Do you have unique taste?
Do you have unique taste?
RYM is even worse than reddit
Replace the bottom row with relevant people, it's not 2011
RYM is as normie as possible yet somehow the best one there. Fuck Pitchfork and Fantano.
None of my favorite albums are here so I might not be unique, but I don’t look like a critic clone
leo just because of the fall
>CLT was a monster but he would not last a minute on nowadays' levels of shitpositng
>Hampus was never as autistic as the others so he kept getting bodied
>RA gets weirder by the day, one day i'm going there and they'll be reviewing 80's speed metal albums or something.
>JTG a good boy he did nothing wrong besides DARING to go against avant-teens and their free-jazz circlejerk
>xgau, the thing is no matter how autistic you are if you're still a basic bitch.
>never actually witnessed any of the sperg-outs made by Turny on bleep so I can't tell.
>oh man Fantano still had some sort of independent taste back then, look how fucking bad his picks are, reddit and twitter can't fabricate that.
The others were before my time or were boring/uninteresting.
What a nostalgia hit tho.
None of these guys seem worthwhile.
>>CLT was a monster but he would not last a minute on nowadays' levels of shitpositng
>Hampus was never as autistic as the others so he kept getting bodied
I just don't think anyone would engage enough for the level of arguments and trolling that went on for 300 posts, now its just *buzzword* *buzzword* and threads die
turny didn't sperg, he just moaned no one would talk about whatever broken break funk groovy bleep shit he was listening to
RYM and Chris Ott are the only ones on that list with any kind of taste.
I miss jazzthreadguy
Scaruffi, of course.
I agree with Scaruffi, Jazzthreadguy, and btrl\Hampus the most.
Christgau gets an honourable mention because he gave Of Human Feelings an A+.
How did leo even manage to get into that list, always knew him from the threads. Also we need a new CLT, elitist revival needs to be a thing
Unironically fantano I guess. I don't like his channel much but fuck yeah minor threat
None of my albums are on there so maybe?
Pitchfork +1 (Kid A)
Christgau: +1 (Kala)
Scaruffi: +3 (Rock Bottom, A Love Supreme, Black Saint and Sinner Lady)
Critically Literate Tripfellow: +1 (Kesha)
RYM: +1 (Kid A)
Chris Ott: +1 (Dummy)
turny: +1 (I Put A Spell On You)
To be fair, I haven't heard all of them
He is just an old trip and infamous for being just so lovely
He really is very lovely, at least in the interactions that i had with him
No, I’m a mixture of RYM and Chris Ott
reppin' my boy turny
i appreciate your board commentary but i don't appreciate the out of place melee jab
I don't know how unique it is to say one likes everything, but I might be relatively unusual in meaning it while being familiar with most genres/subgenres of music, thousands of artists, tens of thousands of albums, etc.
How about not going to someone else to make your opinions for you and just listen and decide for yourself what to enjoy.
How about that's the point
>Live in Japan
>Silent Tongues
>Civilization Phaze III
Absolutely based
Not a single black metal album there that I can see, so yes, abso-fucking-lutely. Hate these newfag fucking threads, by the way.
If rap is in any of your lists you dont have taste, and your opinion is clearly bad.
btrl is based just for having Seven Idiots there.