? or over and over?

I'm pleasantly surprised

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>twice pimps selling out worthless nugus

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man sometimes you get too into a song you just replay it over and over endlessly and daydream about random stuff? don't you do the same?

findom concept when

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there's several cultures that have done braided hair (with things like wool or metal weaved in) independently of each other. it's not like it was a complex thing to figure out

Any SEAmonkey in?

girlpops that love dick the most

someone post some hips im getting some unpure thoughts looking at this picture..

not at all, 3 times for a song I really like is a lot already

you're going to hate it later, that's why people say "I used to listen to metal" or some other genres, because they're doing it wrong

they really just took aoa's cutie/sexy formula but made it shitty and soulless with meme hook songs
just another reminder capitalism and art cannot coexist

only if my mantisfu shows up in the music video

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seething at the amount of gay sex my husbando is going to have in the army

I see, moderation is key

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don't wanna see chen go down the same road kyuhyun

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we bullied the only 2 bpshitters out of here

I do that all the time. It's called maladaptive daydreaming.

don't samefag roastie

you should be glad

if twice does a marvel concept i'm dropping them

the main problem is that it's hideous
looks like kerrigan

based us


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yh man it's too addictive, you get into a really relaxing head space when you daydream about something really amusing.


like how?

when is view botting in kpop going to be exposed?

we are everywhere bp is the revolution faggot


its a lonely life out here boys

dont talk to anyone on discord

only haters on Yea Forums

dont know anybody in real life either

im gonna just get another prostitute when i get more money

thats all i can kinda really do at this point

what else are you gonna do t.b.h

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making the most boring music possible

based gay man

gon finna pound this thot

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why wouldn't you

>tfw thirty this year and I have vivid auditory hallucinations on daily basis
>doctor says I'm ok
>can't tune it out
>can't pick a station

wow, she's beautiful

that's not the same thing

you can always try suicide dbh

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all i can say is wear a condom and stay safe desu

get out

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as long as you leave forever

thanks, this is actually my wife

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don't samefag roastie

>left handed handshakes


Jennie’s Hera gift to Blinks for Music Core prerecording:

Hera Black foundation
Hera Red Vibe lipstick
Jennie Hera photocards

On the back of the photocard:
“Jendeukie prepared this for Blinks”

Attached: 1549531314476.jpg (2048x2048, 470K)

I can go entire adventures inside my mind. Been doing doing it for the last 5 years and don't think I'll ever be able to stop.

i think theyre all prostys actually and would only go with you in exchange for money

its hard to bring value as a male unless youre rich or some shit

like what reason would someone have to be with me

i cant think of many

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>that momo outfit

so minju is the slut that started it

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>Jennie was the one who paid for that truck not Hera

she looks like a prostitute

I have to be careful when driving. Music is my trigger and what I use to start a daydream. Sometimes I've played music while driving and "wake up" 5 minutes later still driving. It's fucked up.

i unironically hate nancy after you started posting her

fuck capeshit
and fuck capes

God I love being Filipino.

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cute sleepy eyed gf

Attached: MCOUNTDOWN Violeta (비올레타) Lesson From IZ_ONE (아이즈원)-SE897ANn384.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

good shes a fat slob mcdonalds eater anyways

all mines.

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omo kblinks have cute hands

poor choice villain

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Why stop, it's one of the best feelings in the world, really adds a dimension to your life, man think about it, with this you can experience being a kpop star without actually being one

Waking up refreshed, I blink my eyes. My mind is calm and at peace. Filled with vibrant thoughts and emotions, free of greed and hate, I let out a deep satisfied breath, ready for a brand new day. My cat meows and comes to greets me. I scratch his head and he purrs. I get up and stretch my arms. I open the window and look outside at the beautiful scenery, and I say out loud, "God I love being Filipino."

God i love korean girls feet

honestly, who cares

kill this love is a feminist anthem

why are idols allow to chartshit?

how will wizones ever recover?

filipinos are the master race

filipino is the last race on earth i would ever want to be
might even sudoku if it happened

Take public transport then you can just chill while someone else drives you, would be better for your condition would it not?

i like sleeping dude
sleeping is really dope

its like youre dead for an hour

since it goes by so quick it sucks

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sounds pretty bad chingu

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this but twink feet

abbos and gypsies are worse

lol even the feminists can do better

Man I think it's better to be up and experience the mystery of life, but totally get you.

post her playing basketball

Attached: MCOUNTDOWN Violeta (비올레타) Lesson From IZ_ONE (아이즈원)-SE897ANn384-2.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

shut up insecure manlet

my life is quite boring so i wouldnt know that feeling

the best time for me is when i get to go to sleep

ahhhhhhhhhh yes

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based intercrural bros

this hurts thinking my yujin will get blacked everynight

post that filipino sex god from exo

Hey fuck you and eat a dick.

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youtube doesn't care enough. if they delete enough views they can say to their advertisers that it's all been proofed to appease them

>filipinos’ entire race is named after some spanish king who conquered them
most cucked ethnic group in the history of mankind desu

why am i suddenly interested in izone after seeing them get blacked?

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I don't want to stop completely but it can sometimes take over my life. I've cancelled plans with friends before because I wanted to stay home and daydream.

post twicegoddess

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No. That would be Americans. Slave to the J*w

why do you think it's called the spicland of the pacific


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I live in a rural part of the midwest. Not much public transportation where I live. It usually only happens on long stretches of highway.

no they are now tainted and i've lost any interest i had

i dont know what youre doing to induce that but all i know is if you stay up for a very long time you start to see dead people

its not very fun

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american isn’t a race


tfw no kgf to take pics of like this
is it time to end it all yet?

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why? we felipionos are good

and yet we are probably more influential than your country to the world.

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correct but it goes beyond feminism. telling everybody to leave their unhealthy relationships before it's too late.

meanwhile twice is still trying to figure out what love is


holy fuck is this true? i'd kms if i was a flip dbh

based and pinkpilled

nooo dont join them posting izone geting blacked

i wanna wear one of those thing on my mouth just to pretend like youre a gook

atleast one time in my life

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even the flips i know irl wouldn’t say this with a straight face

its timing

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i'm a flip and I know for a fact that we're more influential to the world, look at how much influence we have on kpop.

without us, Momoland would be NOTHING.

we filipinos are the most powerful race in the world

they’re losing relevancy fast
what are you and your compatriots fucking doing?????

they have won 4 shows.


Tincel you racist cracka ass cracka

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It started because I was a lonely kid and just kinda balloned from there. Some things trigger it such as music. Generally I can control it but it's like a haze. I'm a night owl and stay up all the time and I wonder if that affects it.