ITT: describe your sex life with an album title
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Fine I’ll try and be original
this is now officially a loveless posting thread
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I'll delete mine and post the only correct answer
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haha us virgins am i right we're so lonely haha
this but unironically
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Ice Cube - Predator
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Based, I've used this one to describe my dick in the other thread, only if I weren't so lonely and clueless...
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Take Care & Control
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Pixies - Gigantic
(best song about BBC)
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are there any albums about being parent so you never have time for sex?
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This is unironicly a good album about fatherhood
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How do you know that's a dude?
wtf how is MPP about fatherhood
What are you a single parent?
The lyrics on Daily routine, My Girls and Also Frightened are about being a parent
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On the Corner
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Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers
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does any album have "incel" in title?
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these all fit as well
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so much FUCKING LOVELESS very funny and original guys haha
not really an album, but yeah
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stay mad cuck
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Servants of Destruction - Burlap Thong
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In Rainbows if you get what I mean