Yea Forums makes a "good" album pt 17

Hey everyone, this is the three week anniversary of this project, I'm preety sure we're gonna get it done this weekend!!!!!!

>Intro/Cryogenic Blues
>In the Concentration Camp over the Wall
>Semen Stained Diary (no overdubs) (with overdubs)
>It is done
>Democracy is a Comunist-s Daughter
>A combination of North and South
>Gum Man (Save Me Please)
>She Writes
>Alright see you guys tomorrow, then.

Attached: 1554427465465.png (1250x1250, 1.67M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking shit keyboard
the proposed band name is mutant honey

We need someone to spearhead adding vocals to Alright see you guys tomorrow if someone can come up with a short melody that we can all sing.


Also I'm heading off now so I hope someone gets here to bump

the new mix of semen stained sounds miles better than the previous ones i just cant shake the idea that it sounds better without the overdubs

the album cover is mad cute
mutant honey is ok as a name

what about as a name "songs in the key of anne frank"

Seems like it'll be pretty difficult to arrange vocals together. If so, track is perfectly fine as an instrumental. Here's an idea for some lyrics anyway, prob too many words but I can't think of how to compress them
I agree that album cover and name are good. Mentioning anne frank in the album name is a great idea, I like that title if no other variations come up

I'm currently fixing up the album cover to the best of my ability in
A photoshop user could probably do it way quicker and better tho

I thought it was gonna be Mutant Honeycomb? Which sounds better?

Attached: pcard acover.png (1250x1250, 2.2M)

I think it would look better without the black lines tbhon



Back my guys
This looks good I like it, good job user
The problem with mentioning anne frank is that as we have one very obvious NMH reference in the title people could just think it's an ITAOTS meme project and we really don't have too much ITAOTS influence.
I propose just having "Songs in the key of Anne", it's subtle enough that it stands on it's own as an album name and people will infere the Anne Frank theme anyways.
I really like what you've put together for the last song but as you've said it's too many words if multiple people are singing it.
Maybe we cold do something where everyone sings different lines? likein that one Nick Drake song

what's the band called?

Right now Mutant honey but I'm still convinced there's a better variation we could come up with.
I was thinking "Apiary for mutants" but maybe it's a bit too abstract

for what it's worth, I think Mutant Honey is a pretty cool band name

Yeah I think we'l keep it, everyone seems to be into it

What do ya'll think of this layout
I selected the font at random and didn't bother to space eveything right so it's just a test

Attached: uybg.png (1250x1250, 2.93M)

Once we’ve got the right font it should look good


Songs in the key of anne sounds like a fuggin good title dude

I agree

What about just Key Of Anne? Having that full title seems a bit to similar to Stevie Wonder's classic

Attached: 71pxyMaqlIL._SL1200_.jpg (1200x1200, 146K)

Damn, maybe "In the Key of Anne"

nah, the phrase "songs in the key of [blank]" has been around for way longer than that album

Nah i think it's fine. Like said, i've heard the songs in the key of _____ a bunch of times. It's fitting for the theme and it works with the songs

great, it's decided then

I think we should skip vocals on last track and call it a day

Nah, tonight I'll be doing most on the works that needs to be done on the album and tomorrow we can have a thread dedicated to adding the singing in turns before the album launch, I have a good idea of how to do it.


band name should be "sell by date".
album titles can be dates.

"sell by date" more like "can't get dates"

Ba dum tss

The cover looks like the Canadian flag almost lol
Missed the last few of these threads, glad to see that y’all are still at it and I can’t wait to hear the end product

Bump in the night

Glad to see this kind of thing still happeneing..

don't burn out like i did kiddo...


Attached: music.png (500x500, 8K)


Don't think the overdubs on semen stained diary really work

Powerful, majestic bump

The return of the mighty bump

The adventures of the mighty bump after he returned home

The bump returns home to find his family missing

The bump goes on a new exciting adventure to find his family

We could’ve just made a new thread my dude haha

Yeah but this way we got all hours covered, you know more inclusive towards people from other timezones...
I dunno I just thought why not