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Truly the best Beatle

Why is this song so underrated?

missed a word

It won SOTY at the grammys

the minute 01:25 of this song is fucking great

It’s better slower

>le ballad man
Lennon was way more inventive. Paul is just granny music and ballads.

Which is fucked up. The only SOTY winner for them was like their 80th best song.

“Boo hoo life is so sad and hard”
Lennon is criminally overrated. Paul is fucking based

Best Lennon songs
>A Day in the Life (definitely their most acclaimed song)
>Strawberry Fields Forever (second most acclaimed song)
>Tomorrow Never Knows
>In My Life
All very diverse. McCartney's?
>Hey Jude (ballad)
>Let It Be (ballad)
>Yesterday (ballad)

I guess it was MOR enough for the grammy committee circa 1967.

Helter Skelter
Martha My Dear
The Fool On the Hill

>Helter Skelter
Was literally a REPLY to critics saying he only wrote ballad, so doesn't count. It exists only to dispute what was already true. Had the critics been silent, this song would not exist.
>Martha My Dear
>The Fool on the Hill
Another ballad lol.

That's not George tho

Attached: very nice george.gif (500x293, 295K)


You’re just listing popular/critically acclaimed songs

>The Fool on the Hill
>Another ballad lol.
If Fool On the Hill is a ballad then so is John's part on A Day In the Life and In My Life.

Yes, because of the Beatles' best work, Lennon contributed a wide variety of songs while McCartney contributed ballads. And Eleanor Rigby I guess.

except that this has been disproven.

Sure. I'm not saying ballads are bad, just that Paul was kind of a one trick pony.

just as much as john was you retard.


Better to be a “one trick pony” then to spread yourself thin. Lennon’s music fell apart after the Beatles. His piano work is basic when compared to paul’s and his guitar work isn’t nearly as good as Harrison’s. His voice also started falling apart towards the early 70s. Paul is best boy


>Norwegian Wood
>All You Need Is Love
>I Am the Walrus
>Come Together
>Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
None of these songs sounds anything like others.

Meanwhile, you could have switched Hey Jude and Let It Be and no one would even notice.

>after the Beatles
Imo none of their post-Beatles work was anywhere near as good so I don't even care. McCartney is definitely the better singer though.

>Meanwhile, you could have switched Hey Jude and Let It Be and no one would even notice.
are you serious? are you deaf or something? do you have an illness?

>Was literally a REPLY to critics saying he only wrote ballad
I thought it was an attempt of his to out-do The Who for heaviest track.

>Was literally a REPLY to critics saying he only wrote ballad
what are you talking about
it was a reply to the who's i can see for miles

Look up the piano sheet music. Same shit with different words.

>McCartney has cited this song as a response to critics who accuse him of writing only ballads and being "the soppy one".
I haven't read the book this is derived from but.

no it's not. they have a different chord progression, different melody, etc.

John peaked in 66-67. Before and after it was Paul's band, 100%. Seriously, everything from the White Album out is carried by McCartney. Hell, even George was pulling more weight than John by that point.

yeah. as in when people say that he wrote soppy ballads, he brings it up as a defense. not that that's why it was written.

Paul defense force in this thread making me proud

The area where lennon might be the best in is songwriting. Even then, after the white album (or during) he started going down hill. Mccartney is a strong competitor for best songwriter as well as best singer and pianist.

I'm not saying they're the exact same song, just similar enough to be basically interchangeable. And the piano has the exact same melody.

>And the piano has the exact same melody.
no it fucking doesn't. what are you on?

In eighth notes, at about quarter note = 80
>single note
>single note
>single note
>single note
and repeat.

That's not what a melody is you mega-retard.

>there are "people" on Yea Forums who don't like ringo the best

Attached: artworks-000144316065-jyz6d9-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 62K)

Meant rhythm, whatever.

>thinking rythym is the same thing as melody
yep, definitely a lennon fan

Paul's indeed mediocre, but he wrote a few good songs. Not even close to the GOAT john lennon though

You're dodging the point.

John was a great writer but a lot of what made his songs great were the instrumentation and studio tricks which McCartney and George Martin contributed greatly to. Left to his own devices John is a simpleton whereas Paul had the ability to both write great music and be inventive in the studio (and was talented on many different instruments)

>Left to his own devices John is a simpleton
This. John went from having so many great sounding diverse songs like Tomorrow Never Knows, A Day in the Life and Strawberry Fields to simply writing boring Blues Rockers and piano ballads on his solo work. He ran out of good songs by the mid-70s.

John's the greatest pop songwriter of all time. Unironically the GOAT.

but you just threw all your credibility out the window


Just finished crying to Behind that Locked Door
