Rules: - Before posting give feedback on at least 3 anons. - RECCS are not FEEDBACK, avoid lazy reccs. - People who post links and shill themselves without participating in any feedback/discussion are unwelcome and MUST be ignored. - Only give feedback to people following the rules. Don't let em get away with not giving anything - First posters should come back later if there weren't at least 3 replies in the thread. OP must follow the rule. - Tag your genre in green-text like usual.
really crazy textures, i honestly have no idea how you made these sounds, just cool how unpredictable the track is
really enjoying the first track, all the different synthwork going on is super cool and how the drums are processed is clean af, i'll give the album a bit more of a listen for sure
I actually enjoy your style, I'd probably go a bit crazier with the stereo image on your mix, just to really drill into the listeners brain, but that's personal preference. Other than that, your sound seemed a tiny bit inconsistent, I know its a subjective thing, but I did hear a characteristic sound in falling whale which turned a bit bland by re:EVE, specially in sound design and mix, conceptually you sound pretty solid which I love. I'd suggest you spend a bit more time on your mixes, I loved Sleep well, but the mix wasn't quite there.
Jonathan Adams
amazing what a change in the air pressure around our ears does to our senses and brain, I love this kind of thing, you tagged it abstract but im also getting an impresionism vibe, love the details and surprises!
Jose Cruz
Honestly, I'm not that into the genre of either, but about boyhouse I can say I see the appeal, my fav track was panadol, the bridge is really cool, and the final development gives it great closure, pretty damn cool! I really liked kirks tho, I kept expecting a bit of yodel in the girls' melodies, I'd fancy that extra dimension in her timbre, really should push this, its pop enough to go mainstrean.
That song played in front of the #2 club in the world (Echostage) one month ago
Brody Reed
This is good bro! Sorry forgot to mention that song above is house music
Joshua Ortiz
This stuff is interesting but not sure what genre vocal harmonies is?
Eli Sullivan
The falling whale creeps, is a good opener. I like it's rather ominous sound throughout and it flows really nicely. Didn't quite like the fade out though at the end, it halted the flow and felt a bit lazy in my opinion. JB, has a completely different sound, reminded me a bit of Yonderboi (maybe due to lack of other references) which is nice. Haha, the new age of sleep was completely unexpected. I was wondering where the noise-ish stuff was. re:Eve, Not a fan of the fade out's I would rather try to make a more definite ending to make songs a bit more memorable. Like at Sleep Well at Night (reek), it's a bit more of an ending, although I would have been stronger when eveything stopped after the "bwuaarhu".
Listened to Boyhouse. I dig the overall sound, you're description of dream pop and garage rock, fits the music perfectly. It's dreamy but still without sounding like it's recorded in a cloud. Pub Crawls / Panadol builds up really nicely towards the big climax in the middle, without sounding cliche. Great work.
I'm going to listen to this more often, I don't think I will ever be able to grasp what is going on. Trying to find something to hold on too, some sense of structure, but there is nothing. It's a rather absurd experience and it's amazing > dark > trumpet > mostly instrumental experimental rock
>post-industrial >horror >tortured club >experimental >kill me
Is this using MAX/MSP? Would really love to know how this was made, because this level f sound design is rare in these threads. rflo£vv is really cool. Also your vis art is as well. How do you animate that?
Nice sound. Vocals are great. Icarus is best song.
Nice, but I got a challenge for you if you really want to elevate your music: make it as dense as possible so you can go full Clarence Clarity mode.
The opener is great, sounds very grand, really dig that you've included a trumpet into your sound, makes it way more colorful. Although "Make Waves" is a great track and all, I wish the vocals were pushed more in front, because they really compliment the instrumentation and the overall feeling of the song. Other than that, it's a pretty solid tune. Always rec, one of my favorites here. Heard this the other day, really lush, gorgeous sound, as to be expected of you. "Dep. Lawn & Garden" is narcotic af. Always like this vaporwave approach to more guitar driven music, reminds me of Nishiki Prestige a bit. I have to say that I dig "Hypogamy" more, the sample feels Muslimgauze-ish, and definitely something I'd include in a techno set. Really dig the chopped and screwed section in "do i look cute", although I feel it could've been tied together way more smoothly. Also, more adlibs would be beneficial to this type style, soooo, yeah. "The Falling Whale Creeps" has this 90s edge to it, which works really nicely, vocals are on point, only wish it was longer. Love the percussion on "Breezeeasy", but again, I do feel like it could've been a bit more fleshed out. "THE NEW AGE OF CRIPPLES" however does what it's supposed to do, and probably my favorite in these three. Pretty minimal, but has this really nice dark undertone to it, which is always nice.
listened to part of the album the other day, checkin out some of the other tracks right now, jb is dope, curious as to how u got dem vocals in there. and hunter life of mars bars is n acid banger, maybe my favorite song off the record so far.
wow this is actually amazing, killed every aspect of this one
you use some interesting textures. the drums sound like they're throbbing, as if something is dying. That being said, I felt like there wasn't much going on during the track, I wish there was more.
listened to a fool's errand. love how emotional it is. The vocals are very strong and work very well with the instrumental.I really dig the guitar that comes in at 2:50, sooo sick. stunning track to say the least.
listened to the age of sleep. interesting interlude track. I like the first half, but not when the distorted guitars come in. The guitar doesn't sound good to me and neither do the vocals on that section of the track.
RECS listened to a few tracks, Breezeeasy being my favorite, I like the build, in general the production and sounds on all the songs are good and help make the atmosphere
idk what to say, the whole EP is really good and has different styles going on
so funky and 80's, reminds me on "beat it" in a good way
your flow over the beat and beat are great, just gotta find your voice more, keep going, your style reminds me of old Goth Money stuff
A more refined hip-hop sorta parody song. I'm on the second verse. What do you think of the tonality? Does the mix work? Spent a little bit more time on it, being that my buddy helped out so much with it. Dude kills that chorus and first verse. And then... me.
I can mad respect this shit. I listened to fairy princess and I loved the lyrics. I just wish you had cut a little bit of the low end from the vox. Not too much, but just a little more than you maybe did. "I just drank some bleach and now I'm feeling sick." Dope.
Shit, that bass. Is that a sample? And also the spider man sample! Haha. This is starting well. I expected a bit more to happen, but then the ending lead came in and blew me away. Cool shit, man.
I like the piano riff. Oh shit. I think I've heard you post this before. As soon as I heard the way "Hold on for life" was expressed. But I'm still holding on, because this is worth listening too again. The hi-hat kind of grows tired, though, being that there's so much space without the vox to give the rythm a solid progression. That bass tone works really well, though.
Now this is something interesting. The artwork immediately caught my interest... Whatever that means about me. But without a visual context I have a hard time appreciating what's going on. I can picture a lot of scary like movie scenes to accompany this feeling. But as a song, I just can't groove to it.
(ratings help me a lot especially if they reach the charts, thank u all)
some of the better vocals ive run into on mu really good stuff man, mixed really well here too
vocals are really good, really like the whispery/but angry delivery
pretty interesting man, the synth backing sounds like afx cheetah era shit lol. the horns are a little corny and the drums could use some punchiness but this was enjoyable
This is amazing. That latin groove in the middle really made it. I gotta see where this project goes. I agree with what another poster said, in that you shouldn't be afraid to get freaky with density, layers, and punch.