Why are girls so much easier than men to convert to your tastes?
Why are girls so much easier than men to convert to your tastes?
you know why
Because they have no taste to begin with
Women have zero interest in the music I show them, and usually laugh at it. Even my girlfriend has no patience for my bullshit taste. At least my male friends will usually listen to the song all the way through.
>start dating a girl
>she goes from liberal to 1488 in 6 months
>break up wiht her
every time
That's great though
>start dating a guy
>pretends to like my music taste just to get into my pants
You're no better, OP. Dumb incel.
And in your pants is a dick I assume.
The couple of guys I've dated listened to my music and said they loved it while we were dating and then didn't listen to any of it again after we broke up. Even though I'm still friends with them and there's not any bad blood there.
I still listen to a few of their things I genuinely liked though.
I know they stopped because I turned both of them onto last.fm and their music taste changed a lot as soon as we broke up. I don't really get it, whether they were bullshitting me about liking stuff in the first place or just wanted to move on from stuff they associate with me maybe? They weren't bad breakups or anything.
Because women are less narrow-minded than men.
You're arguing against yourself
Women can be converted to literally anything if they find the guy attractive.
>dating a guy
>has to resort to faking interest in your trash taste to get you to put out
l m o a
The funny thing is that you don't even want to think of the possibility of the opposite. See & , you'll never have to think for yourself as long as you can endlessly resort to to poor, easy arguments.
they will maybe try to like your taste, but down the road they will make you change for their tasting. it's a small sacrifice for a bigger cause.
because the l i t e r a l l y have no balls
If this were true men and womens tastes in everything wouldnt be so different
Dudes see how easy it was to get their teenage gf into ITAOTS and go to extremes with it
Is that how men become cucks?
based politically indoctrinating user
better question
why do women only listen to individual songs and not albums
i know more women who listen to albums than men though
but let's be honest 99% of everyone only listens to songs nowadays.
This isn't true either my mom and I both mainly listen to full albums
Go find that new Billie Eillish album or the latest Lana Del Rey or Ariana Grande and it's like 90% females talking about the albums
have sex
>tfw actually like a girls music
>look like a faggot beta whos sucking up
god damn it
Dw about that shitpost user
If I found someone who shared my taste, I'd marry him
well whats your favorite album
not lookin like wed be married mate
but id appreciate the good taste and give it a listen
i refuse
Pic related
Also is not me
females generally succumb to groupthink easily/want someone to follow and admire. all but one of my ex gfs had generic art hoe shit taste before i fucked my interests into them, the one who didn’t liked no wave and industrial, but then again probably not her own doing
>tfw no prog rock gf
deloused is better but still
Nice taste femanon
My man pretty much just tolerates my music lol
It goes
frances > amp > bedlam > deloused > nocto > octa
Still good taste though
Aaaaaaah I wish I won't end up like that
how do i get a gf who will listen to and appreciate illinoise by sufjan stevens and give me a 3 page single spaced mla format report on what she likes about it
please respond
Groupthink for females is as biologically advantageous for them as distinction is for males, but you wouldn't look at males heavily curated tastes and say they were succumbing to anything or doing anything "wrong". Male biology isn't the default and female biology isn't the "wrong" way. If you can acknowledge that males and females are different you should accept that they're different too.
>females generally succumb to groupthink easily/want someone to follow and admire.
yeah it does seem like that. But i don't see how liking industrial makes you a more interesting person. most men are just as much plebs as women id say. most men i know listen to trash like hip hop. only my best friend has a similar taste to me.
get a hobby
Music is shit. I listen to interesting podcasts instead.
>most men are just as much plebs as women id say
this desu. >95% of guys these days seem to only listen to rap or basic indieshit. of course it's pretty much the same for girls, but you only see guys complaining about them here for obvious reasons: most users are male, and they don't pay attention to guys with shit tastes as much.
you guys need to realize that the absolute majority of humanity doesn't have any deeper appreciation for music.
>daily threads about women not understanding music as well as men
>daily threads about women understanding music way faster than men
What are some good dark web podcasts?