Just post fucking funny retarded music memes

I've been severely depressed/isolated and bed-ridden for the last 4 days and tonight decided to get hammered and snort some power powder so let's party night Yea Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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holy shit this is fantastic. *SAVED*

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>I don't think anyone said they weren't
>there is nothing emo about me or the filthy dubstep I listen too....

I could never dream of being this alpha

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beyond based

in my head i sung it with ozzy's voice

so 9gag is basically just made up of 8 year old boomers?

I love you Jesus Christ XD

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swastika over the ocean strikes again, that old familiar meme

Attached: Cbsqx.jpg (575x1287, 151K)

The absolute madlad

Attached: Do it I dare you.jpg (210x291, 21K)

Attached: now.jpg (1280x800, 241K)

damn, this is based


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anyone got the steve albini my feet hurt

Attached: its dat time again louise.jpg (640x640, 125K)



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Быдлaн O)))

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Is this a canal st reference?

Someone dump Jerk City please

This is my fucking level of retardation finally I have found someone like me

Does anyone have the greentext about the guy clearing out a bar by playing swans?

fuck i forgot about that

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Who the fuck draws this shit

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holy shit my sides

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Can someone post album covers with text that has been altered by crudely cutting and pasting letters from the original?

The memories


and soul music?
Its maybe even more deranged than this shithole that there are 20+ year old people on there upvoting probably a literal 9 year olds post

>First Lady (Second Hoe)
If this was YLYL I'd be long gone

Attached: ba9450dbadc2b94fe49fa9ae9c4d8bd1.jpg (750x742, 94K)

good one

someone post the itunes library that had just one song with over 32,423 listens.

I guess XXXfags are more based than I thought

Amazing, any more?

fucking hell

Attached: Midnite Vulture.png (579x578, 683K)

Attached: GayRTV.jpg (855x294, 387K)

You might enjoy this

Attached: 0vyid0r141j21.png (2642x1288, 297K)

this absolute CHAD gives no fucks.
if only we could all be so BASED, REDPILLED, and dare I say it, HIGH IQ'd

this meme format has never once been funny, even accidentally.

Holy kek

I want to bash this nerd so hard.
I would yoke him up against his locker and take his lunch money.

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in the end, it doesn't even matter

This was originally posted in my thread :)

no, Yea Forums is filled with boomer manchildren

cтyдия "БИD"