Masterpieces that should not have been one

This album is way too good

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Masterpieces that should not have been one
>This album is way too good



No idea what you’re trying to say

this but unironically

stop shilling you fucking faggot

Thats not very nice of you

Attached: acpink.jpg (128x128, 9K)

XTC has better albums anyways

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Yeah, maybe you should post one though

English settlement>Black Sea>Drums & Wires>Oranges & Lemons>Skylarking
Haven't listened to the rest but i bet they're pretty good

Mummer is pretty good too.

English settlement is not the best album. it has some of the best production and some of the best songs but also some of the worst songs. melt the guns is the shittiest song I’ve ever heard

Dude you're totally right about melt the guns. That fucking vocal improv at the end is such shit. Cringy lyrics as well. I still stand by most of the album.

what’s your favorite song on it? mine’s probably fly on the wall but jason is close

Good album but my favorite XTC is Black Sea.

Probably All of a Sudden or Down in the Cockpit

Drums and Wires > Skylarking > Apple Venus Vol. 1 > Mummer > English Settlement > Oranges & Lemons > Black Sea > Go 2 > The Big Express > Wasp Star > Nonsuch > White Music

t. NRA

White Music is great and doesn't get enough love.


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steely dan never had a masterpiece faggot. they were just some goofy dudes making jazz pop. fuck off

Outing yourself as a pleb and as someone who has never listened to Aja from start to finish at the same time is quite a feat.
If you can appreciate XTC but not Steely Dan, you're all style and no substance.
>You realize Partridge and Moulding are huge Steely Dan fans, right?
Do yourself a favour, snowflake, give it a listen.

Attached: steely dan 1970's.jpg (640x427, 136K)

>skylarking last

I’ve listened to pretzel logic and aja front to back several times and they are enjoyable. I’m not denying that. but they’re both nowhere near masterpieces. it’s jazz pop. and steely Dan has way more style than xtc you massive faggot gtfo outta here