Wish You Were Gay is kinda a good song but the name is too fucking embarrassing to put on a playlist
Wish You Were Gay is kinda a good song but the name is too fucking embarrassing to put on a playlist
being homophobic must be an embarrassing existence. imagine being afraid of two girls touching boobies. lmao holy shit "redpilled" people are pathetic
GeT this untalented whore out of here kike faggot.
Fuck MAGAchuds
who is paying you to make these threads
Potentially I suppose, especially if it gets all stoned to death for it and everything.
liking the song is embarrassing enough
Its not embarrassing if you're gay its embarrassing cause its a bad song
no one supports drunpf on Yea Forums anymore, people are just easily triggered
it was a shame to have trips wasted on a pleb like you
Imagine being a 16 year old who thinks “homophobic” isn’t a propaganda term to make those who oppose normalization of faggotry look weak and hateful
The song isn't even about lesbians it's about how some guy rejected her and she thought it was because she was ugly so she wished he was gay instead as the reason
Here’s the backstory :
>I wrote this song about a guy that really was not interested in me and it made me feel horrible so the song is called ‘wish you were gay’. And that’s so not meant to be offensive in any way. It literally means I wish he was gay so that he didn’t like me for an actual reason.
>And guess what he just came out to me like a couple weeks ago. so I wrote the song and made him fuck a dude. I’m fucking proud bro except not really though because I was really into him, like so into him, he’s so hot oh my god.''
Industry plant.
stopped reading right there
whoa, just take it easy man
t. closeted fag
It's okay buddy there's nothing wrong with being gay, you can come out now
Faggot please
kek underrated
So gay people scare you?