why's he so angry bros
Why's he so angry bros
small pp and autism
The recording industry. Also pornography and sex laws in the US
I wish modern edgelords were more like him instead of "waaah I'm so sad i'll cut my wrists and od on xan"
Constipation, but he isnt mad, he's shit dildoing.
retrospectivey, he has edgy high school humor if you ever listen to live recordings from the 80's. He's said that his shows were about showing the audience something shocking.
steve albini fucked my gf
Albini is the best, cheese!
Then he fucked my friends’ gfs.
Then he fucked me!
Cryptoanarchism didn’t work out
Despite the fact that he hates all sample based music, his stance on copyright law and music piracy is actually pretty based. I’m conflicted
you're conflicted because he has different taste than you?
>all sample based music
he just hates n****er based music, use your brain.
>calls Odd Future a bunch of niggers
Albino is simply based. A complete man, a man who can rock out TRUE math rock, and ALSO make legendary recordings, and also TOP TIER carbonara, aaaaand also win the world cup of poker, how bout that for a proper human being?
He never called them niggers, he said that they were using the word nigger constantly.
use your brain, user.
>siding with annoying kids
use your brain, user
because big mac
him dressing as a nerd fedora and saying mysoginic stuff were hilarious
>use your brain
here's a pic of you using yours, apparently
literally unironically and absolutely positively based
I love him
Imagine looking like this and not being an edgelord
the face of autism
Ironically my favourite producer/engineer along with flood.
the best of the best
Now I've got some songs about it
I like how much he used to piss off niggers and feminists so I wish I liked his work, but it's terrible. Big Black sucked (just like everything with a drum machine), and Shellac is a Rick & Morty tier comedy rock act. and it's crazy how his production is consistently, uniquely sterile and bad sounding all across the board despite his hands-off approach
Too many people go to mcdonalds
thingken of fuck
fuck wrong photo
someone edit his tour diary porn quote into this pic
>mad about the free market not leading to the results he wants
really activates the old almonds
hes not libertatrian at all he says he hates them
is he the only guitarist that wears a waist strap?
Albini is never content to stay behind the scenes as a personality. But in recent years I’ve had a really hard time squaring that love for Albini with his rhetoric in pieces like this, and the way he frequently appropriates hate speech and stereotypes of and from cultures he’s not a part of (the double whammy of his band Rapeman and its “Hated Chinee” single, for instance), as well as the ritualistic violence perpetrated against women in a lot of his music and music he either produces or covers. Albini has long proclaimed his goal is to force people who actually believe in hate to be confronted by it– “discomfort is maybe the reason to do it,” as he explicitly says here. But as Albini also admits to Morris, there is a significant “bro contingent” that is drawn to his music and acts on it, and this issue isn’t unique to Albini as a “satirist,” it’s a common problem among straight white men who believe their shocking art is a weapon against these bro contingents. In other words, the shocking lyrics they present are merely the status quo in our culture, and their embrace of them, however ironic they might appear to be, is doing real harm to the groups they claim to be allies to. Nothing Albini is saying is actually subversive or shocking except to fellow white brodudes, who can giggle at one of their own adopting the pose of a racist, homophobic, misogynist.
hes the only one that uses just
one aluminium neck guitar
one fuzz
one amp
waist strap
a short cable
“You Came in Me” isn’t the only reason why Morris and Albini have a dialogue, but it is a key part of it, and Albini’s response to Morris’ criticism strikes me as especially symbolic of his larger issues. After mansplaining that the joke of the song is that men are just biologically constructed to ejaculate in women and then confessing that one day he will probably have to answer for how MRA culture might use his lyric narratives, he brings out that immortal shield of white men saying offensive shit, “this is just fiction.” Albini’s retort that his “standard dismissal would be to remind people that Agatha Christie wasn’t herself a murderess and get on with my day” shows how disconnected he is– the people he is supposedly being an ally for actually can’t get on with their day, they have to question their safety around every man they interact with, 24/7. It’s not something women can just move forward from.
This lazy, uninvolved tactic ends up being symbolic of Albini’s lyrical style on the whole. Rather than create truly offensive, subversive works that act against the status quo rather than reflect it, Albini is satisfied with merely shining a light on things most of us are well aware of at all times. I don’t hate Steve Albini, he has been an important and beloved figure in my cultural development, but I want him to be better. I want Albini to have more conversations with the Evelyn Morrises of the world and not fall back on a laissez faire approach to subversive art. I want Albini to confront the issues within his material and evolve rather than continue to fall prey to the privileged stances that enable him as much as the figures he claims to be working against. Or to be more direct, rather than give the disenfranchised a flashlight, I want him to give them a flamethrower.
Your're welcome
What's the context anyway? Why are Dutch chuldren ramming bottles up each other's asses? Why is he seeing that?
because they're horny
he went on a european tour and got his hands on child porn VHSs.
How can someone be so based and söy at the same time?
He was never the same after seeing what Peter Sotos showed him.