What does Yea Forums think of this wave of Wonky/Deconstructed Club producers (Sophie, Arca, Flume, Iglooghost...

What does Yea Forums think of this wave of Wonky/Deconstructed Club producers (Sophie, Arca, Flume, Iglooghost, etc) gaining more traction/prominence in the mainstream? Is it the future of pop music, or is it just a fad?

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I think the future of pop music is more trap and rap inspired but Artists like SOPhie definitely deserve more recognition

"Deconstructed club" is the dumbest genre name ever, this stuff was fresh when Night Slugs and Tri Angle were releasing it in the early 2010s

I like Arca, but Sophie, I don't like his music much.

>his music

What do you mean? Is he trans? I thought he was just crossdressing

Sophie is a trans women.

He has a feminine penis alright

She's ugly as fuck as a trans though, it just looks like a crossdresser

>definitely deserve more recognition
really doesnt

A trans person isn’t a ‘look’ thing.

sophie is a woman

actually reassigned? I thought I saw an interview where he said he wasnt ready for that

And thats her personal issues. Im sure you don’t need to worry about her genetalia

sophie is a woman

does that answer the question?

wow she actually looks good in this picture

It is though. Appearance is what makes you a human, a man, a woman, a chad or a uomosoia

So if a cross dresser looks like a women... does that mean her gender is ‘female’?

If he looks woman enough yes.

>If he looks woman enough yes.
well this is telling

nobody cares wether hes a woman (lol) her music sucks either way ;)

nothing more than idpol agonal respiration

Would you also imply appearance determines your age?

>Wonky/Deconstructed Club

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this is your brain on postmodernism

no its their brain thats different you mongoloid thats why they cant identify with their birth gender. brains of a trans woman (so a man identifying as a woman) are more similar to that of a woman than that of a man.

I do enjoy her music. I don't listen to it regularly, but it's better than most of the pop being made today. I don't know if I'd be glad or sad if it becomes mainstream.


No but shiting on people and feeding into their anxieties is fun though you niggerloving kike faggot


He makes some pretty good jams, but he's an old degenerate faggot that takes his fetish far too seriously. Can you imagine how fucked hes gonna look in another 10 years?


Appearance is everything that matters. Now shut up

I haven't been kiked to call him a she yet haha


Why think about her at all?

what a dumpster fire of a thread

flume is already massive, or maybe that might just be in australia

It's a fad

Her music is pretty good, but it borrows a lot from James Ferraro

Flume, Iglooghost, and to some extent Sophie dont even belong here. If anybody coined the phrase its the M.E.S.H, Lotic, and Kablam. Idiots need to do their homework.

Of those I've only listened to Arca and Sophie, honestly there's a lot of unique stuff going on there so I guess it's good it exists, calling it pop is a misnomer though even if it is appropriating pop sensibilities, the average person listening to pop wouldn't care about most of those artists' things (Sophie and Arca at least). As far as "innovation" goes, electronic and producer-type stuff is probably one of the biggest next things, though this in itself is also sad because it doesn't really cover the depth that actual performed music (via instruments or digital samples or whatever) can encompass, that method needs to remain an element of song construction on some level in the large-scale.

It’s gonna be remembered the same way we remember Nu Metal nowadays

So sopHiE is the Deftones of Bubblegum Bass?

Who cares. S/he can be whatever weird shit s/he wants to be and it's not gonna affect my life

Why would you do that to your face I don't care whether you were "born in the wrong body" that shit is retarded

Deconstructed EDM, especially deconstructed house, is much worse than regular EDM

Yeah, well, that's just like, uh.. your opinion, man.

nu-metal artists had mainstream success
I think pop music could be moving toward pc music like sound. A lot of those artists produce for pop acts now and SOPHIE has been leaning into more poppier music in her live sets even though her album was more experimental.

>SOPHIE, Flume etc. are not mainstream

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i swear everybody on this board has the reading comprehension of a 3 year old

>(Arca, Sophie, Flume, Iglooghost, etc)

flume definitely is but he doesn't really make experimental music. he's been part of that like annoying femvoc downtempo trend for a while