What music do airpods users listen to

what music do airpods users listen to

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NOW thats what I call music 85

mo bamba or sicko mode

maybe even some krautrock and prog

may give tylo be chillin a relisten once every year

billie eilish
portugal. the man

>t. airpod user
only accurate answer so far

I own AirPods, my favourite artist is Nick Cave

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how does it feel making shit purchase decisions

strictly podcasts

Drake 24/7

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>pic related

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They look angry


Poorfag detected

Full volume why? Enjoy tinnitus in a couple years retard

No I have nice headphones I just don’t blow my cash on shitty Steve Jobs Licensed Bluetooth ones

they're not terrible. I've not heard any other headphones that small with decent bass. you NPCs just don't like them because you haven't grow out of that "haha everything apple is bad xd" underage contrarian meme that stopped being original 10 years ago.

It’s a true meme though, now more than ever the past five years.

kanye west and drake

But everything hardware related that Apple makes is bad, or at the very least, stupidly overpriced. A top specced iMac Pro costs $3000 more than a better self-built PC with 2 Xeons, SLI'd 2080 Ti's, 256 GB of 3000Mhz DDR4. Their current iMac line has ancient HDD's as the only option. The MBP line has been having problems since the emoji bar ranging from a stupidly designed keyboard that can't take even a modilcum of dust or else you can't use it, consistent problems with throttling because of shit thermals and sticking something into less than an inch of space that shouldn't be there, and non repairability thanks to their locked down parts.

You could probably buy some decent bass heavy IEM's for the same price as a pair of airpods and... oh wait, you can't since Apple killed off the headphone jack and now you have to fiddle around with another dongle like the newer MPB's just to get everything working.

Apple's up their own ass now more than ever and they need to be brought down a peg or three to get them to not deliberately sabotage anything that isn't their phones or tablets.

People who talk this shit dont realize you can get a nice macbook (or Imac) on Craigslist for like $150-400 ($700 if you want something really nice). You dont mind missing out on the latest specs because you dont need that shit if youre not a gamer. computers haven't gotten much better in the last 10 years.

You can buy a used Jaguar or Maserati for relatively cheap too
doesn’t mean you should

What a waste of dubs. You’re an NPC if you HAVE AirPods and worship Apple products, not the other way around. I worked there for a year and it’s a completely anti-music company

Why are these ridiculed? I use normal headphones and I get them stuck on something every day. Seems very convenient

the future is now faggot

Can someone who owns these give me a non-meme review of the quality? I know theyre expensive but ive heard decent things about the sound quality and they seem convenient

How so? Genuinely curious about them being anti-music. I use apple music and the vast majority of what i listen to is available, do they fuck the artists over or something?