I think I have crippling tinnitus and doc just sent me elsewhere for further examination and it's not looking good, how fucked am I, tinnitusfags?
/TaHDTGW/-Tinnitus and hearing damage thread, genaral, whatever
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It gets better
You just need to grin and bear it
you'll get over it. i drove myself crazy when i initially developed it but 2 years on i've learned to tune it out.
He cute
he ded
I have never known life without tinnitus. I had chronic ear infections as a baby and didn't realize I had it until I figured out everyone else didn't hear constant ringing when there wasn't some ambient noise of some kind.
I'm sure listening to loud music/going to shows for most my life hasn't helped, but it actually seems less intense than when I was a kid. Maybe I'm just more used to it now.
tender meat for the earth maggots
I'm terrified of getting tinnitus, how to avoid it? I generally have my volume on fairly loud. My phone gives me a warning for hearing damage, but I always ignore it because else it's just way too soft. Is this really bad? Also, I don't have good headphones yet but planning on getting them, are they worse or better than earbuds for tinnitus risk?
Headphones are definitely better for hearing
TMJ induced tinnitus here. It sucks, but it's been bugging me less after having it for a year.
if it's above half you're probably doing damage. turn it down and get used to it.
I've actually got a fairly rare condition called Palatal myoclonus, it's kind of a muscle that happens in my palate, from my nick to the back of my mouth... anyways the worst part of this condition is that it causes the eustachian tube to open up every time it twitches, meaning I have a "pop" in my ears, similar to the one you would get while your ears are adjusting to a pressure change, at a rate of about one per second.
I'm going through the medical system right now but it's slow going and I'm not on any treatment as of right now. But I've had it for about a year and learned to deal with it better. Sometimes it keeps me up at night and sometimes it wakes me up but music has helped so much because it takes my mind off the constant popping in my head and lets me focus on something else.
Sometimes when i think about it I get really upset and panicky and just want to slam my head through a wall, but I've learned to deal with it a little better about a year on after getting the condition.
It's pretty bad to ignore those warnings. You might think that it's an unnecessary warning but it really saves your ears. I have a slight case of tinnitus thanks to loud music, though I only hear the ringing when it's dead quiet. I don't remember what silence sounds like. I can't even imagine it. Silence nowadays is just a ringing noise that gets more and more intense if you try to focus on it. It especially sucks in acoustic rooms like in the bathroom.
Save your ears user! Try to learn how to listen to music on low volume.
Nigga was trippin
same :-(
Is that Brandon?
Same here
ive been subjected to extreme decibels and noise because of having a literal noise band and being in musical projects all the time, and listening to music loud as shit.
never felt anything close to this faggy "tinnitus" nonsense.
bet is 100% psychological, just like it seems the case for the homo in the OP pic.
Funny how everyone on the internet declares themselves doctors
i have the credentials to say its 100% psychological.
queers these day make everything into a cry for attention. can't even wear earbuds without throwing a fit.
how long did it take? 2 years?
My dad works at Nintendo
What a faggot
Tinnitus isnt even that bad
a couple months before i stopped fixating on it and about a year before i stopped worrying about it entirely
I got bad tinnies. it's cool until you are somewhere totally silent then it gets loud all of a sudden but maybe that's just my brand. I am a musician(probably how I got it) and it hasn't fucked me at all in the ear. My ear is as sensitive as ever. I think if it's from a sudden trauma you will get over it in 1-2 years. if it's something you just didn't know you had until recently then stop being a pussy and wait 10 years for a medical breakthrough to cure it
I'm honestly surprised I don't have it
write into dr phil and shows like that. if it's rare you can get some free bux on a gofundme or something. serious
Anyone else here have the brand of ear damage where it gets really really itchy if you're exposed to loud noises?
thats because it doesnt exist.
its a bogus "disease" like agoraphobia.
it exists but you have to be an artilleryman or some shit to get it
well yeah, and thats actual nerve damage, so call it anything is superfluous when everyone thinks they have it even when modern cellphones nanny your ears from loud sounds. fucking zoomers.
We literally have accounts of tennius going back to ancient Egypt
i guess hitting rocks against other rocks for food and being wiped in the head constantly takes a toll in the ears lol.
but nothing related to the teens from today and their hypochondria.
worst part is zoomer hypochrondria will jack up prices for treatment when they come out fucking over vets