So I listened to this for, like, the 6th time, and once again I didn't find anything that much interesting on it. Why do so many of you think this is special? I can't and won't give it more than a 7/10.
I honestly don't get the love this album gets, and I am afraid of missing out stuff. I don't understand. It's not that I hate Radiohead, I thought Kid A was a masterpiece on first listen, but this album does nothing to me and does not make feel any special emotion. I don't understand why so many love it, and it angers me that Ok Computer gets so much love and attention and many better albums do not.
Also, NME was right. Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space is much, much better than this.
>Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space is much, much better than this is that why Spiritualized opened for Radiohead on that tour and not the other way around?
Jeremiah Reed
listen to it again dumbass
Brandon Murphy
>NME was right
There will definitely come a time in your life where you'll regret saying that.
Nolan Hill
Looks like a boring late 2000’s album that I would never listen to unless I was in a waiting area somewhere or some hipster faggot made me listen to it.
Anthony Ortiz
lol imagine going to your doctor and he's listening to OK Computer. I'm getting a new doctor, because that motherfucker is about to kill himself.
Gavin Miller
I don't care if you like the album or not, but giving something you clearly don't like a 7/10 is retard behaviour.
Mason Edwards
>this album does nothing to me and does not make feel any special emotion
>it angers me
Ryder Bennett
I mean I love this album but yeah I would much rather listen to Ladies and Gentlemen
Grayson Thomas
I tried to get into Radiohead several times, one time because I was curious, the second time I gave them another chance, the third time when I met a girl who was really into them. It never clicked. Boring, not innovative at all, having one of the most obnoxious fanbase I can think of. Kid A and Amnesiac are quite good, but not the masterpieces everyone claims to be.
Juan Jenkins
>It never clicked
>Kid A and Amnesiac are quite good
Landon Davis
It really bothers me how people feel forced to like anything with critical acclaim.
>I can't and won't give it more than a 7/10. And you shouldn't. OK Computer is a solid album, but not a masterpiece. >It's not that I hate Radiohead, I thought Kid A was a masterpiece I disagree. Kid A is more consistent, while OK Computer has a mixture of great and forgettable songs. >it angers me that Ok Computer gets so much love and attention and many better albums do not. I definitely agree with this.
I've listened to all of their albums multiple times. Eventually it gets stale and boring. If you like them that's not a problem, but don't assume you'll always like them.
The Bends is mediocre. That does not mean it is bad.
>it angers me that Ok Computer gets so much love and attention and many better albums do not you're mad because you don't seem to get OK Computer while countless music fans do? ok dude. it's a perfect record, hopefully one day you'll see that. let down is the greatest rock song ever made.
Nicholas Perez
That album used to fucking rock back when I was a loner in my first school in sixth grade. I remember coming all happy to mama while crying inside to Karma Police and lowkey thinking bout Columbine. Now I mostly cringe except for the track about aliens. That track is gucci.
Nowadays I'm grown up still lowkey lonely but I got pussy to fuck and drugs to smug.
Christian Russell
based and redpilled
Jaxson Bennett
I can objectively say that those two albums are good, even though I don't like them that much. I see what people enjoy about them, but it's not what I would listen to.
William Murphy
I think it's very much a "you had to be there" kind of record as it tapped very resonantly into late 90s societal anxieties. People related to it at the time. That said, Radiohead in general is also very much a "right place at the right time" act, their claim to fame largely being a fusion of past ambitions overlaid on a then current alternative rock landscape presented in an accessible enough fashion to a world that was finally ready to accept them. Kid A's an odd duck but it never would've had the cultural acceptance it had if OK Computer didn't set the stage for it first, and OK Computer never would've happened if Radiohead weren't comprised of a bunch of tasteful crate diggers who knew what good music was and how to sell it to the world.
Jackson Morris
this album is actually a 7/10 max
Leo Turner
People here really overrate The Bends. It's just a decent album.
It's a very normal very simple rock album. When it was released in the 1990s, it reminded people of 80s OLD U2, as in, musically, it was less experimental and innovative than their Eno produced albums Achtung Baby and Zooropa.
And it's from The Bends Radiohead than their bad immitators like Coldplay and Muse where born.
Nicholas Ortiz
Most people don't, a lot say it's just better than Pablo and maybe KoL. I have seen instances of people rating it lower than Pablo even, though I don't agree given the textures on Planet Telex alone facefuck that album. But I think a lot of people do see it for the rock album that it is and for some that is the appeal, maybe they don't want the electronic wankery of the later stuff and to its merit Radiohead has rarely come across as more personally relatable than on that album. Still, I'd say most people think they just got even better from there.
Tyler Fisher
I used to think that, but then I put it on while i was playing Pokémon Blue Version. Needless to say, It all started to make a lot more sense. I would suggest you and any other person who “doesn’t get it” to listen to it while playing Pokémon. (Preferably a old Pokémon game, but any should be fine.)
Luke Morris
I agree on them getting better from OK computer on.
Charles Flores
This post makes a lot more sense if you replace Pokémon with drugs and play/playing with use/using.