>tfw no cat
Tfw no cat
My cat just hopped in bed with me
I love her
can you not just go out and get one?
my cat's on my lap right now btw :)
No because I can't care for it rn
Pet her for me
kitty is good fren
very WISE people
When I was in middle school the neighbor's cat would come out to the bus stop every morning and rub itself against my legs. I love when a cat does that.
>No because I can't care for it rn
i can kinda understand that. I have three cats but they're mainly indoor and I just really have to worry about feeding them and giving them water
>Yea Forums - Music
>tfw my landlord told me I can't have a cat when I asked.
can someone who is good at photoshop put sad cat's face on this pic?
how does this grab ya?
can't do photoshop but here is the next best thing
Yes. This is the jazz general, if you haven't noticed.
did someone say jazz?
yes, it's too green
I have a cute black cat that the previous renters left. he prefers to be outside but comes in every once in a while to eat and cuddle and nap. he attacks my speakers when i play music too loud.
tried my best, fren
thank you user
Cats can infect you with a parasite that enters your brain and changes your personality.
I wish i was memeing
Over a third of humanity is already infected btw
I'd let a cat infect me
Too loud
here is our son's room
he is really opinionated about jazz
Post pics of your cats. This is mine.
cool story bro
If you know what i mean ;)
tfw two cats
music for feel???
>tfw I once had ten cats running around my house. Everything smelled like ammonia and cat shit and my couches were ruined.
Loved those cats so much. Still think about them everyday.
>Toxoplasma-infected male students are about 3 cm taller than Toxoplasma-free subjects and their faces are rated by women as more masculine and dominant.
get fucked dogfags
25,000 kittens
That is entirely made up.
In reality being infected with toxoplasma is related to depression and anger
Did you even read the sources in the wiki page you linked?
"Toxoplasma also appears to be involved in the initiation of more severe forms of schizophrenia. At least 40 studies confirmed an increased prevalence of toxoplasmosis among schizophrenic patients"
hello yes is this a gusic thread?
Did I say otherwise moron?
my cat is grumpy and codependent, it’s awesome
rate my cat
>changes the subject when proven wrong
anti-cat-ers dishonest people confirmed
Just wanted to make the case that toxoplasma is a negative, not a positive
get comfy on a morning from a bogart movie in a country where they turn back time strolling through the crowd like peter lorre contemplating a crime
>cat wont stop jumping on to my turntable
dumb fucking cunt is gonna get the spray bottle if shes not lucky
pretty based kitter/10
King of Rock
Toxoplasmosis in the house tonight
yes but no jazz allowed
>mfw cat thread
v cute
uuuooooooOOOOH this jazz is twisting my face in such a painful way owee
*this kots said this*
And this is him as a kitten
This was mine. She passed away a few weeks ago at 15 years old. It's a bit lonely now tbqh
cute dork
no jazz
he was almost the cover of the next Yea Forums album bros :(