No grimes threads

>no grimes threads
Grimes is a kindred songbird angel alien spacemonkey goddess that we are so lucky to even be able to exist at the same time as

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This is a goblin free zone.

goddamn is she so hot i would bury my dick and be crowned king arthur

King Arthur would be pulling the dick out of her


> an orifice
too many words user

I fucking love Grimes! She is everything!

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> “The last album was a piece of crap,” she says. “I feel like people really misread it and it feels like a stain on my life.”
but that is what she said

how do you know she said that? how do you know it's not taken out of context?

because I linked to the interview

post grimes' feets

it's not a video interview, those illiteral faggots can fuck up anything

quotation marks are used for a reason user.
you can read the source, prove to me they took it out of context

Rude and uncalled for. At least she should explain.


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obviously taken out of context

cute feets

prove it

Hard to take
>Fuck you
out of context

you can see it from her reaction. proof they didn't? were you the one that was taking the interview or attending to it? no? then fuck off

I think he meant Stereogum took her comments about the album out of context.

>quotation marks are used for a reason user.
right, but you can quote whatever the fuck you want for an article

wow, you are really mad.
its a quote, that's what quotation marks are for, if its incorrect then she should call her lawyer, not just be a bitch on twitter. I think elon has a lawyer or two
you have the source, and you are alleging falsehood, prove your allegation

I dont think you totally understand what quote means

did you read the article? it doesnt look out of context to me

Thoughts on Dark (aka Grimes) new song?

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I don't think you do

Right, because the context is written up by the interviewer.

oh no i do user.
until she sues culturedmag for libel i have to assume that what they put in quotes is what she said.
you may not like it, you dont have to agree with it. but it is what she said.

prove that its out of context
jeezuz why are you guys so bootyblasted about this? she said something you dont like and you are angry? get over it holy shit

they fucked up what she wanted to say

Grimes a shit

did you read the article? it doesnt read like a hit piece at all,
what did she mean to say then? and what proof do you have that the interviewer fucked up anything?
if culturedmag is convicted of libel, or issues a retraction I will apologize to you. but until then. . .

Even more proof grimes is a stupid idiot

Suing will make no sense as they did a job for her after all (all those beautiful pics, dressings, makeup and etc), but managed to fuck up her quotes and gave stuff for shitty magazines like stereogum for making their shitty clickbaits.

>managed to fuck up her quotes
proof user.
you dont like what was said, I get that. but that doesn't change anything

“The last album was a piece of crap,” she said. “I feel like people really misread it and it feels like a stain on my life."

What did she meab to say exactly?

"people misread it" - that's the key point

>“The last album was a piece of crap,”
this is not a key point?

That seems like a definitive statement. I can agree the stain quote is ambiguous though.

no, because in the next sentence she explained what it means

She should have said to the reaction to the album was crap instead of the album itself. But she's way too stupid.

>did you read the article? it doesnt read like a hit piece at all,
Are you retarded or what? It's an article with some quotation inserts. Most of her speech is not documented so we will never know the full story.

We know she likes cum inside her

The press is stupid, c is not


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Right. They took what she said and published it. Why doesn't she respond with more than "fuck you"

Because she perfectly knows they abused her quote to make a clickbait article, there is nothing more to add

She's talking about the REACTION people had to it being a "piece of crap" because of people misinterpreting what she was trying to accomplish with it - not the album itself BEING a piece of crap. You people are morons.

>Most of her speech is not documented
Again, proof?

imagine the smelle

Are you Claire?


>your IQ is more than just two digits

ok, so nothing. just mad.

When are we getting a new album? Art Angels sucked btw, c (if you're reading this thread).

>ok, so nothing. just mad.

Again, proof?

we have a new song meanwhile

Why are you so mad user?


thats not what she said though user.
you are inferring

fuck all haters

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why is her tummy protruding like that?

does that include her?

It's what she's saying if you have reading comprehension skills - which you and Stereogum clearly don't.

looks to me like you are inferring user.
why dont you ask her?



yes, you have pointed out that inferral before. that doesnt mean anything, but thanks


are you just mad because this quote will be posted in every grimes thread that gets made from now on

ALL it requires is reading more than two sentences into the original Cultured Mag article the quote comes from to understand what she's talking about.

ok now that is hot

She looks so tight

>ALL it requires is inferring something she didn't actually say
WHY is this a hill to die on?
she isn't denying or clarifying

Berry you retard

worship or die

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>she isn't denying or clarifying
She has flatly DENIED what the original Cultured Mag article DIDN'T say she said if you read past more than two sentences of it.

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Hasn’t denied that she said it
Hasn’t clarified what she meant
Just mad
Like you

That’s a double negative, are you ESL or something?

[reading comprehension]

Not an argument
I’m not the one inferring what she meant or libeling the publication that interviewed her